
World Tourism Day is on September 27, learn about why tourism is important.

September 27 is World Tourism Day. Tourism, in a sense, is travelling for pleasure or business. Tourism is important for many countries around the world. It not only helps the economies grow and develop, but also helps preserve their traditions and cultures. All countries have something special and unique; it could be their monuments, their foods, their architecture, or something more cultural like their music and dancing.

Let’s take a quick a look at two places that are neighbours, but have a lot offer. Go through the cards below to learn for about Djibouti and Ethiopia’s capital city – Addis Ababa.

A favourite thing for tourists to do is visit famous landmarks of those countries. Let’s see if you can identify where these landmarks are located around the world.


With World Tourism Day falling on September 27, here is a crossword to check your knowledge of well-known travel spots.

The COVID-19 pandemic has messed with everyone’s travel plans but that doesn’t mean you can’t travel in spirit.

Here is a crossword for just that purpose. The clues tell you about famous tourist places across the world. How many do you know?

On field

Play this memory game and match the sport with the image. Go on try it.

How many of you have competed or watched a track-and-field event? There are a number of sports that are played outisde and use different equipments. Play this memory game to see how many you know.

Names have power

Many countries felt the need to change their names at the time of their independence. While some felt that these names were imposed on them by their colonisers, others were emerging from disintegrating federations, and yet others felt the need to reinforce their ethnic identity,

Why do countries feel the need to change their names? Many of them decided to do so in a bid to erase their past and also to get closer to their true identity. However, some others did it to encourage tourism. For example, Holland became the Netherlands. However, this is an expensive exercise. The Constitution, official stationery, and even money has to change as well. Everything that bears the country’s old name, like maps and flags must be replaced with the new name.

Here are 14 countries that decided to change their names. The old names are the clues to identify the new ones. Have a go at this and see how you fare.

Power to the people

We have the power in our hands to effect changes that affect us, thanks to local government bodies. Click here to learn more about them.


Now, armed with this basic information, can you try arranging these local government bodies in order — from the lowest to the highest in the hierarchy.

Anybody out there?

Learn more about space and the planets around us with these facts and a game of spot the difference.

Humans have been trying to learn more about space and the universe we live in for many generations. There’s still so much we don’t know about the space and planets around us however, through many years of research here are some facts about what we do know so far:

– Space is completely silent.

– Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a temperature of 450° C.

– Neutron stars can spin 600 times per second.

– Because the Moon has no atmosphere, and therefore no wind, the footprints on it made by the astronauts will be there for 100 million years.

– There is a volcano on Mars three times the size of Everest. It’s called Olympus Mons.

– The sunset on Mars appears blue.

– For years it was believed that Earth was the only planet in our solar system with liquid water. More recently, NASA revealed its strongest evidence yet that there is intermittent running water on Mars, too!

– You wouldn’t be able to walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune because they have no solid surface.

Space junk is any human-made object orbiting Earth that no longer serves a useful purpose. Scientists estimate there are about 500,000 pieces of space junk today, including fragments from rockets and satellites, and everyday items like spanners dropped during construction of the International Space Station.

Titbit: Do you have trouble remembering the order of the planets? You could use a mnemonic to help you remember. While there are different ones you could use, or even make up your own, here’s a fairly simple one:

My Very Educated (or Eager) Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas

The first letter in every word represents a planet:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Now here’s a fun game to play. Compare the two pictures below and spot the differences.

Holiday, like never before

Pretty much everything has been turned on its head because of the pandemic, including our vacations. But that’s no reason to not holiday!

When was the last time you took a holiday, peeps? Mine was in December 2019, when we went to Bandipur National Park and Tiger Reserve. We woke up at 4.00 a.m. every day for five days to take a four-hour jeep ride trying to spot a tiger. I know, waking up that early doesn’t sound like much of a holiday, but it was kind of awesome. Even if we didn’t see a single tiger the entire time.

Check out the slider to see what I’ve missed, thanks to this pandemic and the lockdown.

Get set, stretch!

Reach up, bend down, swing to the sides…a good stretch routine is essential for a healthy and safe workout. Watch this video to learn some stretching exercises.

Get set, stretch!
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Under the Sea

Watch this video to know the 10 unbelievable facts about the Ocean.

Under the Sea
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