Life, unplugged

As if a tweenager’s life isn’t puzzling enough, my parents bought me an actual puzzle!

Well, we’re almost at the end of January and my parents’ New Year resolution to pull me and the PB out of the digital world and into the ‘real’ world continues. I thought everyone was supposed to quit on their New Year resolutions by the end of January and revert to their old, comfortable ways. But no, trust my parents to decide that this is the resolution they’re going to see through, no matter what. Their diet and exercise plans, of course, got cancelled on January 2, but torturing the kids is something they seem to have no trouble sticking to.

Check out the slider to fund out how they came up with new ways to torment poor ol’ me.

Musical mess

Tani loves music but hates cleaning up. As a result, her room is a mess. Can you find the objects amid the mess?

Tani is an aspiring musician. She practises whenever she can find spare time. While she has been focusing on her passion, her room has been ignored. Look at that mess!

Can you find the following objects in her room? Click on the objects when you find them.


Pencils – 4
Pen – 1
‘Big’ poster

Photo: iStock Photo/ GettyImages

Here comes the Sun

Pongal, Sankaranti, Lohri, Magha Bihu… one festival celebrated in many ways across the country.

Brush, Floss and Smile

A visit to the dentist is a must for oral hygiene. Now look at these pictures carefully and spot the 9 differences,

Keeping you teeth and gums clean and healthy is the most important part of dental hygiene. While doing so keep these pointers in mind.

1. Brush Twice a Day
2. Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly
3. Get Regular Cleanings
4. Eat a Tooth-Healthy Diet
5. Start Dental Visits Early
6. Avoid Sticky, Starchy, Sugary Foods
7. Avoid Juices and Soda.

Now that you know all about keeping your teeth healthy and clean. Let’s play a little game. Look at these two pictures and spot the 9 differences.

Map quest

This quiz goes beyond capitals, currencies and flags! Identify the country by looking at its shape in the map. Get exploring!

Are you a budding explorer? If identifying capitals, flags and currencies of countries in the world are a walk in the park for you, why not try this quiz based on recognising the country by its outline?

The maps used are for representation purposes only and are not drawn to scale.

Snip and stick

A simple paper craft to help design the perfect Pongal greeting!

Few sheets of colour paper, scissors, glue and a string are all you need to make this greeting card that is sure to pop out!

‘Emoji’cal tales

Boy + chocolate + factory — what book is it? Take this interactive quiz and see how many titles you can guess.

You may know these popular books and you have probably even read them, but can you identify them when their titles are represented using emojis? Give it a go!

Old is gold

Before the era of smartphones and PS4s, what made life easy? Well, try this fun game to find out.

Most of you may be flummoxed by some of these old-time inventions. However, as early as a decade ago, some of these still existed, and made life extremely easy. Spot 10 such inventions from the grid.

Rising like a phoenix

War, vandalism and natural disasters have destroyed many a historic site. However, though we have lost a few, so many have been restored. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Wars and natural calamities have put paid to many a historical site. We may never see the wonders of the Royal Opera House in Valleta, Malta or the Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall in Hiroshima, Japan. But we can take comfort that some iconic buildings and sites have been restored to their former glory, giving us a glimpse into the past.

Try your hand at this shuffle puzzle to see these historic sites.

Hiroshima Castle in Hiroshima, Japan

Towards the end of World War II the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Besides the untold terrors the bomb unleashed, it also took out the foundation of the historic 500-year-castle too, and collapsed it.
However, in 1957, the main keep of the castle got a new lease of life. Today it functions as a museum covering Hiroshima’s pre-war history.

Reims Cathedral in Reims, France

Just north of Paris in the region of Champagne is the Reims Cathedral, which is about as old as Paris’ Notre Dame. It was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1210. A century later, during an English siege, it was further damaged. And, in 1481 it caught fire. It was not spared the ruthlessness of World War I too.
But, a decade after the WWI, it was rebuilt, and is back to its former glory.

The Altstadt in Frankfurt, Germany

When Frankfurt was bombed during World War II, the Altstadt, the city’s downtown centre, was destroyed.
Reviving the medieval charm of the city, the Dom-Roemer Project brought the Altstadt to life again. Today it houses more than 35 shops, restaurants and apartments.

Ribeira Palace in Lisbon, Portugal

In 1755, the city of Lisbon was almost totally destroyed by one of the deadliest earthquakes in recorded history. Just before the earthquake the city burned in a fire caused by hundreds of candles lit for All Saints Day. Lives were lost and culturally significant buildings, like the Ribeira Palace, which housed the royal library and irreplaceable paintings by Flemish and Italian masters were destroyed.
But, the city recovered, the square was rebuilt and rebranded as the Square of Commerce.

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow

Under Stalin’s anti-religious campaigns, Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was also destroyed. Soviet leaders wanted to build a Palace of the Soviets, an administrative centre which would also serve as a monument to the regime. But, Germany invaded during World War II.
After the fall of the U.S.S.R. in the 1990s, the Russian government set out to rebuild many churches, including the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. In 1994, the cathedral was rebuilt according to the exact design of the original architect.

Fort Manoel in Valetta, Malta

Originally constructed in the 18th century by the Knights of Malta, Fort Manoel was occupied by the British military for most of its existence. During World War II, it was ruined, and officially decommissioned in 1964.
In 2001 its restoration began. The fort is now open to visitors. It’s also popularly known as a filming location for “Game of Thrones.”

Frauenkirche in Dresden, Germany

Yet another casualty of World War II was this 18th-century church. It was destroyed in the bombing of Dresden, and the foundation collapsed under the weight of its large dome. For 50 years, the ruins of the Frauenkirche were left as they were, as a memorial to the war.
Five decades later the city began reconstruction of the church. Completed in 2005, the church is now fully restored, its high dome once again rising 300 feet over the city’s skyline.

Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, China
Built in A.D. 223, China’s Yellow Crane Tower has been destroyed by fire and wars and rebuilt a dozen times.
It was most recently rebuilt in 1985. Today, it sits in a new location less than a mile from the original site.

Stari Most in Mostar, Bosnia

The iconic Stari Most, was bombarded during the Croat-Bosniak War of the 1990s. It crumbled into the river.
After the war, the United Nations Protection Force, aided by contributions from many countries, rebuilt the bridge. Local materials were used and stones from the original bridge were recovered for reconstruction.

St. Mark’s Campanile in Venice, Italy

Originally built during the 9th century, Saint Mark’s Campanile suffered lightning strikes, earthquakes and multiple fires in its lifetime. In July,1902, a large crack appeared in the side of the tower and it collapsed.
A decade later, the tower was rebuilt and fitted with an elevator too. Today, travellers can visit the tower in Saint Mark’s Square for the best views of Venice.