Give and take

Did you know that countries too buy and sell products just like we do? Here’s a game you can play to find out what products India buys or sells.

When you run out of chocolates at home what do you do? You buy them from a shop. You pay the shop money in exchange for the chocolate you just bought. This is called trade.

Countries too indulge in trade – buy and sell things – on a much larger scale. When our country buys something from another country, it’s called an import. When we sell something to another country, it’s called an export.

Here are some goods that India imports and exports. Can you try to guess which of these goods does our country import and which of these does it export? Drag each of the items into the import or export truck respectively and check how many you have got right.

For freedom

Watch the video to get to know more about Madiba, the man who fought for the rights of an entire nation.

For freedom
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Strike the right note

Music is an art form, and cultural activity, whose medium is sound. And, there are some specific terms and words that are used in music. How familiar are you with these words? Try this multiple choice quiz to find out.

Music like every other field or profession has its own language – or jargon. Many of the words are borrowed from Latin giving credence to the Italian origins of many European musical conventions. So you will come across words like Adagio which means slow, or Molto vivace meaning very lively, or Sempre which means always…

Now here are a few simple words that we come across when we discuss music. Can you tick the right answer?

Word bucket

Did you know that some of these things had names of their own? Read on to find out more.

There are plenty of words in English that you may never use in your daily life. But what if these words are used to describe objects or things that you may come across regularly? Scroll down to discover the names of some things you already know!

1. Did you know this part of your face has a name?

2. Remember this the next time you enjoy a plate of hot noodles!

3. How’s your handwriting?

4. For the next time you wear your shoes…

5. Ooh la la!

6. What did you just say?!

7. An interesting word that seems like a combination of “tiny” and “little”, for that’s what it is!

Let’s play

Here’s a popular sports terminology. G.O.A.T – get it? Greatest Of All Time – yes, another sporting term. Try this crossword and see if you know what these sports jargons are.

Sport is a universal favourite. While some may prefer football others could go crazy over cricket. And, then, there is the jargon attached to each sport. “Par for the course” from golf, “dropped the ball” from baseball, “cross the goal line” from football…and more such phrases. This crossword is about words connected with sport. How easy can it be? Very!

Head in the clouds

At first glance, all clouds can look pretty much the same. But, with a bit of knowledge and practice you can soon learn how to identify the cloud you’re looking at. Read on

According to the World Meteorological Organization’s International Cloud Atlas, there are more than 100 types of clouds. However, depending on their variations they have been broadly grouped into 10 basic types depending on their shape and height in the sky.

Click on each of these clouds to learn more about them.

Now that you are familiar with this, why not try your hand at this word search.

Watery wonders

With World Oceans Day just past, learn why oceans are important and see if you can identify the five main oceans from the given clues.

June 8 was World Oceans Day. Why celebrate our oceans? Here’s why:

Oceans are responsible for the much of the oxygen we breathe and also contain 97% of the planet’s water.

One-sixth of the animal protein that people eat come from the oceans.

The oceans help regulate earth’s temperature and reduce the impact of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide.

Many life-saving drugs come from marine life: both animal and plant. Did you know that organisms found at extreme depths are currently being used to detect COVID 19 faster?

Ocean-based industries employ millions of people across the world. Most of these jobs are in the fisheries and tourism sector.

While there is only one global ocean, it is divided into distinct regions geographically. Can you identify the five major oceans of the world using these facts.

Retracing ancestry

While dinosaurs may not exist anymore, their descendants still roam the earth, we may have even encountered some in our lives! Play this memory game to learn more…

We know dinosaurs no longer roam the earth and they died millions of years ago. However, did you know that some animals that exist today have a genetic connection to those ancient beasts? From birds, reptiles and big mammals, play this memory game to find out which animal is the relative to a certain dinosaur.

Treat for the birds

The days are hot and you are stuck indoors all day long. Wondering how to pass time? Try your hand at craft that is good for the environment too.

Birthday blast

There are so many fun ways to ring in your special day, during a lockdown. Just a smattering of creativity is in order…

Have you or one of your friends had a lockdown birthday? In the past three months, all of my cousins, my best friend V, the PB, and I have celebrated our birthdays. Well, not celebrated in the usual way with cake and presents and a party, but we managed to celebrate our birthdays in one way or another.

Check out this slider to find out how to have a happy lockdown birthday.