Friends are forever

A day set aside just for your friends — sounds fun, doesn’t it? Friendship Day is a popular custom in several countries around the world.

How often do you appreciate your friends for always being there for you? Well, what better occasion to do this than on International Friendship Day, a day set aside just for celebrating the bond of friendship?

In 1998, Winnie the Pooh was named the world’s Ambassador of Friendship at the United Nations. The United Nations also officially recognised July 30 as International Friendship Day in 2011, with the idea that friendship can inspire peace. Different countries celebrate friendship on different days, though. In India, it is usually the first Sunday of August.

Have an elephantistic day!

Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth. On World Elephant Day, August 12, let us take a look at some of their unique traits. Watch the video to learn more…

Have an elephantistic day!
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The Artist

Colours, Crayons, Paints, Pencils….ad so much more. An artist’s world is so colourful. Try this crossword to know more

Do you love to draw, paint, shade and sketch? Then this crossword is just for you.

Cast a spell – 2

Here are some more words that are commonly misspelt. Can you find the right spelling?

Put your spelling skills to the test and prove your mastery over words.

On the road to freedom

The Quit India Movement was one of the most important phases in India’s freedom struggle. Find out more about it and also take the quiz to see how much you remember.

August 8, 1942, is an important date in the history of the independence struggle. It was the date the Quit India Movement was launched. Read on to know more about this crucial struggle.

World War II was going on. Indian leaders were angry that Britain had not consulted them about being part of the war efforts. In an effort to placate them, the Cripps Mission was sent to India with proposals for a new constitution but this was rejected by both the Congress and the Muslim League.

The All India Congress Committee held a session at Mumbai’s Gowalia Tank Maidan (now renamed August Krant Maidan) that began on August 7, 1942, and finished on the midnight of August 8/9 and passed the Quit India Resolution. During his speech, Gandhi said, “There is a mantra — a short one — that I give you. You imprint it on your heart and let every breath of yours give an expression to it. The mantra is ‘do or die’.”

But not everyone supported this resolution. C Rajagopalachari, the veteran Congress leader, left the Congress over this issue.

On the morning of August 9, Gandhi, Nehru and all the other top leaders of the Congress were arrested by the British. Since there was no one to hoist the flag, the honour fell to Aruna Asaf Ali who, along with Usha Mehta, later set up an underground radio and broadcast messages from Indian leaders and directed the movement.

Though the Quit India Movement failed, it was reported in the world press and created an opinion favourable to Indian independence. Once the British realised that they couldn’t hold on to India, they began to look at ways to quit the country.

How did the phrase Quit India come to be used? Gandhi and his colleagues were trying to find a suitable slogan for the movement. One of the suggestions was ‘Get Out’, which Gandhi felt was too impolite and rude. Finally Yusuf Meheraly — who earlier came up with ‘Simon Go Back’ for the Simon Commission protests in 1928 — suggested ‘Quit India’. Gandhi approved and the slogan was unanimously selected.

Now that you have learnt about this movement, take this quiz to see how much you remember.

Six by six

Put on your thinking caps and solve this sudoku puzzle.

Are you a number lover? Then this is perfect for you. Try your hand at this popular game and see if you can ace it. A Sudoku is a grid consisting of columns, rows and blocks. This is a 6*6 grid.

How to play

The objective of the game is to fill the missing digits into the grid. Use digits 1 to 6 to fill this 6×6-grid.
In each column, row and block you can use a digit only once. Drag and drop the numbers (1-6) given beside the grid in their right places.

Sudoku Rules

1. Each row will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

2. Each column will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

3. Each coloured block will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

What’s right, what’s not

As far as exercise is concerned, everybody knows something more than you do. And, there is enough information online to tell you how and when to get started. But how much of it is fact, and how much is fiction? Find out.

When it comes to fitness and maintaining an exercise regimen there are countless facts and as many myths. From the need to stretch after an intense workout to overcome stiffness the next day to working out on an empty stomach and running on a treadmill is better than running outdoors.

Here are some basic facts you need to understand. Try this true or false test to learn more about exercising.

Say cheese!

Forgot to gift your friends on Friendship Day? Fret not, for here is a cool gift you can make on your own. Better late than never!

Friendship Day was just around the corner. So what if you forgot to buy a gift. You can MAKE one! A gift that will help you both relive the best memories. Also, it’s the thought that counts.

Recycled photo frame

Material required:

An unused cardboard box of any size.
Old magazines

Here to stay

Instead of taking a break from the pandemic, I went back in time to meet a whole host of them!

Hello! It’s me, your friendly neighbourhood Bug Boy, back from a brief vacation with the grandparents. You know, I want to say that going away and chilling with the grand folks was just the break I needed from this pandemic. That all I did was eat gulab jamuns for breakfast, read comics and plan the roll out of my epic multi-media empire (YouTube channel, graphic novels, t-shirts, snack bars), and that online school and COVID-19 were a distant memory. But trust grownups to ruin your plans for world domination.

Check out this slider to see how the best laid plans of men and mice turn to dust…

Steeped in history

There are many buildings from history that still hold high importance in our country. See if you can spot all the differences in the images.

August is quite a monumental month for India with two important dates in it. The first is August 8, which is the anniversary of the Quit India Movement, and the other is of course August 15, which is India’s Independence Day. India is home to not only diverse cultures and people but also varieties of buildings steeped in history, many of which blend and mingle with the new modern buildings. Palaces, forts, places of worship, intricate memorial tombs… India has them all. While many are tourist hotspots, some structures are still in use. Like the Red Fort. Every year the Prime Minister addresses the people of India on Independence Day from its ramparts.

Here’s a game for you. The following images contain some famous historic monuments in India. But the second image has a few differences. Can you spot them all? Once you’re done, see if you can recognise the different structures in the pictures.