Ten on ten

There are only 10 four-letter countries in the world. Can you guess them all? Take this quiz and find out.

There are 195 countries in the world according to the United Nations. Only 10 of these countries have names with four letters. Do you know all of them?

Use the clues in the quiz below and guess their names.

Quiz Whizz April 21, 2021

It’s World Book and Copyright Day later this week. So, here’s a quiz based on this theme. How many of these questions can you answer?

April 23 is World Book and Copyright Day; a day that celebrates and promotes books and reading. Books help bridge the gap between cultures, time and organisations; they also help encourage creativity, diversity and equal access to knowledge.

Connected to this is Copyright. This refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. This means that the original creator has to authorise you to use his/her content. If you do not have that permission, you cannot use the material. If you do so, it is called plagiarism,.

April 23 is also the day on which several great writers – William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega – laid down their pens forever.

Now that you know what this day is about, check out this quiz and see how many questions you can answer.

Pix Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, Pixabay

‘X’ marks the spot

A map that could lead to treasure, but which is the real one? Find out with this spot the difference activity…

Juno and Ira recently found some maps when going through some old things they came across. They believe that the lead to treasure! However, while the two maps seem identical there are a few differences. Spot the 8 differences to help them find the treasure one day.


A fun crossword on all things related to reading, books, and more.

With World Book and Copyright Day falling later this week (April 23), here’s a crossword that helps you find out how much you know about the world of words.

A scar in history

Generations may come and go, but this tragic incident will never fade from the collective memory of Indians. Find out more.

A red sandstone memorial located in one of the most visited places in Amritsar is a grim reminder of an episode that filled Indians with grief and outrage. It is said that the British lost their empire in India the moment this shocking incident took place. Scroll through these slides and find out more about the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

En garde!

Meet fencing champion Bhavani Devi who is creating history as the first Indian fencer to participate in the Olympics.

En garde!
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Knight in white light

The son of a farmer, Isaac Newton fostered the scientific revolution in Britain and across Europe. Learn all about him through these 10 facts.

Knight in white light
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Complete Me! – 5

Try your hands at this challenging word puzzle and test your vocabulary.

These six words with the same set of middle letters — ‘RS’ — are incomplete. Drag and drop the words on the right into the empty boxes corresponding to each set and complete the word.

Example: PE + RS + ON = Person

Going on a ride

Here’s a challenge for you: can you find the objects from the list at the amusement park?

The kids are at the amusement park. While they are having fun riding the train and going on the rides, here’s a challenge for you: