My Monthly Planner: June 2020

More free time on hand? There is so much you can do. Download this planner and mark the dates to take you through the month.

What’s in the night sky tonight?

A lunar and solar eclipse, a solstice, and a bright Jupiter…June skies are abuzz for sure!

June marks the 50th anniversary of the first American Spacewalk. It was completed by Ed White during the Gemini 4 mission. Besides this, the month is memorable for its eclipse as well as the sighting of a beautiful planet. Read on.

Burst of flavours

Is it a lunch, dinner or just a snack? The great thing about tacos is that they can be anything you want them to be! Here’s how to make this Mexican dish.

Burst of flavours
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Come, visit my village!

Listen and watch as Guddu takes you on a tour across her beautiful village in Mithila and feast your eyes on its art and scenes.

Come, visit my village!
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Hear them in the waters

Match the sounds of these aquatic mammals with their pictures.

Did you know that whales sing? Some of the sounds they make are similar to human music. Dolphins use a variety of sounds to communicate with each other and to navigate their way in the seas.

In this puzzle, you will find a group of aquatic mammals i.e. animals that give birth and also live in water – some in the sea and some in rivers and lakes. Match the animal and the sound it makes.

For lasting peace

May 29 is International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. Read on to find out more about what this means.

The United Nations (UN) constantly works towards maintaining international peace and security. Many countries in the world are torn by conflict, and the UN Peacekeeping helps them create conditions for lasting peace. This involves a lot of effort from the military, the police and civilians.

May 29 is observed as International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers to commemorate and commend the professionalism, dedication and courage of these people.

The theme of this year’s celebration is “Women in Peacekeeping – A Key to Peace”. By doing this, the UN is throwing the spotlight on the invaluable contribution of women around the world involved in peacekeeping operations, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Get set cracking

Put on your thinking caps, arm yourself with numbers and play along.

We bring you some simple yet tricky problems. Take a look at the following puzzles. Three of them are solved and the last one is what you need to solve. There is a pattern and you need to use permutations and combinations to get the right number. Once you solve the first one in each puzzle you will realise exactly how easy it is.

Tricks and Trails Part 2

Numbers can get confusing especially the higher order ones. Well, here’s a video to give you some tips to make this process easy and simple. Watch on.

Polynomial comes from poly- (meaning “many”) and -nomial (in this case meaning “term”) … to mean “many terms”. A polynomial can have constants, variables and exponents, but never division by a variable.

Did you know

1. If you add polynomials you get a polynomial
2. If you multiply polynomials you get a polynomial
3. So you can do lots of additions and multiplications, and still have a polynomial as the result.

Watch this video to learn a trick or two on how to solve these problems and then solve the four questions below using the same method.

Which sports hero are you?

Sports, not only builds physical skills, but also builds moral character. And, these heroes of the sports field
shape our values, habits, and the content of our character.

Sports persons who are models of courage, discipline, strong character and success are often looked up to. They are not only successful, but have been able to negotiate conflicts, overcome physical challenges and have shown themselves to be capable of surmounting the pitfalls of private self-doubt. Featured here are six such persons.

Try this personality quiz and see which of these heroes you are most alike.

Statescan – May 2020

From battling locust swarms, to tales of grit and determination during the pandemic-led lockdown, there’s a lot to catch up on.

From some good Samaritans trying to bridge the gap between members of the local administration and migrant workers, a girl cycling across states to bring back her ill father, parts of the country being beseiged by locust outbreaks, and more… we bring you news in a nutshell.