In harmony with nature

This National Wildlife Week, let’s take a page from these four conservation groups featured in these cards. Let’s be inspired to give back to nature what we have taken away.

National Wildlife Week is a good time to see what we can do to protect and conserve our wildlife. Here are four communities who have come together to do just that.

Go through these cards and be amazed by the conservation work undertaken by groups of people. Is there a lesson for us in this? What can we do?

All that glitters

A crossword on all things that shine and glitter. How many of these words do you know?

Think of the many things in the world that glitter: precious stones and metals, the stars in the night sky, even some radioactive metals….

This crossword is all about the shiny glittery stuff. How many do you know?”

Time to celebrate

Hooray, hooray, it’s a happy happy day! Why? Cos, my grandparents are coming.

Gooooood morning, peeps. What an amazing day it is today! The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Actually, that’s not true; it looks like it’s about to start pouring any second now, and the only bird I can see is this not-too-bright pigeon that keeps crashing into my bedroom window. But it sure feels like a sun-shining-bird-chirping day. No, online school has not been cancelled indefinitely. No, the pesky brother has not been given away to a travelling circus. No, my parents have not said yes to a second dog yet.

My grandparents are coming. Now, for those of you who live with your grandparents, that doesn’t seem like such a big deal. But, for kids like me who see their grandparents once or twice a year, it is a pretty huge deal.

Check out this slider to see why.

Working out with squats

Squats are a great form of exercise; learn more by playing this interactive game.

Squats are a type of leg exercise. They are one of the best functional exercises for helping in mobility and balance and gearing your body to complete real-world activities with ease. You can do them anywhere, anytime and don’t require any equipment either. What are the benefits of squats?

1- Toning of Legs – Squats engage the important muscles of the legs and hence help tone and strengthen them.

2- Increases Flexibility – Squats increase the flexibility of joints. However, you need to maintain the proper form and do it perfectly so that you avoid injuries of any kind. The lower back, hips, knees and ankles are all engaged during squatting and so the respective joints get strengthened.

3- Burns Extra Calories – Squats work on major muscle groups and make the entire lower body have a thorough workout. Every time you workout the muscles, you burn extra calories.

4- Core Muscles Get Stronger – Squats make the lower back and abdominal muscles stronger.

5- Healthy Bones and Tissues – Squats help strengthen the bones and joints. The bones get stronger and denser and the connective tissues get reinforced too.

6- Improve Posture and Balance – Squats are an excellent exercise form that helps the person improve his/her posture and balance as well. Since proper form is a must, concentration is also a must.

The first image shows the right way to do squats. The second image is a bit different from the first. Can you spot the five differences in the second image?

Click on the spots to find the difference.

A slice of flavours

In the mood for a quick, easy and tasty snack? Click here to look up the recipe for an Italian appetizer to satisfy your craving.

A slice of flavours
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Where champions are born

When it comes to tennis, the stage doesn’t get bigger than this. Learn more about the Grand Slam tournaments with these interactive tasks.

If you are a fan of tennis, you certainly would have heard of, or even watched, the Grand Slams. The four Grand Slams are easily the most prestigious tournaments in the world of tennis. They are held every year, and players from across the world compete in them.

The Grand Slam tournaments are as follows:

  • Australian Open: Held in Australia in January
  • French Open: Held in France in May-June
  • Wimbledon: Held in the U.K. in June-July
  • US Open: Held in the U.S. in August-September

  • The Australian Open and US Open are played on hard courts (usually blue in colour), the French Open is played on clay courts (usually reddish in colour) and Wimbledon is played on grass courts (green in colour).

    Discover some fun facts about the tournaments with this quick quiz:

    The below table has the list of top Grand Slam singles title winners so far. Take a look at it and answer the questions that follow.

    A gentle giant

    Today is the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. Find out more about his life and
    philosophy from these pictures.

    A gentle giant
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    Quiz Whizz: Gandhi Jayanthi special

    How much do you know about Mahatma? Play this interactive video quiz to find out.

    Play this interactive video quiz and test your knowledge about the Father of our Nation.

    Many strains of music

    Pop or rock? Jazz or disco? Can you identify the genre of music just by listening to these samples? Try this quiz now.

    An important part of understanding music is learning about its different genres. Music can be categorised into various types based on several factors such as instruments used, style of playing, and so on.

    For example, Michael Jackson excelled in pop music, while Mozart performed classical music. M.S. Subbulakshmi sang Carnatic music while Pandit Ravi Shankar was an expert in Hindustani music.

    Can you listen to these tracks and identify which genre they belong to? Scroll through the slides below to take the quiz.

    Gandhi Jayanti Crossword

    It was Gandhi Jayanti recently. Find out how much you know about the Father of the Nation with this crossword.

    We all know Mahatma Gandhi (his given name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) as the Father of the Nation. We know that he led the freedom movement so that India could be free from the British colonial rule.

    But what else do we know? Find out how much you know by solving this crossword.