More than one sided

Polygons are plane shapes made of straight lines. No matter how many sides they have, they all have names. Play this memory game to learn about those with more than 10 sides.

A polygon is a plane shape with straight sides.

Polygons are 2-dimensional shapes. They are made of straight lines, and the shape is “closed” (all the lines connect up and it does not have any curved lines either).

A regular polygon has all angles equal and all sides equal; otherwise, it is an irregular polygon.

We know some of the most common polygons: those with three sides are triangles, four-sided polygons are quadrilaterals, five-sided are pentagons, six-sided are hexagons and so on.

A shape can have any number of sides, even more than 10 (decagon), and they all have names. Play this memory game to see if you can match these polygons (which have well over 10 sides) with their corresponding number of sides.

Let’s furnish the place

Check out this fun furniture-based crossword and see how much you know about stuff found inside houses.

Bureau, cassone, chest of drawers, wardrobes, dresser, and more…. how much do you know about furniture? Try your hand at this crossword to find out.

Mocktail Magic

A great way to beat the heat is to make yourself a nice, healthy juice. Here are four easy recipes that you can try.

Put your foot forward for fitness

Who said fitness had to be boring and strenuous routine? Check this slider to find out more…

Fitness is an extremely important part of life; more so when you’ve spent over a year indoors. But that’s no excuse to let yourself go and compromise on fitness goals. And guess what? There are multiple fun ways of getting your daily dose. One way is to play fitness games. Here are a few you can try out.

Glory on grass

The Wimbledon experience is always unique and wonderful. Find out what makes it stand out from the rest by discovering these interesting facts.

Glory on grass
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Treasures on display

The British did not just colonise India, they also took away several valuable and precious artefacts, which are now housed in several museums in England. Find out more…

To the victor, the spoils.

The list of artefacts that were taken away from India in colonial times is long. India was the jewel in their crown and the British did not waste any time to carry away as ‘gifts’ innumerable treasures. We are familiar with the story of the Koh-i-noor diamond, which adorned Queen Victoria’s brooch and later the Queen Mother’s crown. Then there is Tipu’s musical wooden tiger, the Darya-i-noor, the carved sandstone statue of lord Harihara from Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, and more.

Take a look at these dialog cards to find out more about Indian treasures in museums in Britain.

Quiz Whizz – July 9, 2021

Get your mind up and running with this general knowledge quiz.

A good way to keep yourself engaged and active is to get your mind busy. Here’s a way to do so while developing your general knowledge skills at the same time. See how well you do in this quiz:

Ready for take off

(Part #9) Meghnath is eager to learn the secrets behind Lord Vishnu’s weapons and, as it turns out, it’s all Science again!

Meghnath starts to pray to Vishnu to gain the knowledge behind his weapons Agni Astra and Narayana Astra.

After months of focused prayer, Meghnath enters Vaikunta Loka where Lord Vishnu lives and is spellbound by its beauty. Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu’s wife welcomes him and grants him a boon that gives him knowledge of Maths and Science. He then proceeds to meet Lord Vishnu.

(Illustration: Sahil Upalekar)

Lord Vishnu: Welcome, Meghnath. I am glad that you were able to focus your mind enough to be able to reach Vaikunta Loka; that too at such a young age!

Meghnath: Thank you, Lord Vishnu. But am I really here or am I dreaming?

Lord Vishnu: It may seem like a dream but it is not. Your brain is like an antenna, which created an electromagnetic wave matching the frequency of Vaikunta Loka. Because of this, you were able to travel at a speed of light and reach my home, which is located in the Capricon Constellation, about 337.318502 crore kilometres from Earth.

Meghnath: Oh! According to Albert Einstein’s time dilation theory, when I travel at the speed of light, my fourth dimension — Time — is slowed down.

Lord Vishnu: That’s right, Meghnath. Your ‘Earth time’ is almost frozen. So, when you go back, you would not have lost any time. Now, tell me, what do you want from me?

Meghnath: My dad asked me to learn about the Agni astra and Narayana astra from you.

Lord Vishnu: Hmmm … before you can learn the technology behind guns and missiles, you will need to learn the basics.

Meghnath: You mean “rocket technology”?

Lord Vishnu: Yes. Solid propellant rockets are like a gun’s bullets and missiles are a type of rockets whose size and applications are different.

Lord Vishnu summons Lord Agni and Lord Vaayu.

Lord Vishnu: A basic rocket requires the three of us to function: Agni (fire/ignition), Vishnu (propellant), and Vaayu (high-velocity gas exit via the nozzle)

Megnath: I can understand the ignition to start the fire and the fast-moving gas exit to create the push from the ground, but what is a propellant? Don’t you mean fuel?

Lord Vishnu: No. Fuel is different from a propellant. Fuel needs oxygen to burn. But when you mix oxygen with fuel, it becomes a propellant.

Meghnath: I don’t understand…

Lord Vishnu: Remember the candle experiment? When you cover the candle with a glass, the flame dies. Why does that happen?

Meghnath: Because the flame requires oxygen. And once it is covered, there is no way for new oxygen to enter to keep the flame burning.

Lord Vishnu: Exactly! Without oxygen, we cannot ignite or burn fuel. Now tell me, at what height can a rocket fly?

Meghnath: Up to several hundred kilometres above the ground.

Lord Vishnu: That’s right. But is it possible to find abundant oxygen above the Stratosphere or the Ozone Layer?

Meghnath: No…Oh! So, to enable the rockets to continue to burn the fuel beyond these layers, they need mixed oxygen!

Lord Vishnu: Correct. When both the oxidiser and fuel are in solid state, we call it a solid propellant. When both are in liquid state, we call it liquid propellant. But when the fuel is solid and the oxygen is liquid, we call it a hybrid propellant. For Agni astra, we usually use solid propellants. For Narayana astra, we use both solid and liquid propellants.

Meghnath: Who is the first person who came up with this technology on Earth?

Lord Vishnu: In Kaliyuga, King Tipu Sultan built the modern version of Narayana astra, the technology of which then travelled all over the world. Kings in today’s era — Satya Yuga — time travelled to the future to learn it.

Meghnath: Then why is no one sharing this technology?

Lord Vishnu: That is because I felt it would be too dangerous if the technology was in everyone’s hands. So, I started to restrict the knowledge transfer and share it only with those who deserve it and will use it for a specific purpose.

Meghnath (surprised): So I have a purpose?!

Lord Vishnu: Yes, but I cannot reveal the future to you. Let’s get back to our topic.

Meghnath (disappointed): Okay…

Lord Vishnu: The Agni astra uses a mini version of the missile. It can incinerate a single enemy at a time. Narayana astra is the bigger version, which can incinerate a whole army and needs launchers.

Just then, Goddess Mahalakshmi hands over a glass of water to Meghnath. After he drinks it, he realises that she has “fed” him the details about the technology.

Meghnath: Thank you.

Lord Vishnu: Meghanth, you have learnt all that you wanted to. Now, you can go back to Earth. Start praying to Lord Brahma.

Meghanth vanishes from Vaikunda. Lord Vishnu smiles at Goddess Mahalakshmi.

Lord Vishnu: It is ironic that I have taught Meghnath the secret to a weapon that he is going to use against me in the future…

Meghnath wakes up and runs to his father’s workshop, where he starts building a toy rocket.

The author is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras incubated ed-tech startup that offers Air Science workshops for children between five and 14 years.

Word Search

Find these words from the story in this letter grid.

Add some drama

Dramatic times are here! Play this crossword to know more.

Theatre will always be alive and will continue to entertain us for a long time. How well do you know about theater? Let’s play a game!