Seasons Greetings!

It’s Christmas time! Get set with a glass of hot cocoa and cookies, and try solving this crossword.

Warm up your mind this season with this Christmas-themed crossword. Have a go at it!

Of stripes and spots

How do you differentiate a cheetah’s skin from a leopard’s or a jaguar’s? Find out with this game.

Most animals have some form of pattern on their skin. Whether they are predators or prey, the purpose is the same: camouflage. Both need to be able to blend into their surroundings to be able to survive. Of course, the prey have to escape being hunted and eaten and the predators have to get their food.

So let’s look at the skin patterns of the big cats: the lion, the tiger, the jaguar, the leopard, the snow leopard and the cheetah. Play this memory game to see if you can match the skin pattern to the animal and also learn a few facts about them.

Way with numbers

Put on your thinking cap to solve this sudoku puzzle

Love numbers? Then this is perfect for you. Try your hand at this popular game and see if you can ace it. A Sudoku is a grid consisting of columns, rows and blocks. This is a 6*6 grid.

How to play

The objective of the game is to fill the missing digits into the grid. Use digits 1 to 6 to fill this 6×6-grid.
In each column, row and block you can use a digit only once. Drag and drop the numbers (1-6) given beside the grid in their right places.

Sudoku Rules

1. Each row will, upon completion, contain all the digits from 1 to 6.

2. Each column will, upon completion, contain all the digits from 1 to 6.

3. Each coloured block will, upon completion, contain all the digits from 1 to 6.

A year like no other

As the curtains fall on this year, it’s time to relive some key moments that defined 2020.

This year has been unpredictable in many ways. Pandemics, natural calamities, political moves, and more, shocked not just the nation but the world itself.

If there’s one thing 2020 will forever be associated with, it’s COVID-19. The disease has established a firm grip around the world, with very few countries escaping its wrath. It was declared a pandemic on March 11 and, since then, countries around the world, including India, went into lockdown to stop the virus from spreading. Words such as ‘quarantine’, ‘testing’, ‘isolation’, ‘social distancing’ and so on suddenly became commonplace, as did the practice of wearing masks and washing hands regularly. As we inch towards 2021, the thought of vaccines offers a glimmer of hope.

Later in the year, unhappy farmers in India protested against three new agriculture reform laws that were passed. This is an ongoing protest.

In the U.S., Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election and became the president-elect and vice president-elect respectively. Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched two NASA astronauts into space in a historic mission to the International Space Station; the first private spacecraft to carry astronauts to space.

Closer home, India was elected for a two-year term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the eighth time in history, and on July 29, The Union Cabinet in India approved a new National Education Policy after a gap of 34 years.

Check out this timeline for more things that happened across the globe…

Starring on stage

What do the characters from our favourite books and movies look like on stage? Click here to find out.

Many of our favourite books and movies have been adapted to the stage in grand avatars. The stage has its limitations though; you cannot make an animal act on stage, or a genie appear out of a bottle. But this is where’s the creativity of the director and set designer shines through.

Take a look at some our of our favourite characters in their stage versions. Swipe left or right to see their movie/book version and how they were adapted on stage.

Road to recovery

How much do you know about the developments around the COVID-19 vaccines? Take this quiz to find out…

This year has passed by in a blurry daze of the Coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns, getting used to the new normal, and more. The new year brings some hope in the form of the COVID-19 vaccines. Many organisations across the world have been racing against time to bring out the vaccine that can combat this deadly and seemingly unconquerable virus. How much do you know about the developments? Here’s a multiple choice quiz that will give you a peek into the details…


Take a look at the news from around the world. A variant of the coronavirus, travel bans, holiday schedules thrown out of gear and so much more.

What’s happening around the world? Well, first off US president-elect Joe Biden has received Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. Biden has also chosen Indian-American Bharat Ramamurti as key member of his economic team. Christmas shoppers in the UK are rushing to buy their traditional Christmas fare as Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposes stricter measures for a lockdown. Pakistan government has granted permission for the construction of a Hindu temple in Islamabad, nearly six months after the work at the site was stopped apparently because of the pressure from the radical Islamic groups.

Click on these hotspots to see what else is happening.

How tall am I?

Whether it is the Burj Khalifa or the Eiffel Tower, we have plenty of tall buildings in the world. Here’s a game that tests your knowledge of heights.

Did you think that competition is only in classes? Think again! In today’s world, anything that can be measured is a competition. Today, let us learn about how these architectural wonders are fighting it out to be seen as the world’s tallest!

Can you arrange these 10 structures in order of the height. Go from Tallest to Shortest.

Merry challenge

‘Tis the season for a good challenge…Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la… How many objects in the Christmas list can you find?

Here’s a puzzle to get you into the spirit of the season.

Santa loves looking at Christmas decorations while flying in his sleigh above houses to deliver presents. One particular house has caught his eye because little Leena has left him a note with a challenge. Can Santa find the objects mentioned in Leena’s list, as he whizzes past her house?

Be Santa’s helper in this challenge and help him find the objects.

Steeped in history

How much do you know about these renowned landmarks across your country?

What do you know about some of our country’s iconic government buildings? Did you know that the Kerala Secretariat, or “Huzur Cutchery”, was first built as the Royal Durbar Hall of the Travancore Maharajahs in 1869?

Fort St. George, in Chennai, then Madras, was the first English fortress built in India in 1644.

Mantralaya, earlier Sachivalaya, which is the administrative headquarters of the government of Maharashtra, was once a seven-story. Well, here’s a quiz that will help you find out more such titbits about the important government buildings in India.