Cricket frenzy begins!

Are you a true IPL fan? How much do you know about the teams and its players? Test your IPL quotient with this quiz.

The Indian Premier League (IPL)’s 2020 edition, which was supposed to take place in April-May, was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After much deliberation, it is finally set to take place in the UAE from September 19 to November 10.

While we wait excitedly for the tournament to begin, let’s pass the time by testing our knowledge of the IPL.

Magically transformed

Buildings have charm. More so the old ones. Each one has a story to tell and it is time to take notice of them. These landmarks must be preserved for posterity.

How many old buildings have you seen in your town or city? Has it got you thinking about its history? If these buildings could talk, imagine the stories they would tell.

There are some people who believe that these old structures must not be pulled down but instead be repurposed. These historical structures have been given a new lease of life. We feature here some of them.

Happy Teacher’s Day

To celebrate our teachers and our school, here’s a special crossword puzzle just for you. It’s simple and enjoyable, so go ahead and try it out.

September 5 is an important day in the life of every student – past and present. It’s the day we remember our teachers and reiterate the important role they play in our lives. “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

This crossword puzzle is specially created to celebrate this great day.

Lessons that matter

So many teachers in life… and not always in the way you think. This is about the different teachers in my life

It’s Teachers’ Day, people! Now, I’m not a big fan of ‘days’, unless it’s Saturday, Sunday or my birthday. Plus, when I think of Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Teachers’ Day — basically grown-ups’ days, it feels a little unfair. Aren’t all days pretty much their days, if you think about it?

Life coaches

If you’re a kid, the people who decide everything for you are your parents and teachers. What you eat, when you wake up, how much homework you get, and how much time you spend on it, what’s left over for Fortnite when you go to bed, and how often you have to take a shower…

But, I also realised that when we think of teachers, we somehow always think of the ones at school. And we should. But there are so many other people (and non-people) who teach us every day of our lives.

Here are some other teachers I’ve learned from in my life. Scroll through the slides to find out:

Okay, okay, the list is not complete without a big thank you to our teachers at school, at our sports coaching centres and at our hobby classes. THANK YOU! Even when we turn our cameras off, mute ourselves, chat with each other online and sneakily watch YouTube on another tab, you don’t give up on us. You keep teaching us. You keep giving us another chance. You still believe in us. And you’re still pretty scary even on Zoom. Now, that’s a skill I’d like to learn.

Gentle giants of the sea

Take a dip in the sea and swim alongside these colossal creatures, for August 30 is International Whale Shark Day.

Gentle giants of the sea
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10 dances of India

Do you know how many dances have their roots in India? Learn more about them and find them in this word grid.

India has many dances, coming from every state in the country. Though only six forms of the classical dances are recognised by the country, folks dances too continue to garner the required attention.

The same-name-game

A Lucknow in the U.S.? A Thane in Australia? Take this quiz and learn more about such ‘namesake’ cities.

How do you feel when you meet someone who has the same name as you? It’s fun, isn’t it? Can you imagine discovering that there are cities in other countries that share their names with those in India? This quiz is all about such cities!

Photos: Wikimedia Commons

Savour the scenery

Taiga, Tundra, Cliffs, Coast…They are all natural landscapes. Try this memory game to know more.

A landscape is the portion of land that you see. It includes both the natural and man made elements. From ice-capped mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea, to land use, buildings, and structures.

Play this memory game to see how many you get right.

Guess who?

Are you a sports buff? Then identifying these sportspeople would probably be a piece of cake for you. Try it now…

Guess who?
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Double trouble

Have you ever had trouble with double digit multiplication? Fear no more! Here is an easy solution…

Multiplication can be pretty easy, if you’re dealing with single digits, but it can get a bit tricky when you start trying to solve double digit numbers. Here’s an easy way to solve them easily every single time!

Using the vertical and crosswise pattern, we can easily multiply large two-digit numbers like the one pictured below.

First, multiply vertically up the right side. 2 x 4 = 8. So, 8 will be the last digit in our answer.

Next, cross-multiply. 3 x 2 = 6 and 4 x 1 = 4. Now add 6 + 4 to get 10. Carry over the 1 like you normally would, and you are left with 0, which will go in front of the 8 we already have.

So, as of now you should have 08 in you answer line.

Lastly, vertically multiply up the left side. 3 x 1 = 3 and add the carried 1. Place that in the front of our answer line and we get 408.

Simple right? Test this method out with the following equations and fill the answers in.

Was that a bit challenging? Cool down with a basic set of single multiplications.