Spooky times

Try this Halloween-themed crossword and see how much you know about this spooky fest.

Saturday is Halloween, a time to indulge in your love for spooky and ghostly stuff. Here’s a crossword that tells you about the elements of Halloween. How many words do you know?

Statescan – October

What’s happening? Elections, floods, discoveries and more…

Stay updated with all that is interesting in India. First off, the Northeast monsoon has arrived in Tamil Nadu. According to Dr Balram Bhargava, Director General of Indian Council of Medical Research, children who were thus far considered safe from the corona virus, are now being considered as spreaders
or super spreaders of the virus. External Affairs Minister Jaishankar and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh held talks with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defence Secretary Mark Esper inked a landmark defence agreement that will allow sharing of high-end military technology, classified satellite data and critical information between the two countries.

To read more about what’s happening click on the hotspots.

Corona care

Keep the coronavirus at bay by taking these simple precautions. Learn about them by matching these cards correctly.

We are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the best way to be safe is to take simple precautions. While wearing masks is the most obvious step, there are some other basics to keep in mind.

Play this memory game and match the precautions with the icons that represent them.

Great going! Before you go, take a quick glance:

  • Maintain at least six feet distance from people who are not part of your household.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water regularly and thoroughly.
  • Go out only when it is absolutely essential. Stay home if you feel sick.
  • Wear a mask when you go out and when you meet people.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces, especially those which are regularly touched.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze.
  • Unearthing history

    Rich in history and ancient treasure, can you guess where these archaeological sites are located?

    History is learnt not just from ancient scripts, books, and kingdom records. In fact, archaeologists have more than just kingdoms and castles to study and unearth the rich history of a place. Take India, for example. There are historical sites of learning, trade and settlements that help us understand how our civilisation evolved.

    Take a look at a few of the many important archaeological sites that have been excavated in India and continue to yield valuable information about our past.

    Costume on

    Halloween involves getting decked up in some sort of costume. Can you identify what these costumes are supposed to be? Find them in the word search.

    October 31 is Halloween, a tradition that originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. It is the perfect time to celebrate your love for all things spooky.

    Nowadays, people dress in whatever kind of costumes they can come up with, from monsters to food, animals and so on. Can you identify what costumes the kids in the word search below are in? Find the answers in the grid.

    Become a….Hippotherapist

    What is hippotherapy? No, it’s got nothing to do with hippos. Read on to find out what it’s all about….

    Do you know who hippotherapists are? Well, they are called therapeutic riding instructors or equine therapists. Hippotheraphy involves riding horses and is beneficial for children and adults experiencing disabilities.

    Check out this slider to learn more about hippotheraphy.

    Brace yourselves!

    What’s worse: failing your Physics exam or being attacked by a giant asteroid? It’s 2020, so you can expect just about anything!

    A global pandemic, online school, lockdowns with your pesky brother, fires in the Amazon, floods, and fights along our border… 2020 is on a roll, and the year isn’t even over yet.

    I am all set to cast my vote in favour of 2020 being the suckiest year in the history of humankind. I mean, find me a year worse than 2020 and I’ll give you my pesky brother. Don’t want him, you say? Well, I thought it was worth a shot.

    Well, apparently there have been worse years in the history of history. Check out this slider to find out more.

    Victorian diaries

    The Victorian era was an interesting period in history, one of rapid progress and transformation. Read on to learn more.

    Queen Victoria ruled England for 60 years, from 1837 to 1901. This was a time of great progress and change, with rapid development in areas such as transport, communication, industry, culture, science, technology, engineering and medicine. During the Victorian era, the country extended its influence across the globe, acquiring great power and wealth.

    Several trends that are associated with this period still have an impact even today.