It’s a classic!

Tales as old as time, some stories are hard to forget. Play this memory game and match these classic stories with their authors.

A classic book is a book that is considered to be brilliant and exemplary. It can be a story that people talk about for many years and even generations. They become so popular that you may have some across different versions of the story or even movie versions of them.

The books in the memory game below are considered to be a classic, you might have read them or seen them in the form of movies. However, do you know who the authors of these stories are? Find out in the game…

All in the numbers

What’s your genius quotient? Take this personality quiz and see which scientist-mathematician you are most like.

Did you ever think of how mathematics is connected to almost everything in life? When it comes to science, numbers play a big role; whether we’re talking about physics, chemistry, biology or the various disciplines within them.

This personality quiz features six famous scientists who were also fabulous mathematicians. Play the game and see whose traits you share.

Sound of music

There are many musical instruments that you will only find in India. Read on and then find these words in the grid. Give it a shot!

India’s rich cultural heritage has also given us some of the most unique musical instruments. Here are eight unique musical instruments you’ll see only in India. Read all about them and then look for these instruments in the grid given.

Pepa: A hornpipe instrument, it is made from the horn of a buffalo. Its origin lies in Assam and is extensively used during the Bihu dance. It is also known as Pempa, Xuri, Singra and Pepati.

Pakhawaj: A barrel-shaped, two-headed drum, it is also known as the mridang. A look-alike of the dholak, it’s tuned in the same way as a tabla. A percussion instrument, the pakhawaj has a mellow tone and is used as an accompaniment with different forms of music and dance performances.

Padayani Thappu: It is a drum with wooden rims and leather walls on one side. Played by hand, it is used during a ritual dance of Kerala and the thappu is used as an accompaniment.

Algoza: A local instrument, it is found in Punjab and Rajasthan. It has been adopted by Sindhi and Balochi musicians and is used in the genres of Jugni, Jind Mahi and Mirza. It looks like two flutes combined and is played by using three fingers on each side.

Sursingar: An instrument that is similar to the sarod and the name means adding to the beauty of melody. It is larger than the sarod and produces a deeper sound as it is made from wood or leather.

Gubguba: A percussion string instrument, it has a dried gourd or a wooden resonator through which a gut string is attached. Its body is held by the player while playing and a string is plucked by a plectrum in the other hand.

Udukai: A membranophone instrument from Tamil Nadu, it is used by folk musicians and is similar to other Indian hourglass drums. It has a small noose stretched over one side. The udakai is played with the hand, In fact, the damru that Lord Shiva holds in his hands is also referred to as udukai.

Ravanahatha: This instrument is believed to have its origin among the Hela people of Sri Lanka during the reign of King Ravana. It is an ancient stringed instrument and is known as the ancestor of the violin.

The six-legged crawlies

Can you believe it? Half-a-dozen legs just to run around and get things done. Check out these amazing insects to see how much you know about them.

Summer is the time for insects to be at the peak of their activity, enjoying the abundance of nectar from flowers, munching on leaves, making their homes underground, on trees and elsewhere and stocking up on food for the rainy days.

If by any chance you come upon a caterpillar in your vegetables or among your balcony plants, you can transplant it along with its food plant into a box with holes. Watch the caterpillar grow, keep feeding it with the same plant leaves or vegetables you found it on and make sure you brush out the droppings and clean the box daily. It will give you great joy to watch the caterpillar metamorphose into a pupa and then a butterfly. Release the butterfly and give it back its freedom.

Name these insects

Blue skies smiling

Should you carry a raincoat? Should you dress for a warm day or a cold one? These are all everyday questions we might only be able to answer with the help of a weather forecast. Watch on.

Blue skies smiling
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Curtains up!

If you want to be a member of a theatre, you got to learn to speak like one. This puzzle will help you learn a few terms.

The world of theatre is fascinating. It has its own identity, genres, techniques, and terms! Play this word puzzle to learn a few terms that are unique to theatre.

Have the upper hand

Sports is such a favourite topic of discussion. So much so, that the number of adages which have their root in it is not funny.

People everywhere love to talk sports. It doesn’t matter if it is hockey or cricket, badminton or tennis…everyone likes to discuss it. But, just like it brings people together it can also tear them apart. That’s the kind of passion is evokes. And, that is why there are so many idioms tied up with sports.

Try and see how many of these phrases you know the meaning of…

On display

June is Aquarium Month! A whole month dedicated to visiting an aquarium. However, in this lockdown, play this game instead. Can you spot the eight differences?

June is Aquarium month. You might be familiar with aquariums that can be found in homes, with small yet colourful and varieties of fish. However, Aquarium month is all about the places which giant tanks that holds marine animals of all shapes and sizes, from small creatures like seahorses to animals as large as sharks, stingrays, and some even have dolphins and whales! Aquariums are a great place to learn about the marine life, and how vast it is. Have you ever visited an aquarium?

Today, you may not be able to visit an actual aquarium because of the pandemic, but instead you play this game to get an idea of an aquarium.

Can you spot all eight differences?

India at a glance

The number of elephants are increasing, students are using this time away from regular school to invent stuff that will help the country stay safe. This and much more is happening across the country. Read on

India is struggling with Covid 19 as numbers continue to rise. However being able to test more people is helping. However, that apart there are reasons to cheer with a few more states moving to the green zone, online classes and the country beginning to accept all this as the new normal. While you keep your mask on remember to use the sanitiser and maintain social distance at all times.

Click on the hotspot to see what more is happening in these states.

In brand land

The happiest place on earth? The secret of your energy? Identify the iconic brands behind these universally popular slogans.

Simple phrases can be really powerful. Many brands around the world have memorable and catchy slogans that go with their names. Taglines such as “I love you Rasna” and “It’s finger lickin’ good” (KFC) are instantly recognisable.

Can you identify the brands behind the following taglines? Choose the correct answer.