Survival stories

Some animals like the reindeer, desert lions, and sea-going iguanas live on some of the harshest terrains in the world. Read about some of them and see if you can answer the questions that follow.

Forests, deserts, mountains, glaciers, plains, oceans … Earth’s surface comprises a variety of habitats. Though each supports different life forms, some are among toughest places to live in. How do these animals survive in harsh conditions with very little food? Let us take a look:

Sea-going Iguana: These live on Fernandina, an island in the Pacific. The sea surrounding it is particularly rich in life. On this island live the sea-going, which are vegetarians. Since there’s little food on land, they graze on the sea floor. A big male can dive up to 30 meters and hold his breath for half an hour. These animals lay their eggs in sand. The hatchlings emerge in June and are preyed upon by Racer Snakes. So, from the moment of birth, the hatchlings face a hostile and demanding environment.

Golden Eagle: Food on Europe’s highest peaks is always desperately short. So the Golden Eagle spends its time flying high above the peaks searching for food. Its two-metre wingspan allows it to glide easily for up to 100km a day. Eagles are carnivorous, so they eat only meat. And they have to fight off other raptors when they do find food. Golden Eagles use their sharp hooked beaks and talons to fight off their enemies. Only the most competitive and the strongest survive the harsh winters of these mountains.

Spider Monkey: The tropical rainforests of Central and South America are complex places filled with lush vegetation. Many of the animals here spend much of their lives in an arboreal world. Like the Spider Monkeys. These creatures live 30m above ground level and travel in family groups. But did you know that one-third of the Spider Monkeys never make it adulthood? At higher levels, the branches are thinner and a fall will mean certain death if they are unable to catch hold of another branch and save themselves.

Lion: Imagine a world where temperatures rise to 50°C with no food or water and one has to fight the sun, wind, and dust to live. Such deserts require extraordinary survival strategies. The lions in the oldest desert in the world, in southwest Africa, are among the hardiest of animals. Hunting here presents special problems. A herd of Oryx is the only prey within 30 km and even these have to be chased. Every failed hunt brings the lions closer to starvation. On the edge of their territory is a dry riverbed that is home giraffes that could kill these starving lions with a single kick. The pride must work together as a team if they are to live in this area.

Wild Yak:The wild yak is found in altitudes ranging from 10,500 feet to 18,000 feet and lives in the high areas with permanent snow and grazes on grasses, herbs and lichens. They gather in groups of between 10 and 30. The herd travels on snow in single file, with the followers stepping carefully on the footprints of the yak in front. Its dense undercoat of soft closely matted hair is covered by an outer fur of dark brown or black. This, along with its amazing lung capacity and ability to climb over rough terrain, help it live in the difficult mountains of South Asia. Its two-layer thick coat helps conserve heat. Did you know that yaks have a very low number of sweat glands? This also helps it save body heat. In winters, wild yaks can survive temperatures as low as -40°C.

Reindeer: Svalbard is a group of islands beyond northern Norway, lying almost at the top of the world. Here winter lasts for seven months, of which at least four are spent in complete darkness. The reindeer that live here are the world’s most northerly herbivore. The icy winters can prevent the reindeer from reaching the little plant life available. They survive partly off their summer fat reserves, losing up to half their body weight during winters. This tends to wear out their teeth start and many die during the winter months.

Polar Bear: Despite winter temperatures reaching below -40°C and ferocious winds blowing in Svalbard, the polar bear manages to survive here. Its coat reflects heat back into the body and works like a blanket. During stormy times, polar bears sleep and live off their body fat. When the winds drop, the bears hunt the animals that create breathing holes in the ice. The bears wait at the openings for it to stick its head out; a wait that might last for hours or even days.

Now that you’ve read about these animals, see if you can answer these questions.

Complete Me! – 2

Try your hands at this challenging word puzzle that is sure to test your vocabulary.

These five words with the same set of middle letters — ‘ER’ — are incomplete. Drag and drop the words on the right into the empty boxes corresponding to each set and complete the word.

Example: OV + ER + LY = Overly

Dramatic facades

Theatres around the world sport different looks. Some of the prefer the old styles while others are modern and futuristic.

Greek theatre buildings were perhaps some of the first of its kind. They were known as theatron or a seeing place. They were large, open-air structures built on hill slopes. They had three elements – the orchestra, the skene and the audience.

Today, theatres are more trendy and bold displaying styles that are adventurous and imaginative, using colour, light and its surroundings to enhance the building.

Let’s take a look at 10 theatres from around the world.

Let’s take a look at 10 theatres from around the world.

The design for the Bahrain National Theatre drew its inspiration from the horizontal seascape of Bahrain and its name, “Two Seas”.

In Amsterdam, the Bijlmer Park Theatre houses a circus, a theatre, a Youth Theatre School and the Theatre Workplace.

At the Agora Theatre, in Lelystad, Netherlands, the design integrates the theatre arts and new media into sculptural form. The overlapping multi-faceted surface gives a kaleidoscopic effect.

The 579-seat Aksra Theatre is Bangkok’s newest attraction. The stage can support upto 200 performers.

The Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin plays host to touring theatres for Ballet, Opera, Musicals and Concerts. It is the largest theatre in Ireland.

Built in 1896 by the British, as a replica of the Globe Theatre in London, the Museum Theatre in Chennai, India is a heritage structure and an example of the Indo-Saracenic style of architecture.

The Southbank Theatre in Melbourne, Australia is the principal home of the Melbourne Theatre Company. The distinctive geometric shapes on the theatre’s façade were inspired by the paintings of the American abstract expressionist Al Held.

The Taastrup Theatre in Copenhagen is conceived as a translucent curtain of acrylic prisms embracing the building. It has an open foyer, an arrival area and a café.

One of China’s most famous cultural projects, the Wuxi Grand Theatre on the banks of Taihu lake, occupies an area of more thant 70,000 sq m. Eight gigantic roof wings stretch, giving the building look of a flaying wings, and protecting the building from the heat of the sun.

At the Almonte Theater in Huelva, Spain the old and new design were integrated. As a result, the contrast between the outside and inside, and the old and new is striking.

Now that you have read up about them try to pair the theatre with its interior.

What to wear

How much do you know about the clothes you wear? Try out this crossword to find out.

Tie, sneakers, sweaters, blazers, frocks, dungarees, and more. There’s a whole world of fashionable clothes out there. See how many of them you know about in this fun crossword.

An unexpected change

Sometimes, we take risks and they work. At times, they don’t!

So, remember last week I was telling you about how when a grown-up says, “be the change you want to see in the world”, they don’t mention all attached the invisible terms and conditions attached to the statement?

Anyway, after my friend P and I got busted for feeding the indie pups outside our building, we, of course, decided the next best step was to foster them.

Check out the slider to see what we did next.

Guess the bone

How well do you know the different bones that make up your skeleton? Try this quiz to find out…

The human skeleton is very important to us. It performs six major functions – support, movement, protection, production of blood cells, storage of minerals, and endocrine regulation.

Did you know a new-born human baby has almost 300 bones in its body, while an adult human only has 206 bones? How well do you know the different bones that make up your skeleton? Try this quiz to find out…

Madras memoirs

Here is a video celebrating the city that turns 381 years young this year.

Madras memoirs
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Riddle Me This – 6

Are you a fan of brain teasers? Well here are a set of new riddles. See if you can solve them.

Can you crack these riddles? Pass some time, and ask you friends and family too, to see whether they know the answers.

Urban acrobatics

Where do obstacles stand for freedom? In Parkour, of course! Find out more about this sport.

Leap, jump, swing, vault – it’s time to discover an offbeat sport! Do you know what Parkour is? Scroll through these slides to find out.

Strike a pose! This athlete is practising Parkour. Can you match these cards correctly?

Keep in mind that Parkour is a highly demanding sport that requires proper training and instruction. Do not try it without supervision.

Weekend treats

Spaniards are famous for their desserts. But don’t worry! You don’t have to be in Spain to enjoy this. Watch on!

Weekend treats
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