Take the arty route

Hidden are words that are periods of the art form from the time they originated. Play along and see how many you can find.

The history of art is immense, the earliest cave paintings pre-date writing by almost 27,000 years! If you are interested in art history, the first thing you should do is play this word search game to know the different art forms.

Head scratcher

Here are some riddles to keep the engine of your brain running and acts as an ice breaker in those group video calls.

If you think COVID- 19 has taken all the fun away from you, you might be wrong. Here are six interesting riddles to make sure you brain gets some exercise and you have fun. You can riddle your friends next time you video call them.

What’s in common?

The lowest common multiple (or LCM) is the smallest common number between two numbers without a remainder. Here’s a way to find out

What is the lowest common multiple?

The lowest common multiple (LCM) of two numbers is the smallest whole number which is a multiple of both. A quick reminder, a multiple is a number that can be divided by another number a certain number of times without a remainder.

One of the basic rules to finding the LCM is to list the multiples of the larger number and stop when you get to a multiple of the smaller number. For example:

What is the LCM of 3 and 8?

Multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 and so on.

Multiples of 8 are 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 and so on.

So the LCM of 3 and 8 is 24.

But what if you have a group of three or more numbers? For example:

What is the LCM of 6, 15 and 20?

Start writing out the multiples like this:

Multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36

Multiples of 15 are 15, 30, 45, 60

Multiples of 20 are 20, 40, 60, 80

• Both 6 and 15 have multiples of 30, however 20 cannot have a multiple of 30. Both 15 and 20 have a multiple of 60. We know that 6 also has a multiple of 60, because 6 x 10 = 60.

• Because 60 is the only multiple all three numbers have in common, 60 is the lowest common multiple of the three numbers.

Here’s a few for you to try to get the hang of finding the LCM of two or more numbers:

Good to remember

Remember these do’s and dont’s when you go back out into the real world after the stir caused by a virus outbreak. Are these statements true or false?

The world right now is going through something that has never really been seen before. With the talks of viruses and staying indoors, it is always good to remember a few things when you have to deal with avoiding germs, especially once you are outside.

Are the following statements true or false?

NOTE: Wash your hands with soap as often as possible, especially if you have come in contact with anything in an unfamiliar environment. Wash them for at least 20 seconds with soap, and always remember to turn the tap off when you are not using the water. Staying safe does not mean you should waste water to do it.

Here’s a good way to make sure your hands are squeaky clean!

Get, set, hustle

Here are some of the world’s most famous martial art forms. Do you know which countries they are from?

There are many distinct styles and schools of martial arts, and from across the world. While some are forgotten, many continue to be learnt and practised, till date.

We have a list of famous martial arts from across the world — Taekwondo, Kalaripayattu, Kung fu, and more. See if you can match them to their country.

Women power

The right to vote didn’t come easy for women. Take a walk down history, glimpsing through the key moments in the history of women’s suffrage across the world.

The right to vote that we take for granted was a hard-fought one for women across the world. The year 2020 marks 100 years since women in the U.S. won the right to vote in elections, after a long fight. Coincidentally, it also marks a century since an Indian kingdom granted its women the right to vote – the first in the Indian empire.

This is as good an occasion as any to take a look at some of the key moments in the world history of women’s suffrage, meaning the right to vote in political elections.

Become an Ornithologist

How many of you like seeing birds or make mental notes of what all you saw and where. If they amaze you, then you might have just found your calling.

An ornithologist studies birds and may work in the field with populations of wild birds, in the laboratory, or on data on their computer. They may specialize in a particular bird group or be a generalist.

Read on to know more.

Stats from women’s T20 WC

Numbers from the 2020 women’s T20 World Cup that was won by Australia…

When Australia defeated India by 85 runs in the final of the women’s T20 World Cup in front of a packed Melbourne Cricket Ground, it brought the curtains down on the seventh edition of the tournament.

The seventh edition of the women’s T20 World Cup offered the viewers plenty of drama and the numbers – be it runs, wickets or sixes – are there for everyone to see.


Tree talk

The trees in the garden spoke and laughed. Sometimes, they even cried in pain. Vinay heard them all. Read the short story to find out what happens

Do trees have feelings? Can trees talk? Take a walk with Vinay and find out.

Read between the words

It is time to decipher some more coded messages. Grab a pencil and paper and read on to get started!

Are you ready to write coded messages? The following codes have names of popular characters from fiction written in them. Unscramble the name by first noting down every letter in the odd position (that is, the 1st, 3rd, 5th letter and so on), and then the letters in the even position (that is, the 2nd, 4th, 6th letter and so on).