An appetite for immunity

Which healthy food items help you strengthen your immune system? Find out with this interactive quiz.

Your body’s immune system fights off pathogens that cause infection and disease. It is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet to keep your immune system strong.

Take this quiz and identify some items that are believed to be immune-boosting superfoods.

Coping with confusion

The lockdown is like an emotional thriller. You never know what you’re going to feel next. Well, here is some help…

Hello and greetings from the deep void known as the COVID-19 lockdown. How are you all doing? Like really, how are you feeling? I know that I’m feeling… well, I’m feeling all sorts of things. Angry, confused, sad, happy, bored… and I never know when I’m going to switch from one mood to another.

And it’s not just me – everyone in my family is on a roller coaster ride of emotions. One moment everything seems fine, and the next moment, the smallest thing seems to trigger a fight, or a tantrum or a barking spree. Though the last one is just W the dog and not any of the humans.

Our school principal sent us all an email saying that this behaviour is kind of… normal. Well, not NORMAL normal, but kind of to be expected normal.

I know that I miss my friends, and I’m sad I can’t go play with them. I was supposed to meet all my cousins this summer, and that’s not going to happen and that’s made me feel down too. I most likely won’t get to celebrate my birthday with my friends or see my grandparents or play cricket with my crew again for a while. And that makes me bummed out.

Do you feel that way? It’s like the wait between Avengers movies. You know they’re going to release another one at some point, but the wait feels like it’s going on forever.

Our Principal sent us some suggestions on how to try and cope with what’s going on. Click on the plus sign to see what they are…

Fit for an empire

May 1 marked 89 years since the famous Empire State Building opened its doors. Find out more about it…

The Empire State Building is a skyscraper in New York City, the U.S. and perhaps one of the most well-known buildings, not only in the U.S. but across the world. On May 1, 1931, this iconic building officially opened for business. Its name is derived from “Empire State”, the nickname of the state of New York.

The Empire State Building has been made famous by some iconic movies such as King Kong (remember the giant gorilla climbing up a building?), Superman II (the 1980 film), Sleepless in Seattle, Elf and others.

Here is a little more information about the building and a bit of its history. Click on the different hotspots to read interesting facts.

Now that you know a little bit more about the building, how about a game? Can you spot the differences in the images below?

Cinnamon crush

This week try your hand at making a cinnamon mug cake. Make it, share it and relish it.

Cinnamon crush
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Time for a six

Get cracking on the 6×6 grid by placing the right numbers in the empty boxes.

Love numbers? Then, this game is perfect for you. Try your hand at this easy Sudoku and see if you can get it right. A Sudoku is a grid comprising columns, rows and blocks. This one is a 6*6 grid.


The objective of the game is to fill the missing digits into the grid. Use the digits 1 to 6 to fill this grid.
In each column, row and block, you can use a digit only once. Drag and drop the numbers (1-6) given beside the grid in their right places.

1. Each row will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.
2. Each column will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

Wriggle your way around

Want to play catch but your room is not big enough? Well, any space is big sufficient for wriggly worms! Try this.

Wriggle your way around
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Folding cranes

Keep busy with the art of paper folding. Here is how you can make origami cranes. Watch and learn.

Folding cranes
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Love for languages – 2

Continue your new hobby of picking up vocabulary from foreign languages with this video. This time it’s Mandarin (Chinese)!

Use the extra time you have on your hands during the lockdown by learning quick words and phrases in new languages. You may never know when it will come in handy!

Mandarin is a form of Chinese. It is the native language of around two thirds of the population of China and is the most spoken language in the world. This means that more people speak this language than any other language.

Watch this video to discover some words/phrases in Mandarin.

Take a listen

Screen time doesn’t always mean you have to be watching something, how about giving podcasts a try? Here are some of my favourties.

Hello! Is there anybody out there? It’s been three weeks since I left home thanks to #Covid19. That’s right! Three weeks. Sometimes it feels like three minutes and sometimes it feels like three years. Does that make sense? Some mornings, I wake up and it feels like everyone else on the planet disappeared when I was sleeping. They just packed up and moved to a new planet where there was no pandemic, no global warming and better WiFi. The streets are empty, there’s no traffic, no people and no noise. The no noise is nice. The other day I heard a Copper Smith Barbet for the first time in the wild. Okay. Not in the wild. In the city. And that was amazing.

Speaking of listening, since there’s a strict restriction on how much screen time I have, I’ve started listening to podcasts. At first I thought podcasts were a little lame, you know, walking around listening to something that isn’t music, but then I found a bunch of them on Spotify and… they’re kind of awesome. Here are some podcasts I’ve been listening to lately that you might enjoy!

Press on the ‘plus’ sign to find out more about the podcast.

Do you listen to podcasts? Or maybe you make them? Send me the names won’t you?

Become a coin collector

Take a trip down memory lane to see how coins in India have evolved over time.

Are you a numismatist? Do coins fascinate you beyond the sound of them jingling in your pocket? Well, here’s an interesting fact. To begin with coins weren’t always round? Imagine that, eh?

India has an interesting history of coins and how they came to be. One of the earliest coins was Satamana – known as bent-bar. It was rectangular and is believed to have been issued by the Kuru and Panchala realms in north-central India.

In Kasi, Kosala and Magadha the first coins were known as Karshapanas. They are considered one of the oldest ones from the Indian Subcontinent, dating back to 7th century BC.

During the reign of Sher Shar Suri a rupee coin was issued. It was the precursor of the one we use today. In the 1950s, we had half rupee and quarter rupee coins too.

Did you know that the Indian 5 Rupee coins were occasionally smuggled into Bangladesh? They were melted and used to make razors. This business greatly devalued the coins and harmed the economy. Thus, the government had made it illegal to melt coins or destroy currency notes.

Play this game and identify the era to which these coins belong. Arrange them in the order of oldest to newest.