Your questions, answered! – 2

Here are more answers to the curious questions you had about the pandemic. Read on…

In the past few months, almost all news revolved around the coronavirus and COVID-19. We asked you if you had questions about the pandemic. Here are the answers to a few questions sent in by our members from across the country.

Do you still have more questions to ask? Send us your questions by clicking here, don’t forget to add your name, class and the place you are from and you could be featured in the next of answers.

Health is Wealth

Crosswords are brain teasers. They keep our minds alert and active at all times. Come on, it’s crossword time.

Stay home, stay healthy. Cook happy meals that are nutritious, play games and stay active. You can also exercise your grey cells by solving this crossword.

Meet our galactic neighbours

It takes an expert eye and a giant telescope to spot a galaxy far away in space. But, you too can spot some! Click here and go on a space tour…

A galaxy is a huge system comprising gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems. They are held together by gravity.

Earth is a part of the solar system, which is a part of the Milky Way galaxy. When you look up at the sky at night, everything you can spot with your naked eye is a part of the Milky Way. The only object you can see outside of the Milky Way is the Andromeda Galaxy, our closest galactic neighbour.

Scientists believe there are as many as 100 billion galaxies in the universe, and each of them a different shape and composition.

Here is a list of some of the most best known galaxies and their distance from our galactic home.

Source: Groschenwiki/ Creative CommonsCC BY-SA 4.0

Now zoom in on this challenge – Can you spot the eight galaxies in the grid?

Which musical instrument are you?

It’s time to meet your musical match! Find out which instrument your personality most resembles by taking this quick quiz.

Are you lively like the guitar, dreamy like the harp, noisy like the drums or quirky like the ukulele? Find out which musical instrument your personality most resembles in this for-fun-only quiz.

Call for action

Happy Earth Day! What is this day all about and what can we do to make Earth happy?

Earth Day is an annual event observed around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first observed in 1970, so this year marks 50 years of its celebration. The day includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries.

Earth Day was a unified response to an environment in crisis — oil spills, smog, rivers so polluted they literally caught fire. On April 22, 1970, 20 million American citizens took to the streets, college campuses and hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance and demand a new way forward for our planet. The first Earth Day is credited with launching the modern environmental movement.

The theme for Earth Day 2020 is Climate Action, representing the enormous challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable. On Earth Day 2020, the plan is that we seize all the tools and actions that we have, big and small, to change our lives and our world, not for one day, but forever. While the coronavirus may have forced us to keep our distance, we can use the time to make sure going forward into the future we make sure we build a better life for each of us and the generations to come.

What do you think you can do to make our planet Earth a better place to live in?

Here is a game for you to play in the meantime, while think of the different ways to make Earth happy. Can you spot all the differences?

Colours of summer

Myriad hues adorn these trees. Red, yellow, blue, and more. From the clues, name the trees these flowers belong to.

The unbearable heat of summer throughout the tropical regions of our country is compensated for by a lot of trees that burst into blooms, adding colour and beauty to our lives. Many of them give off a delightful fragrance. And, when they shed their petals, they form colourful carpets on the ground. But that is not all. The flowers attract insects like butterflies and bees, and draw parties of birds that rent the air with their music and song.

It would be a good idea to collect the freshly fallen flowers and observe them in detail. Keep a magnifying lens handy and jot down your observations in a note book. You can even press them in a scrap book and make your own herbarium. Points to note: Original colour of flower, size of flower, number and shape of petals, stamens and stigma.

Can you name the trees to which these flowers belong?

Same pinch!

Ten words and ten letters are all you need to score a 100 in this puzzle. Go on give it a try.

English can be touch-and-go. So, it’s the best time to get a few tricks up your sleeve and get a chance to stump your family with this remarkably easy but ticklish puzzle.

Each word shown in this puzzle has the same first and last alphabet. For example _ R E G A N _. The answer is O. It’s Oregano. Now that we have given you a hint try the rest.

Our furry friends

There’s no better company than pets. Here’s what our pet siblings have to say,

Our furry friends
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Tasty surprise

Want to surprise your favourite adults in the house? Why not make and serve them an easy, lip-smacking treat!

Tasty surprise
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