Watch the Sky every night this May and catch the Supermoon, Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower, Lunar Eclipse and more.
Space Gaze: May 2021
Stay tuned because May is a month full of astronomical events.
Stay tuned because May is a month full of astronomical events.
Watch the Sky every night this May and catch the Supermoon, Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower, Lunar Eclipse and more.
A crossword that takes you through every nook and cranny of your home.
How familiar are you about what’s in and around your house? Well, here’s a crossword that will help you discover more.
Staying indoors for a long time can be difficult. Here’s how to stay active and healthy…
With the country going through more lockdowns and restrictions, everyone is spending more time indoors again. How does one stay healthy when confined to home? Play the game below for some tips on physical and mental health.
A little bit of curiosity can take you places! Use it to solve this interactive task.
It’s time for some fun with words! Do you know how many words you can make just using the letters in CURIOSITY? Some examples are ‘suitor’, ‘city’, ‘scout’, ‘toy’, ‘cost’, ‘riot’ and ‘rosy’. Discover some words like these with this interactive task.
Gardening is a great way to keep yourself occupied and away from the screen. Not only does it make you more responsible, you can watch the plants grow and even eat what you harvest. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
You can begin your garden adventure by planting vegetables. You might go ‘eewww’ for now; but once you begin, you will change your mind. Why? Because vegetables germinate quickly and you can harvest them and eat them too.
So, let’s start:
Yearning for the outdoors while stuck indoors? Bring home a piece of outdoor fun and adventure with these simple summer crafts.
If you can’t go to the beach, bring the sights home with this interactive craft to remind you of the sea.
Paper plate
Cardstock paper
Art stick/ disposable spoon or fork
Paper cutter
Summer + lockdown does not make for a fun combination, though it is definitely safe. Bring a bit of the beautiful scenery inside your house with this colourful craft that will also keep you cool.
Craft sticks/ ice cream sticks – 5
Chart paper or similar thick paper
Colour pencils/crayons
Board pin/thumbtack
Eraser/Blu Tac
A suitcase reminds us of travelling — of the places we’ve been to and the experiences we’ve had; or the places we hope to visit someday. While we are all stuck at home, gift your loved one a wonderful reminder of their holidays with this mini-suitcase gift box with a sweet surprise inside.
Cardstock paper
Colour paper
Play this interactive game to know the 10 countries that have the maximum number of heritage sites,
A World Heritage Site is a landmark or an area with legal protection by an international convention administered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). World Heritage Sites are designated by UNESCO for having cultural, historical, scientific or other form of significance. The sites are judged to contain “cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity”. As of June 2020, a total of 1,121 World Heritage Sites (869 cultural, 213 natural, and 39 mixed properties) exist across 167 countries.
Play this game and arrange the countries in order of number of sites they each have. Arrange from most to least.
An exciting board game to kindle your wanderlust.
How did books come to be what they are today? Click here to find out…
Do you know how books used to be made long ago? Each book was written by hand! Palm leaves, bottles of ink, quills, soft scratchy sounds of scholars and students writing away…
Since producing a book was a tedious process, not many were made. And not many people could afford one.
But all that changed with Johannes Gutenberg’s invention.
Find out how one man brought in a printing revolution!
How much do you know about the contents of a first-aid kit? Find out…
Almost all of us have used a first-aid kit at some point of time. Hence, its importance is well-known. It is necessary for all us to have a first-aid box in our homes, and even while travelling. So, do you know what are the top 10 important contents of your box? Well, try your hand at this word search to find out.