Get sporty

Here are some well-known games from across the world. Do you know which country’s national games they are?

There are many games played around the world, and many of them have the distinction of being the national games of certain countries.

We have a list of some famous games from across the world — Sepak Takraw, Kabaddi, archery, and more. See if you can match them to their country.

Divide to solve

Division is always tricky. But guess what let’s get you started on simple sums. Try your hand to see how many you get right.

We all know division. Here are a few tips to always remember.

Number tricks

Divide by 1 – Anytime you divide by 1, the answer is the same as the dividend.
Divide by 2 – If the last digit in the number is even, then the entire number is divisible by 2. Remember that divide by 2 is the same as cutting something in half.
Divide by 3- If we add up the digits in the number and if the answer can be divided by 3 without a remainder, it is divisible by 3. For example, if we take the number 105, and add 1+0+5 = 6. 6 is divisible by 3, therefore 105 is divisible by 3.
Divide by 4 – If the last two digits divide by 4, then the entire number is divisible by 4. For example, we know that 14237732 can be divided evenly by 4 because 32 ÷ 4 = 8.
Divide by 5 – If the number ends in a 5 or a 0, it is divisible by 5.
Divide by 6 – If the rules for divide by 2 and divide by 3 above are true, then the number is divisible by 6.
Divide by 9 – Similar to the divide by 3 rule, if the sum of all the digits is divisible by 9, then the entire number is divisible by 9. For example, we know that 18332145 is divisible by 9 because 1+8+3+3+2+1+4+5 = 27 and 27 ÷ 9 = 3.
Divide by 10 – If the number ends in a 0, then it is divisible by 10.

Now that you know these tricks. Try solving these sums.

Granny’s flowery surprise

When grandma starts to make the garden pretty, everyone is curious about what she is celebrating. Watch this video to know what happens next!

Granny’s flowery surprise
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If you ever want to be a chess master, you need to begin with the basics first. Can you arrange the chess pieces correctly on the board?

One of the greatest games you can pick when staying indoors is perhaps chess. Not only is it a game of strategy that will boost your brain power, it can be a lot of fun to defeat your opponent. However, before you get started on playing, one of the fundamental parts of playing chess is being able to arrange its pieces in order, they can’t just be placed anywhere on the board.

Drag and drop the pieces to its correct place, remember all the white pieces are together on one side while the black pieces are on the other side.

Quiz Whizz – 35

Staying indoors all day could be quite monotonous. Here’s one way to keep your mind active. Test your general knowledge skills with this quiz.

Keep your mind active while staying indoors with this general knowledge quiz. How many do you know?

Garden of grief

The events that unfolded at Jallianwala Bagh more than a hundred years ago are firmly etched in India’s memory. Find out why.

A stone’s throw away from Amritsar’s Golden Temple is a public garden that is one of the most visited places in the city. A memorial built of red sandstone stands as a grim reminder of one of the most tragic events in Indian history.

Scroll through the below slides to learn more.

Though India gained freedom only in 1947, it is often said that the British lost its empire in India the moment an unsuspected and unarmed crowd was mercilessly massacred.

Photos: Wikimedia Commons

What sandwich are you?

Are you the cheesy type or the spicy masala one? Find your spirit toast with this fun personality quiz. Click here to have a tasty time.

One of the most fun and satisfying ways to spend your free time is to try your hand at cooking. It doesn’t always have to involve slogging over a stove. Sandwiches are simple and versatile. Tap into your creativity and your refrigerator to come up with different combinations of fillings or stick to the usual ones: cheese, jam-butter, masala and tomato-cucumber.

Here is a simple recipe for you to try with an adult’s help:

Have you ever wondered if you were a sandwich, which one would you be? We did the wondering for you and came up with this fun quiz. Take it to find out your true filling…

Tune in

If you like singing, here’s a chance for you to hum some famous songs. Click on to try this fun activity.

Here are some Disney songs for you. However, there are a few missing words. Guess the missing words and keep singing!

Healthy highs

What’s the best way to stay active and get fit while staying indoors? Unravel the shuffled puzzles for some options…

Staying indoors, for days on end, can be a drag. But there are so many activities you can do that will not only help you kill boredom, but also keep you fit. Here are a few that will help you stay in the pink of health. How quickly can you solve these puzzles?

Hula hoops

Performing the hula hip motion while keeping the hoop up at the trunk requires you to use your abdominal, oblique, and upper back muscles. This will not only strengthen your core but also help improve your balance and coordination.

Jump rope

This helps improve motor skills, timing, coordination, balance and posture. It also encourages you to be creative: you can whip up criss-cross jumps, heal-to-toe and more such combinations. Just be careful not to hit anyone or anything with your rope.


This colourful game is fun for more reasons than one. Not only does it help strengthen core muscles, improve balance and strength, it also helps improve your hand-eye coordination and flexibility. It makes you use your grey cells while undergoing physical exertion, further strengthening the bond between your body and brain.

Jumping jacks

Not only do they work your shoulder muscles and abs, but they are also a full body workout. Add some music to it and start jumping. These also help you run and jump faster and higher.


The 10 boxes in this game are all you need to help master body control. The movements involved build body strength, balance, eye-hand coordination and more. As the game involves numbers, your counting skills will naturally develop too.

Look up at the night sky

Right from this evening, do not miss your chance at seeing some amazing activities in the night sky. Amazing April has just begun.

Every month the night skies come alive and offer us many celestial sights. However, for you to enjoy these well, here are a few night sky observing tips.

Adjust to the dark: If you wish to observe faint objects, such as meteors or dim stars, give your eyes at least 15 minutes to adjust to the darkness.

Light pollution: Even from a big city, one can see the moon, a handful of bright stars and sometimes the brightest planets. But to fully enjoy the heavens — especially a meteor shower, the constellations, or to see the amazing swath across the sky that represents our view toward the center of the Milky Way Galaxy — rural areas are best for night sky viewing. If you’re stuck in a city or suburban area, a building can be used to block ambient light (or moonlight) to help reveal fainter objects. If you’re in the suburbs, simply turning off outdoor lights can help.

Prepare for skywatching: If you plan to be out for more than a few minutes, and it’s not a warm summer evening, dress suitably. An hour of observing a winter meteor shower can chill you to the bone. A blanket or lounge chair will prove much more comfortable than standing or sitting in a chair and craning your neck to see overhead.

Daytime skywatching: When Venus is visible (that is, not in front of or behind the sun) it can often be spotted during the day. But you’ll need to know where to look. A sky map is helpful. When the sun has large sunspots, they can be seen without a telescope. However, it’s unsafe to look at the sun without protective eyewear.

Now, armed with these tips, get ready to go through a virtual timeline of all the celestial activities lined up for this month.