I spy…

Characters from your favourite books and movies have left their things around in the library! It’s up to you to find them.

Every bibliophile’s time portal is a library that transports one to lands born out of a writer’s imagination. In this library, can you find 10 objects that seem to have escaped the pages of the books or movies they were created in? Find them and also guess the book or movie they belong to (Answers will pop up below the image).

1. Glass slipper
2. Wizard’s hat
3. Spider web
4. Honey pot
5. Golden ticket
6. Playing cards
7. Magic lamp
8. Black umbrella
9. White guitar
10. Pirate flag

Become an….Environmentalist

Who are environmentalists? They are green warriors who are on a mission to clean up the earth. Read on to find out how you can become one….

Do you know who environmentalists are? From climate change to overfishing to deforestation, we are on the brink of a natural disaster on an epic scale. If we cannot do something to reverse these trends, we will surely make our planet uninhabitable. This is what environmentalists do. They are fighting for a cause and trying to make a difference by raising awareness and taking action.

Check out this slider to learn more about Environmentalists.

Sporty at sea

Water sports are thrilling and fun! From surfing to sailing to rafting, these sports are indeed exhilarating…

The massive expanse of water in oceans and rivers present plenty of opportunities for engaging in water sports. From surfing to sailing to rafting, these activities are exciting and fun.

Watch this video and learn a little more about these water sports!

These adventure sports certainly involve an element of danger – keep in mind that they need to be performed only under the supervision and in the presence of adults.

Super six

Do you have an appetite for number games? Go no further! This interactive Sudoku is perfect for you.

Are you a number lover? Then this is perfect for you. Try your hand at this popular game and see if you can ace it. A Sudoku is a grid consisting of columns, rows and blocks. This is a 6×6 grid.

How to play

The objective of the game is to fill the missing digits into the grid. Use digits 1 to 6 to fill this 6×6 grid. In each column, row and block you can use a digit only once. Drag and drop the numbers (1-6) given beside the grid in their right places.

Sudoku rules

1. Each row will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

2. Each column will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

3. Each coloured block will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

Eat the rainbow

Purple, green, yellow, red, blue — find out how to colour your plate with vibrant hues and eat healthy too!

Eat the rainbow
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Different strokes

Watch the video to see how many of these famous paintings you know.

Watch the video and try to answer the questions about the famous paintings. Do you know what they are called?

Houses for courses

If you have lived in different regions, you will find that the houses are built differently as well. Let’s look at a few different structures

A Scandinavian cabin or a lake house in Myanmar? A farmhouse in summer or a chalet in winter? Watch the video to see how houses differ in terms of region and season…

Have you lived in different types of houses and not the apartments that we normally associate city life with? Think of practical reasons why they were build that way!

Thirst for adventure

How much do you know about famous explorers whose travels gave us much of our knowledge of our world? Find out with this crossword

Today, everyone knows the U.S. to be a major player on the world stage. But can you imaging that there was a time when people didn’t know it existed? Forget the U.S., they didn’t know that the Americas existed.

Many believed that the world was flat and, if one kept going in whichever direction, one would fall off the edge of the world. This view changed over time and intrepid sailors began to venture out to see more of the world. And that’s how we got to know of the world as it is today.

This crossword looks at some famous explorers and their feats. Check out the clues and find the names in the grid.

Pix credit:Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, picryl.com, wannapik.com

Easy does it

English idioms are extremely common in everyday conversation. Hang in there, don’t miss the boat and see if you can wrap your head around this.

Idioms and proverbs are an important part of everyday speech. Every time you speak or write, it pops up. But, the thing with idioms is that they do not always make sense literally, so you have to get used to the meaning and usage. For example, when you say ‘Beat around the bush’, you are talking about not stating your purpose, but instead going about it in a roundabout way.

Here are some commonly used idioms. Can you fill in the missing word?