Playing the pandemic

Sporting events and sports persons are surviving the pandemic by establishing a new normal. Play this game of spot the difference form the comfort of your own home too

As with everything else, sports and sporting events are also headed towards a “new normal”. New rules, empty stadiums, innovative training protocols…each sport is making its own adjustment to survive the pandemic.

Here is one such scene wherein the fans view a 3F Super League football match between AGF and Randers FC at Ceres Park in Aarhus, Denmark, from the comfort of their homes as the season resumed following a two-month absence due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo: AFP

Desert in a glass

Three ingredients and a blender is all you need to make yourself and your family this delicious treat. Go on watch and try it out.

Desert in a  glass
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For better or verse

Crosswords are a great way to get your brains working. Now, here’s one all about English. Go on, give it a try,

Poetry and literature, art and prose…there’s so much to learn about it all. For starters, try this crossword.

Something odd

Put your Indian geography skills to the test with this odd one out quiz. Try it now.

How good is your Indian geography skills? Test it out in this quiz of odd one out. One of these are not like the others, can you figure out which one and why? Click on the odd one out.

Puzzles just for you!

Play this game and think which of your favourite numbers could be placed right there.

Solve these four puzzles created just for you. And as always once done, get your parents, siblings and friends project the same puzzled look you had when you started out first…except now you know!

Here’s a small tip for the first two puzzles: Look closely and you will see that the numbers inside and outside follow a pattern. Add, subtract, divide or multiply and see what leads you to the answer.

Here’s a small tip for the next two puzzles: Look closely and you will see that the numbers inside the table are all connected. Find how and it will leads you to the answer.

Become a horticultarist

Do you like gardening and watching plants and flowers grow? Then may be you could consider being a horticulturist?

Horticulturasts can be gardeners, designers, landscape artists or even those with technical knowledge in different sectors of agriculture.

Read on to know more about this career option.

Take a break

Take a little time off and cool down from the summer heat with a colouring sheet. Download it now and get busy…

Back under the sun

We can finally go outside again (terms and conditions apply of course). Here are some games my friends and I play, which fit well into the rules of the ‘new normal’. Read on

So, how are things where you live? Has the lockdown eased up in your city? Are you allowed to go out? HAVE you been out? Can you meet your friends and play with them?

My life hasn’t changed that much since the lockdown, other than the fact that all my fun screen time has become boring online school screen time. But, on the plus side, I can go down and play with my friends, provided we are wearing face masks and maintain social distancing.

So, what CAN you play with your friends while maintaining social distancing? Lots really. Check out this slider for some options.

Eat your water

Water alone is not enough to keep your body hydrated. You need to eat right too. Play this game to see the top eight water rich food.

Did you know that nearly two-thirds of your body is made up of water? Everything, from the cells, to your skin, need water to function. So it’s important to drink plenty of fluids to help you stay hydrated. But guess what? It’s not only what you drink that can help you top up your water levels. Plenty of fruit and vegetables are also a great source of water. In fact, one fifth of your daily fluid intake comes from the foods you eat.

Here are the top eight hydrating foods that you need this season. Pair the fruit/vegetable with its scientific name.

Read between the lines

Activate those little grey cells and decipher these names written in code. Grab a pen and paper and figure out what they say.

Are you ready for a new way to write coded messages? While this method could get a little tricky for long sentences, it’s great one for a short and quick one. The following codes have names of authors written in them.