Out in the wild

How much do you know about of the world’s largest ecosystems? Read on to explore…

Rainforests are the Earth’s oldest living ecosystems. Tall, dense jungles, they are so called due to the high amount of rainfall they experience, every year. Known for their complexity and diversity, they are home to more than half of the world’s plant and animal species despite covering a mere six percent of the planet’s surface. Did you know that rainforests thrive on every continent, the exception being Antarctica? Well, here’s a look at some from around the world.

Solve the puzzle to know just a little more about these incredible places.

North Western Ghats montane rainforests

The North Western Ghats montane covers 30,900 square kilometres of India, from southernmost Gujarat through Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka. They are found at an elevation above 1,000 metres. As of 1997, 13 protected areas had been designated, covering 13% of the ecoregion’s area. Some of these include Anshi National Park, Karnataka, Chandoli National Park, Maharashtra, Kudremukh National Park, Karnataka, Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra, among others. The Kudremukh National Park is known for its Hanumanagundi Falls, also known as Suthanabbe Falls, and falls from a height of 22 m.

Amazon rainforest

The world’s largest tropical rainforest, also known as Amazonia or Amazon Jungle, it covers an area of 5,500,000 km2 and covers most of the Amazon Basin of South America and runs through Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Over 4,38,000 species of plants have been registered here. It is also home to several species of animals including the jaguar, cougar, and anaconda, to name a few.

Equatorial rainforests

Tropical rainforests are those that occur in areas of tropical rainforest climate where there is no dry season. In other words, there is an average precipitation of at least 60 mm, every month. These are also known as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforests and are found in Africa. Did you know that most of Africa’s remaining rainforests are found in the Congo river basin, on the part of the continent that faces the Atlantic Ocean?

Such rainforests are well known for the pygmy people who live here. They are hunter-gatherer groups and are characterised by their short height (below one-and-a-half meters, on average). The Efe, Aka, Twa, Baka, and Mbuti people of Central Africa are a part of this group.

Southeast Asian Rainforest

As the name suggests, it covers Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, and the Malay Peninsula. It is said to have covered a greater area in Asia but was destroyed due to deforestation. The forest is home to many rare mammals, amphibians, birds, and reptiles. Some of the species of animals found here include Bengal Tiger, Dawn bat, king cobra, and proboscis monkey among others.

Going the extra mile

How is learning and taking exams any fun? Beats me, but my dad seems to have a clue…

Guess who has exams? Nope, not me. Not the PB. Not Woody.

My dad!

Yep, my dad. Now, don’t think my dad is really young, okay? He is super old. Like ancient. But last year, for reasons I cannot figure out, he decided to go back to college. Well, not college-college, but he signed up for what’s called a distance-learning programme. Kind of like online school for people born in the Triassic period.

Check out this slider to find out how much weirder I think grownups can be…

Guess the personality!

Here are cartoons of famous personalities. Do you know them all?

When you read the newspaper, have you noticed that the centre page usually has a cartoon? It’s called the editorial cartoon and is usually a comment on the leading news of the day.

Sometimes the cartoon may be about an issue; at others, it may be focused on a personality. In this game, we’ve chosen six editorial cartoons from The Hindu featuring different personalities. See how many you can identify?

On a spice trail

Look around your kitchen and how many spices can you see? Learn about the origin of a few of them with this cognitive challenge.

Did you know that India is called the Land of Spices? This is because of the different spices used in our cooking as well as the variety that the country produces. In fact, over 70% of the world’s spices come from India!

Pepper has to be our most famous export. So famous that foreigners – from the Ancient Romans in 30 BC to the Portuguese in the 15th century – were lured to the continent by this precious spice.

Interestingly though, not all spices originated from India. Play this memory game by identifying the spice. Once you match the image with its name, information about its origin will pop up!

All shapes and sizes

A crossword for you to crack involving a little bit of geometry. Solve it now…

Everything around you has some form of shapes and has different sizes and weight. Take this crossword all about shapes and sizes and find out how many you know.

Space Gaze: November 2020

Keep your eyes glued to the sky, as November brings with it long nights and clear skies.

With just two months to go before we bid 2020 adieu, remember that November brings you the best chance to see two reliable meteor showers and longer and clearer night skies to watch the brightest planets and observe fainter galaxies too.

Working the muscles

Do you know what kind of exercise is good for back muscles, leg muscles or arm muscles? Find out in this quiz.

We know that there are many kinds of exercises we can do with or without equipment. Some workouts may just seem like simple stretches before a heavy work out, but did you know that even those exercises help specific muscles in your body. For example, lunges focus mostly on the muscles in your thighs and calves.

Take this quiz to see if you know which muscles these forms of exercises focus on the most. Remember, if you are ever going to do heavy workouts, it’s always best to do it in the presence of an adult and to start of slow and easy.

Which mountain range are you?

Towering peaks or tranquil valleys, snowy slopes or rocky cliffs? Which mountain range matches your personality best?

Rugged, peaceful, snowy, rocky, lush, and so on — every mountain range has an identity of its own, just like how every human being has a personality of his/her own. So, which mountain range matches your nature best? Find out with this for-fun-only personality quiz.