Get creative

There are more ways of painting, other than the brushes. Read on to discover more creative ways.

If you are stuck at home without the painting brushes, don’t worry, there are more ways of painting than just using brushes. From using tissues papers to toothbrushes, there are a lot more ways you can put your creativity to test.

In this activity, identify the source of painting in the images and drag them to the right label.

Tale of tails

They have a more important function than just swishing and swashing along with the bodies of animals they belong to. Tails have a purpose. What are they? Click here to find out.

When we speak of animals, this body part is the most underrated and underappreciated – the tails. They are essential to their survival, comfort, and movement – the purpose varying from each species.

Here are a few animal tails and the purpose they serve. Can you guess the animal they belong to?

Lockdown woes

‘Bug Boy’ – as he likes to call himself, is also going through a lockdown just like the rest of us. However, it isn’t as fun as he thought it would be. Read on to find out why…

You would think once online exams were over at it was FINALLY the ‘summer holidays’ that I would be able to just chill and do whatever I want to. Apparently not!

Find out in the slides below what Bug Boy has been going through during his lockdown during the pandemic.

Stories at Home: 01

We’re starting a new storytelling series in collaboration with storyteller Vikram Sridhar. Here’s the first. Sit back, watch and enjoy!

Stories at Home: 01
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Telltale signs

A pandemic is gripping the globe. Stay aware and alert by learning a little bit about the symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

The whole world is talking about the outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). An infectious disease caused by a new virus, COVID-19 causes respiratory illness, like the flu.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness and dry cough. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, aches and pains, and sore throat. Very few people will report diarrhoea, nausea or a runny nose.

These interactive exercises will help you remember the symptoms. Try solving them.

Match the three common symptoms with the images that represent them.

The below tasks contain one symptom that is associated with COVID-19 and one that isn’t. Can you identify them correctly?

Note: Remember that the virus affects different people in different ways. This article is meant to be educational and not diagnostic in nature.

Time to gym

Dumbells, Treadmills, Cycles to Weights. A gym has so many equipments. Do you know them all?

We have often heard from our older siblings and parents about a gym. Click on the object you see and find out if you can spot them right.

Sunny side up!

With the lockdown and summer deal a double whammy, brighten up your space with this super simple stationery holder. Click here for the instructions.

Kings and their kingdoms

India’s rich history is fascinating and at the same time exciting. Delve into its wonderful past with this memory game.

In the course of history India has witnessed the rise and fall of many mighty dynasties and kingdoms. Many of these dynasties and civilisations continue to live on in history. Some of the important dynasties were the Maurya Dynasty, the dynasty of Ashoka the Great, Tughlaq Dynasty, the Mughal rulers, the Suri Dynasty, the Peshwas and the Vijayanagar Empire to name few.
Play this memory game and try to match the founder with his empire.

World Health Day 2020

April 7 was World Health Day. Amidst this lockdown, we still found a day to celebrate it. Click to find out how…

April 7, was World Health Day. It is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on April 7, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as other related organisations.

The tagline of this year’s World Health Day was ‘Support nurses and midwives’. The day was dedicated to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives, and remind world leaders of the critical role they play in keeping the world healthy. More than any other day, the tagline is very crucial right now due to the support and bravery that has been shown by these real-life heroes during the pandemic of COVID- 19. So, thank the doctors, nurses, midwives, and all other health workers you know and you meet. Provide them emotional and mental support, as and how you can. They are helping hundreds of people right now without putting their personal needs on priority.

Since we cannot go out, we brought a fun activity for you. Spot the 8 differences in these pictures.

What’s your guess?

Numbers, boxes, addition, subtraction, division….phew… but once you solve it you will have a trump card to use!

You are under lockdown and your parents, friends and relatives will be throwing these numbers challenges for you. This week take this challenge in your stride and stump them with two of these questions and keep them busy for the next two days. While you have hints they won’t and that will keep them busy for a while. What say?