Behind the scenes

Where do you go if the director asks you to go ‘offstage’? And where exactly is the ‘apron’? Find out with this interactive task.

In the previous article, we discovered the different types of stages. Every stage has specific areas based on which the performance is planned, set and staged. It’s helpful to know what the parts of a stage are called.

Centre stage is the centre of the playing area. Downstage is towards the audience, upstage is towards the back wall of the stage. Stage left is the actors’ left and stage right is the actors’ right. The proscenium is the portal that divides the audience from the stage and the apron is the area of the stage in front of the proscenium arch. Offstage is the area surrounding the playing space not visible to the audience. This includes spaces such as the wings and the cross over. The house refers to the area where the audience is seated.

Based on what you have just learnt, can you label the below parts correctly?

Fit facts

Learn a little bit more about fitness with this interactive video quiz.

There’s a lot more to fitness than doing a little bit of exercises or stretches here and there. Try this quiz to learn some fitness facts.

Nature in conflict

Natural disasters are catastrophic events that find their origin in either the air, the earth or the water. They can cause fatalities, property damage and social environmental disruption.

The natural processes of the earth can sometimes cause a natural disaster, like a flood or a volcanic eruption or an earthquake. Natural disasters can cause loss of life or damage property.

There the names of 15 natural disasters hidden within this grid. Can you find them? To make things easier for you, clues have been provided.

Modern inventions

Think about the gadgets that we use today! And then try this game to see if you got them all right.

Have you ever thought about how lucky we are to be living in the time we are now? We have so many gadgets that have been invented to make out lives a little bit easier. Take the humble washing machine for instance. How much time and effort is saved now that laundry no longer has to be done by hand? Or something as simple as a toaster? You no longer have to butter your bread, wait for the pan to heat up and to get crunchy toast. Now, you just press a small lever, wait for a few seconds, and up pops the toast.

Take a look at some other inventions that have been developed over the years and helped make our lives better.

Movable bridges

Here are some marvels of modern engineering: bridges that can move.

Bridges play an important role in connecting people and places. Although bridges are functional and much needed, they can cause a hiccup to movement. To avoid this, engineers and architects have created movable bridges that are intended to work in harmony with water traffic, causing as little disruption as possible.

Take a look at five such engineering marvels
Swing Bridge: Al-Firdan Bridge – Suez Canal, Egypt

Folding bridge: Hörn Bridge, Kiel – Germany

Bascule and suspension bridge: Tower Bridge – London, UK

Tilt Bridge: Gateshead Millennium Bridge – Newcastle, UK

Vertical Lift Bridge: Pont Gustave-Flaubert – Rouen, France

Reading room

Take this crossword to see how big of a bookworm you are.

Do you consider yourself a bookworm? Well, why not try this crossword about books, characters, authors and so on. See how well you can do.

Hale and hearty

How much do you know about health? What’s true, what’s not? Well, take this quiz to find out.

Cracking your fingers causes arthritis. Starve a fever, feed a cold. Consuming coffee will stunt your growth. Eating ice cream will worsen your cold…. How many times have you had these thrown at you, and wondered if they were true or not?

Maybe, mom said no to ice cream because she didn’t want you to have too much. Or, does it really worsen your cold?

Much like those mentioned above, there are several myths revolving around health that have been de-bunked. How many of them do you know of? How tuned in are you?. Well, here’s how you can find out.

Guess the instrument

Music is incomplete without the instruments used. Take up this challenge to identify these instruments.

Guess the instrument
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Let’s dance!

It’s time to get your grey cells to dance! Play this puzzle to get into the rhythm…

These dancers are having a gala time. But some don’t have a partner. Can you find the 8 dancers without an identical pair?

Ancient but still alive

India has some of the oldest cities known in history. Read about some of them and try this activity.

Urbanisation in India dates back to the Indus Valley Civilisation but many of those cities have fallen into disuse and are no longer occupied by people. But there are many more that rank as some of the most ancient and are still alive and bustling. Let’s read about a few of them.

Now that you’ve read about some of these ancient towns, here’s an activity for you.