Conquering boredom

Having an early vacation and staying at home isn’t all that I thought it would be. Luckily, I have a few things to keep me occupied.

Hello! I’m writing this at the start of the worst summer vacation in the history of the universe! Thanks, but no thanks, Covid-19. At first, I was super happy school shut down early and I thought I’d say ‘See ya Grade 6!’ without writing my final exams. But then school made us take our exams online, and I had to spend the first three weeks of my early summer break studying. Ugh. As if that wasn’t bad enough, everything has closed down or been cancelled. The swimming pool, theatres, gaming arcades, cricket coaching. What is a kid supposed to do? Even worse, both my parents are practising ‘social distancing’ and working from home, and they keep complaining about how we’re sucking up all the broadband watching “The Flash and DC Legends of Tomorrow”. So, screen time is being rationed.

In such difficult times, there’s only one thing to do. Read! So, I’m sharing my Covid-19 reading list. This is 100% free from adult intervention, because let’s face it, when grown-ups make reading lists, they can be super boring.

If we had wings

Flying was something people once believed would never be possible, yet here we are today with many modes of flight. Get those grey cells working as you solve this crossword.

You look up at the sky and see a plane flying across the blue skies, leaving behind a trail of white smoke. But it was only in the early 20th century that powered flight became possible. The word aviation comes from the Latin word avis which means”bird”. The suffix -ation means action or progress. The word was coined by French pioneer Guillaume Joseph Gabriel de La Landelle in 1863.

Here’s a crossword puzzle for you to solve and it’s all about flying.

Monkey business

Bored of playing the same games at home? Feel like having a good run and sweating it out? Here’s a game you can play!

Monkey business
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Mugfull of treats

You may be under a lockdown, but don’t let them take away the sweetness from your life. Here are some quick and simple DIY treats for you to try.

Mugfull of treats
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A clean mystery

Tobakachi, the evil aura, plots to become the King of India. How? By unleashing his Coronavirus army! Listen to the story…

A clean mystery
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Genius, aren’t you?

Three puzzles, a few digits, a little math…that’s all you need to get them right.

You often see your parents and older sibling solving these math puzzles on their phones. This week why not you give them these. Make sure you solve them before you pass it on.

As free as a bird

Myna, house crow, woodpecker, and more… how many of these everyday birds do you know? Try this quiz to find out.

Birds fascinate all of us. They are in their element in summer, making the most of the trees in bloom, enjoying the nectar from the flowers. Some, like the parakeets, even eat the flowers. And later, the pods and fruits are feasted upon by many of them. Of course, this is not true for the carnivorous birds. For them the lush trees provide nesting material like twigs and leaves and pose as roosting sites.

If you wish to know more about birds, you can fish out your binoculars and begin with observing those that are in your neighbourhood. Maintain a notebook, where you jot down your notes. Important points to note: size, calls, plumage, habitat and behaviour.

Pandemic pandemonium

Much before coronavirus disease, several pandemics have swept through the world, reshaping societies and changing the course of history. Take a look.

Covid-19 isn’t the first pandemic to hit the world. Find out about some others that shook the world:

The below graph represents the death toll due to various pandemics. Take a look at it and answer the questions that follow.

Emotionally tuned

Music can make us feel all kinds of emotions, happiness, excitement, sorrow, nostalgia and so on. Play this unique memory game to see if you can identify which emotions these songs can be related to.

Music is a language that crosses boundaries and one that people of all ages and backgrounds can share. Whether it’s high emotions and drama or serene peace and calm, these moods can be conveyed without the need for words through music.

Listening to upbeat and fast paced music could help cheer you up after a long day, or sometimes listening to a slow song is perfect for when you want to relax. There is music for any and every emotion. Movies use music a lot for their storytelling. Music can be used to enhance what a viewer is supposed to feel during a particular scene. Can you imagine watching a movie without any background music in it? The intense music during an adventure scene that has your heart racing, or what about the eerie music that plays during a horror movie and sends chills down your spine? Music, however, can feel differently for different people, what some might find sad, other could find relaxing, while some that just sounds loud and upbeat, others could feel excitement from it.

Here’s a game of some basic emotions, and some songs that could match the mood. Listen to the music and try identify what emotion it feels like.

Remember: Plug in earphones for a better sound

Superheroes in the time of COVID-19

There are many rockstars out there, who are making our lives easy in these trying times. How many of them can you identify?

During these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is staying safe in the confines of their homes to avoid exposure to the virus. However, there are some others, not just our doctors and nurses, who are out there braving the odds, trying to make life better for us. Take the quiz below and based on the clues, how many of such wonderful people can you identify?