Globescan: September 2020

What’s the easiest way to catch up with all that is happening around the world? Why, it’s Globescan. News is just a click away.

Let’s take a quick look at what’s happening around the world. The pandemic has forced all of the G20 Summits to be held by videoconference since March. So, the Summit scheduled for November 21 and 22 too will be held virtually, says Saudi Arabia. In the U.K., doctors, nurses, fundraisers and volunteers who have made “outstanding contributions” to the U.K.’s coronavirus response will be recognised in the 2020 queen’s birthday honour’s list to be released on October 10. The provincial government in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa has decided to purchase the ancestral houses of legendary Bollywood stars Raj Kapoor and Dilip Kumar. The homes are situated in the fabled Qissa Khwani Bazar.

Click on the hotspots to read more news.

Space Gaze: October 2020

There’s so much to look out for this month; so keep your eyes peeled skywards.

With shorter days and longer nights, it is time to enjoy the nip in the air as you watch the happenings in the sky. Go through the timeline to check out the line up for this month.

For the animals

Animal welfare organisations are responsible for the health and safety of animals. Take a look at some of the organisations doing their best.

Animals are often mistreated. Dogs and cats get abandoned on the streets, some animals like monkeys, mice and others are used in experiments. Elephants, horses, seals, are often badly treated in circuses or when used for tourist rides. Who can help these creatures? This is why many animal welfare organisations have been set up in many countries.

Animal welfare organisations are concerned with the health, safety and psychological wellness of individual animals. These organisations include animal rescue groups and wildlife rehabilitation centres, which care for animals in distress, and sanctuaries, where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives. They’re a bit different from the usual conservation organisations thatare primarily concerned with the preservation of species, populations, habitats, ecosystems and biodiversity, rather than the welfare of individual animals.

Do you know of any animal welfare organisations or charities in your city? Here are a few popular ones from around the world.

Steps towards fitter times

Fitness is the name of the game. How much do you know about the differences between walking, jogging and running?

Much before the era of gyms and aerobic classes, people got their doses of exercises from good old-fashioned walking, jogging and running. However, these aren’t to be done any how and are based on techniques to be followed, in order to get the most out of them and stay fit.

Though, at the outset, jogging and running seem to be mere extended versions of walking, done to work up a good sweat, there are differences between them and their benefits are also different. Read on, to find out more…

Zig not zag

In a world where people tend to go with the flow, I learned how hard it can be, to be different. Find out what BugBoy has to share this week.

So, we’ve been learning about the Father of our Nation all this week. Our History teacher gave us a ‘challenge’ (which is basically teacher speak for homework). Each of us had to try and live by Gandhiji’s principles of
truth, non-violence and simplicity for a week. And then write a 1000-word essay about our experience. (Insert eye roll.)

Now, I’ll admit, I was a little cocky at the start of the week. How hard could this be? A+ for sure! And then, I learned that the easier something sounds, the harder it is.

Masters of hearing

Play this memory game to see how many bird you can identify by just listening to their call.

Whether you live in houses or apartments, the one common wake-up sound would be that of a bird’s. Most people wake up to the sounds of birds chirping outside. Birds calls may be a warning call of danger, the romantic song of a male to attract the female or the persistent call of a chick wanting food. Humans and birds hear sounds over a similar range, but the hearing of birds is more accurate allowing them to hear 10 separate notes compared to a human hearing only one note. This helps birds identify each by its call.

Play this memory game and identify the bird by its sound.

Shot of good health

Did you know that vaccines can protect you against 26 diseases? Learn more such fascinating facts in this video. Click here to watch.

Shot of good health
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Which band member are you?

If you were part of a band, which member would you be? The noisy one or the quiet one, the flashy one or the quirky one? Find out with this quiz.

Every member of a band has something to offer, and it is the blend of the different members’ personalities that gives character to the band. What role would you play best if you were part of a band? Take this for-fun-only quiz and find out now.

Quiz Whizz – Tourism Special

Take a quick trip around the world and brush up on your travel knowledge this World Tourism Day. Take the quiz now.

Who doesn’t love to travel? Going to a new city or country and experiencing all sorts of different cultures and lifestyles. This belongs to what is known as ‘tourism’ and September 27 is World Tourism Day. To mark the occasion, take a quick trip around the world by answering the questions in the interactive video below. How many do you know?

Let’s go places!

When you travel next, skip the crowds and head to these incredibly offbeat Indian destinations.

Think of picturesque locations to holiday and, instantly, the mind conjures up images of the Swiss Alps, beautiful valleys abroad, rich with orchards, pristine lakes, and more. But guess what? Right here in our beautiful country, there are so many exotic places for you to quench your wanderlust.

Check out the image hotspot below to see how many wonderful places are there for you to explore.