Top 8 rivers of the world

We give you the clues … you give us the answers. Time to see how well you know the rivers of the world. Get set, Go!

Rivers have been very useful to us since time immemorial. They are a source of drinking water and food; they help fertilize lands and transport goods from place to place.

Rivers also provide an important habitat for wildlife. They play an essential role in the ecology of rainforests and wetlands. Read more about the most important rivers in the world and tell us where you will find them.

Mixing words

The words brunch, smog, chocoholic, motel all have something in common. They’re portmanteaus! Find out what that is…

Mia overheard her mother making plans with her friend one day. They hadn’t seen each other in a long time and decided to meet over brunch. Mia was puzzled, what is brunch? Is it something you eat? She decided to ask her mother, who explained that the word brunch is made from two words and their meanings – breakfast and lunch, hence brunch! It is a meal that is usually had a after the normal breakfast time and before the usual lunchtime.

‘Brunch’, in this case, is called a portmanteau, pronounced “port-man-tow”. It is a new word made from two words and their meanings. Here’s a few other examples:

Edutainment is the combination of education + entertainment, and it means entertainment meant to inform its viewers.

Smog is the combination of smoke + fog and refers to really polluted air that has a combination of both.

Here’s an activity for you try figure out some portmanteaus.

Holiday in space!

Soon we’ll be able to take off to the Moon for a holiday. Until such a time, check how much you know about space tourism.

Space tourism, or recreational space travel, is gaining prominence with several successful commercial flights into space and more to come.

While it continues to be an expensive affair, space travel companies (yes, there are many!) are working to make it affordable. Until such time you and I can take a trip into space, check how much you know about space travel.

Madras Day

How much do you know about Madras? Take this crossword and find out.

Madrasapattinam, Chennai, Jallikattu, Marina beach, Sowcarpet, filter coffee, the Marghazhi music and dance season, cinema rendezvous at Sathyam or Ega theatres, and more…. Singara Chennai has so much to offer. On this wonderful city’s 381st birthday, how much do you know of its rich heritage? Here’s a game that will help you find out.

Testing times

Match the diagnostic equipment with the body part it is used for. How many can you get right?

When you are not well, the doctor puts you through a series of tests to find out what’s wrong. This is called diagnosis and there are many tools that help doctors find out what the problem is.

Some like sphygmomanometer (find out what that is when you play this game) are pretty common now and are even used at homes. Others can be found only in hospitals or clinics. Each test is different; both in how it is operated and in the kind of information it gives.

This memory game features some diagnostic equipment. You have to match it with the part of the body it is used for. Go on, see how many you can put together.

Shades and tones

There are various types of painting media and they are extremely versatile. In this word search, see how many you can identify.

Artists use different mediums to create their art. While some may like to use water colours, others may prefer to use oil paints. There are four common paint media: acrylics, oils, tempera and water colours. There are some others that are not well known but yet, favoured by a few. Fineliners are often used bring out the intricate detail of a drawing. However, if it is to bring out depth and the richness of the canvas, artists might prefer charcoal. If an opaque effect is what one desires then gouache might be a choice. Here, a natural pigment, water and a binding agent are used. While pastels can be pleasing to the eye, encaustic is an ancient painting media. Spray painting is also in vogue especially for those who want the job done fast.

Now that you know the basics, try this word search.

Terms and conditions apply

It’s so hard to follow in the Mahatma’s footsteps, when you have a mother with eyes like a hawk.

For the longest time, I thought my mother had come up with this phrase. Because every time I’d complain about how things were unfair in the world, mom would tell me, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ Then, I found out that it was actually Mahatma Gandhi who first said it. Ha. Talk about plagiarising.

Well, when parents and teachers use this line on you, they should add an asterisk to show that terms and conditions apply. Be the change you want to see in the world*.

Check out the slider to see what they are.

The story of Madras

August 22 is Madras Day. Discover the story of the city that has evolved from Madras to Chennai!

August 22 is celebrated as Madras Day every year. Slide through the comic below to learn about the story behind this city that is now known as Chennai.

Diverse, that’s me

Breathtaking, bustling, exciting, stunning and vibrant – I am everything, all at once.

Diverse, that’s me
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A miracle and a mystery

A long-standing wish finally comes true, thanks to Maya’s determination and a bit of magic. Check out the story to find out more…

A miracle and a mystery
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