Let’s go on a picnic!

June 18 is International Picnic Day, here’s how you can still celebrate without going far away from home.

Life may not be a picnic right now, but June 18 is! It’s International Picnic Day. However, due to the pandemic going outside for a picnic might not be possible this year, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t celebrate the day.

Improvise and you can still have a picnic at home! Prepare all your favourite foods and snacks, like you would for a regular picnic. You could set up a table or a sheet in your garden if you have one, on your balcony or perhaps on the terrace of your building. Perhaps you could surprise your family with a picnic and you can spend the time together. You could also include some fun games to play together.

In the meantime, here is a spot-the-differences game you could play. Can you find all of them?

Blow wind, blow

The movement of air caused by the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun is wind. You cannot hold it or see it but you can definitely feel its force.

What is wind? You can never see it, but you can enjoy it, feel it tousle your hair and sweep up things in its wake. In terms of mechanical energy, it is a power source and can generate electricity with windmills. It can make hot air balloons fly. In the old days, sailors used wind power to sail ships. But, when winds are strong, they can be destructive – causing forest fires, landslides, loss of property and life, storms, cyclones and more.

Wind blowing above the earth surface may be classified into five major types. Use these dialog cards and learn about the different kinds of winds.

Battle ready!

Team India is all set to take on England in a one-off Test match this week. They’re all set. Are you?

The Indian women’s cricket team will take on England in a one-off Test match on June 16, 2021, India’s first since the team played the same opponent in 2014. The announcement came in March this year, much to the surprise of players and fans alike.

Before getting gripped by the excitement, here’s a challenge for you. Can you find the surnames of these players who are part of the Indian women’s cricket team?

Feature Image: AP

Grid of six

Conquer the 6×6 grid by placing the right numbers in the grid. Get solving!

Love numbers? Then this one is perfect for you. Try your hand at this easy Sudoku and see if you can ace it. It is a very popular game. A Sudoku is a grid consisting of columns, rows and blocks. This grid is a 6*6 grid.

How to play

The objective of the game is to fill the missing digits into the grid. For these 6×6 -grids, use digits 1 to 6
In each column, row and block you can use each digit only once. Drag and drop the numbers (1-6) given beside the grid in their right places.

Sudoku Rules
1. Each row will upon completion contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.
2. Each column will upon completion contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

Fitness first

Fitness enthusiast or exercise newbie, you are sure to find these facts fascinating. Watch the video and get moving.

Fitness first
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Run Dino Run

Many dinosaurs had a need for speed. See if you know who among them was Usain Bolt!

The longest dinosaur was Argentinosaurus, which measured over 40 metres, was the heaviest too. At 77 tonnes, it was the equivalent to 17 African Elephants. But, today, let us know more about these racers. Preserved footprints called a trackway can be used to find a rough estimate of how fast that particular animal was travelling at that moment. This method uses simple equations based on the distance between footfalls and the size of the feet.

The speediest dinosaurs were the ostrich mimic ornithomimids, such as Dromiceiomimus, which could probably run at speeds of up to 60 kms per hour. Find the others as your arrange them in order of who was fastest.

Coded messages

Time to crack some codes! Think you can figure this puzzle out? Find out…

Morse code is a form of communication that has existed for a very long time and has come in handy in many situations, especially during times when there were no telephones, to send an emergency message to someone.

Do you think you can figure out how it works? Try to crack the following codes. Use the chart to get started.

[Here’s a hint: there’s a theme!]

What’s your soundtrack?

Which soundtrack do you most relate to? Take this fun quiz to find out.

Are you cool as a cucumber or someone who gets flustered easily? How laidback are you? Or are you one of those Type-A individuals who is constantly raring to go and achieve great things? Fancy yourself to be the life of the party, or do you have two left feet?

Well, here’s how you can find out which of these soundtracks define you, and get a peek into the kind of individual you are. All you have to do is answer a few simple questions in this personality quiz, and voila, you’ll have your answer.

What are you waiting for? Get, set, go!

Nation’s defenders

They are the real heroes of our country. Can you identify the Indian military forces based on their emblems?

We live in a safe and peaceful environment thanks to our Indian military force. With over 1.4 million active personnel, the men and women of the Indian armed forces protect our borders at land, sea, and even the skies.

The Indian military force is the second largest in the world. Unlike many countries, where military service is compulsory; in India, it is completely voluntary. In fact, we have the world’s largest volunteer army! That is indeed something to be proud of.

How well do you know about the Indian military? To start with, can you match these logos to these 6 military and paramilitary forces?

In Many Tongues

Can you crack this crossword that’s based on languages? Take a shot at it.

India has 22 languages in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution but there are many many more that are spoken across the country. Now think of the number of languages if we look at countries across the world. Mind-boggling, isn’t it?

This crossword is based on languages. See how many of the words you can identify.