Secrets revealed

How good are you at figuring out secret codes? Try your hand at this pigpen cipher to decode what these common sayings are. Get cracking!

Have you ever wanted to send a secret message to your friend? There are different codes and ciphers you could use to do this. Here is a type of code you could use. This is called a ‘Pigpen Cipher’. It exchanges letters for symbols which are parts of a grid.

See if you can solve the following.

Two to Tango

They may be the biggest or the smallest, but what’s interesting is that they hold records for their size!

Size does not matter, especially if you gain the same fame. In the animal world too, there is an unstated competition for who is the biggest vs. who is the smallest! We give you some animals who have made it on record for gaining this prominence in their species.

Sound of music

Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti…. here’s a musical activity for you!

There’s so much about music that puts us at ease and comforts us when we’re down. It helps us celebrate when we are happy, and lulls us into a deep sleep when tired. But how much do you know about musical terms? Well, here’s a crossword that will help.

In other words

There are many chemicals that are essential in daily life. These are used either in combined form or as some reagents. Let’s find out what they are…

The commonly used nail polish remover is acetone, and cream of tartar is potassium bitartrate. These are chemical names of a couple of items that you probably see every day. Play this memory game to get familiar with some more.

Looking Ahead

Let’s put the thoroughly underwhelming 2020 behind us and see what the New Year has in store.

COVID-19 brought 2020 to a screeching halt. What with online learning, work from home, quarantine, lockdown… most people were stuck to their homes.

What does the new year have in store for us? There is plenty to look forward to, no matter where your interest lies. Take a look.

To new beginnings

Does it make sense to plan for the year ahead after the unpredictable whirlwind that was last year? Here’s what I think…

Does it make sense to plan for the year ahead after the unpredictable whirlwind that was last year? Scroll through the slides below as I let you in on my plans for the new year…

Top 10 fictional sports

There’s a whole world of fictional sports from books that have made their way onto the silver screen. How many do you know? Find out with this word search.

How many of you have not dreamt of playing Quidditch from Harry Potter? Croquet from Alice in Wonderland is much like the real-life game, though it uses flamingoes as mallets. There are more than 60 fictional sports that have depicted on the silver screen. What’s more, many of them have even found a way into the real world. Now that you know there’s also a world of imaginary sports out there, play this game and see how many you can find!

Which item of stationery are you?

Have you ever wondered which item of stationery matches your personality? Find out with this quick quiz.

Pens, pencils, crayons, papers, scissors, sharpeners, erasers — every item of stationery used in art and craft work has a different purpose. If you think about it, you can also associate each of them with distinct personality traits.

So, which item of stationery matches your personality? Take this for-fun-only quiz and find out now.

Season of giving

Watch the video to find out how Ricky and Rina’s Christmas this year turned out.

Season of giving
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