Happy Children’s Day

The holiday season is upon us and what better way to celebrate it than by exercising your grey cells.

Let’s have a grand celebration. Why? Because it’s your special day. Enjoy yourself with this crossword.

Gift of creativity

Diwali is a season of exchanging good wishes and gifts. Here’s a fun box you can make to pack your gifts into…

Follow the steps given below to make a colourful and fun gift box to light up the festive season.

Something’s amiss

Not only has this year been a bummer, it has also managed to suck the life out of festivities. Unless…

Deepavali is here and, to be honest, I’m not feeling very festive.

Usually, in the week before Deepavali, there’s this huge build up. We have a class party. We get invited to friends’ houses for parties where we’re allowed to stay up as late as the grownups and drink fizzy drinks. We pack our bags and plan our trip to Chennai where we get to see our grandparents and cousins and the streeties who live near them. I’d get through the week at school, knowing that soon I’d be chilling with my cousins, eating more sweets than my stomach can manage, and watching Jord Indian videos.

Check out the slider to see why I’m not feeling the festive vibes, this year.

Number puzzle

Put on your thinking caps and see how quickly you can solve this sudoku puzzle.

Are you a number lover? Then this is perfect for you. Try your hand at this popular game and see if you can ace it. A Sudoku is a grid consisting of columns, rows and blocks. This is a 6*6 grid.

How to play

The objective of the game is to fill the missing digits into the grid. Use digits 1 to 6 to fill this 6×6-grid.
In each column, row and block you can use a digit only once. Drag and drop the numbers (1-6) given beside the grid in their right places.

Sudoku Rules

1. Each row will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

2. Each column will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

3. Each coloured block will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

10 Facts: Manatees

November is Manatee Awareness Month. Watch this video to learn more about these gentle creatures.

10 Facts: Manatees
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Homonyms or not?

Can it get confusing when two words look and sound the same but mean different things? Well, not if you know the rules!

Have you ever come across two words that have the same spelling but mean completely different things? Or words that have different spellings but are pronounced the same way? Words like these, which share the same spelling or pronunciation or both are called homonyms, homophones, homographs or heteronyms. There are varying definitions for these terms with some categories overlapping with each other. Learning what they are can help you use such words correctly without getting confused.

In this article, let’s understand the first category, homonyms. A common technical explanation is that, in a strict sense, homonyms are words that have the same spelling and the same pronunciation, but different meanings. For example,

  • Left (He left the house this morning) and left (She took a left turn)
  • Light (She turned on the light) and light (His suitcase was really light)
  • Take this interactive exercise to understand the concept better. Each task below has one pair of words that are homonyms according to the definition given above, and one pair that are not. Can you identify them correctly?

    Great going! More on homophones, homographs and heteronyms later!

    Quiz Whizz: November 6

    Polittics, Sports, Books or Movies…There has been a lot happening around you. Gear up to learn more.

    This week’s quiz will test how much you know about the happenings around you. Play on.

    A fine winter’s sport

    Sports can also be split into seasons. While some are ideal in the summer, there are some that can only be played either in winter or in a facility that mimics winter. Try this quiz to learn more

    Winter is no excuse to stay indoors and be idle. Many usual competitive sports might take a break during this time, but there are also many winter sports to make up for it.

    Here’s a quick quiz to find out if you know the names of these winter sports.

    Meet the sea jellies

    Discover the life and unique traits of the jellyfish with this video that takes you into their world.

    Meet the sea jellies
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    What’s in a name?

    The Bard of Avon occupies a position unique in world literature. His plays were written in the late 16th and early 17th centuries for a small repertory theatre. Today, they are performed and read more often and in more countries than ever before.

    William Shakespeare (April 1564 – April 1616) was also known as the Bard of Avon or Swan of Avon. He was an English poet, dramatist and actor. He is often referred to as the English national poet and considered to be one of the greatest dramatists of all time.

    He has written 37 plays and each of them touch upon love, anger, jealousy…all emotions we commonly feel. People watched his plays and felt an instant connection.

    How familiar are you with his plays? Try this wordsearch to find out. You will have to identify the names of the characters from the clues – a quote and the play in which their appear. Have fun!