Express in emojis

Conversations have been taken over by the use of ’emojis’. But what exactly is an ’emoji’?

Happy World Emoji Day! Did you know there was such a day. This whimsical day falls on July 17 and celebrates the cute little images that are often used in text messaging and on the Internet. Whether happy, sad or angry, a lot can be said with these images.

They originated in Japanese mobile phones in 1999. The word comes from the Japanese words “e” (which means picture) and “moji” (which means character).

What started out as just facial expressions has now turned into much more with pictures of common objects, places, weather, animals, and more. Emojis are so popular that there are now many products that use them, including phone covers, t-shirts, pillows, and more.

Emoji’s can be used to depict words. So here’s a fun little game for you.

This and that

Did you know that there are words that are their own opposites? Read on to find out more about this rare set of words.

Have you ever come across words that have two meanings that are opposite of each other? Such words are called contronyms, and they are quite rare.

For example, “to peruse” means both “to skim or read without attention to detail” and “to read or examine in detail”. “Sanction” means “approval” as well as “penalty”. Strange, isn’t it?

Scroll down to discover more words that fall under this category.

Task for you! Based on what you have just learnt, can you match the words with their meanings?

Rise of a rebellion

The events of July 10, 1806, are an indelible part of Indian history. What exactly happened? Click here to find out

Lasting just a day but costing around 400 lives, the Vellore Mutiny was a signal that dissent against the British was beginning to gain hold. It was a time when India was under British rule. Though the atmosphere was fairly peaceful, anger against the rules imposed on Indians was gradually building up.

Let us take a look at the events that led up to the Revolt and what happened after…

Earth’s twin

Named after the goddess of love and beauty, Venus has many interesting facts around it. Watch on.

Earth’s twin
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What’s up, doc?

ECG, MRI, PET, CT …. what do all these letters stand for? What are doctors looking for when they order these scans? Read on to find out.

Have you heard of people getting a scan? Usually when they’re not well, right?

To know what exactly is wrong, doctors need to find out what exactly is going on in the various organs tucked away inside your body. And this is where the scans and X-rays come in.

Each scan is different; both in how it is operated and in the kind of information it gives. Here are some of the most common kinds.

Frozen fun

Sink your teeth into these delectable delights. Which one is your favourite?

When it’s summer holidays, especially an extended one, it’s ice-cold treats that first come to the mind. Ice creams, sorbets, and more… there are so many options. But do you know the one ingredient that makes all these fun treats tick? Here’s your chance to find out. Take this quiz to see the one ingredient that makes or breaks your favourite desserts.

On the road

On a road trip with your family? It can be exciting or excruciatingly boring depending on how you look at it. Try your hand at this simple crossword to see how well versed you are with motor jargon.

Here’s a crossword that deals with encounters and experiences on the road. It can be connected with your mode of transport or the road you travel on. Have fun.

Memorable characters

Whether in a book, cartoon or movie, some characters are unforgettable. Find them in the word search.

When reading a book or watching cartoons and movies, have there been any characters that stood out to you? Some fictional characters are so memorable and well known and loved, they’re hard to forget. Do you know all of the following characters names?

Find them in the grid.

Wild cats

Most adaptable of all the cat species, leopards or panthers are found almost throughout the Indian Sub-continent. Read on to know know about these camouflaging champions.

Stealthy and elusive,Leopard (Panthera pardus) is a member of the family Felidae. The Indian Leopard (Panthera pardus fusca), a subspecies of Leopard, is widely spread on the Indian subcontinent. They are scattered ranging from tropical rainforests to dry deciduous ones, from grasslands to deserts and mountains. In India, they are widely distributed in most of the forests but it can be a task to spot this shy creature as they are the champions in camouflaging themselves.

Slide left to right to see which Leopard we are talking about.

Smaller in size the Snow Leopard has a thick coat of soft grey fading to snow white with a longer bushy tail. The rosettes are less noticeable on Snow Leopards and the main distinct feature is its high forehead with short muzzle.

Found in the forests of Assam is The Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa). With its longish body and tail but with smaller length than the Leopard from the plains, the Clouded Leopard is more beautiful in appearance.

Panthera pardus fusca or Indian Leopard is one of the most successful members of five big cats of India,known for its unique skills of climbing trees, jumping and adaption to city culture.

The leopard is one of the five big cats found in India, Black Panther is also counted as a leopard with colour variant and known as Melanistic Leopard.

The Marbled Cat is one of the least-known small wild cats found in India. The Marbled Cat is similar in size to a domestic cat found along the Himalayan foothills and northern Sikkim.

Symbolic challenge

Math is full of symbols – from the basic to the complex. Match the symbols in this puzzle to their function.

The subject of mathematics is not just about numbers. It also uses a combination of symbols to create and solve problems. Symbols include the basic +, -, and / to the more advanced symbolic representations for summation, integers and many more.

Here are a few symbols. Can you match them to their name/function?