Make a splash!

A monsoon special treat awaits. Add colour to the rain-time fun with this downloadable colouring sheet.

Mighty Rivers

How well do you know the names of the majestic rivers that flow through India? Take this spelling test and find out.

We may know the names of the mightiest rivers of India, but do we know their spelling? Find out with this challenge.

Game on!

The 2021 edition of the Indian Premier League is all set to take place. Familiarise yourself with the teams with this puzzle.

The second phase of IPL 2021 is set to kick off on September 19 in the UAE. Eight teams will vie for the prestigious trophy. And by October 15, we will know who will be victorious and claim the trophy!

Until then, here’s a picture-sudoku to keep you busy.

City lights

Cities are the lifelines of a nation. How much do you know about lifelines from around the world?

How much do you know about the various cities around the world? Well, try your hand at this crossword to find out.

Magical numbers

Numbers can be fun when they are easy to solve. Don’t believe me? Try this puzzle.

This week, it’s time for mental math. Try your hand at these easy puzzles.

Colour the World

Nature is filled with bright and vibrant colours. Explore the world, and you can find the greenest greens, the pinkest pinks, and the yellowest yellows.

Nature is filled with bright and vibrant colours. Explore the world, and you can find the greenest greens, the pinkest pinks and the yellowest yellows!

Here are some black and white images of scenes from nature. Guess what colour they could actually be, and move the slider from right to left to find out if you are right.

1. Guess what colour this animal could be. Move the slider to find out.



This is the White Bengal tiger! Also called the bleached tiger, this animal is a variant of the Bengal tiger, and is white due to the lack of the pigment ‘pheomelanin’.

2. Can you guess what colour this bird is? Move the slider to find out



The golden pheasant is unmistakable, with its golden crest and bright red body. The deep orange cape can be spread in display. It is native to forests in mountainous areas of western China.

3. Guess what colour this flower could be. Move the slider to find out.

blue passion flower bw

blue passion flower

The blue passionflower is native to South America. In Japan, its name translates to ‘clock plant’ as its petals and central parts remind one of a clock.

4. Can you guess what colour these mountains are? Move the slider to find out



The Rainbow Mountains of China are a geological wonder. Sand and silt mixed with iron and other minerals give it the colours that we see.

5. What colour is this bird? Move the slider to find out. 

mandarin duck male bw

mandarin duck male

The Mandarin duck is native to eastern Asia. Male mandarin ducks cannot be missed for their priceless beauty. In Chinese and Korean cultures, pairs of mandarin ducks are often presented as wedding gifts.

6. What colour are these birds? Move the slider to find out. 



Rainbow Lorikeets are vibrantly coloured parrots. They are native to Australia and are unmistakable with their bright red beaks and colourful plumage.

Timeless tutors

From shaping warriors to moulding heroes, the legacies of these exceptional teachers from mythology live on even today.

Timeless tutors
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Kitchen helpers

Can you identify some of the utensils used in the kitchen? Here’s a puzzle to challenge you!

Look around your kitchen. What do you see? Vessels and cooking apparatus of various shapes and sizes. And each serves a specific purpose.

Can you find a few of these utensils in the grid?

Night-time spectacles in September

Gear up for a month full of interesting astronomical events.

What does this month have to offer for star-gazers and astronomers? Check out this timeline for the answer.