Spring’s here

A planetary line up, Vernal Equinox and clear skies. March will be the best time of the year for a date with the skies.

There’s a lot of action in the skies, this month. Check out this timeline and see what’s in store for you.

New pole vault WR

Twice in two weeks in February 2020, Sweden’s pole vaulter Armand Duplantis set the world record, increasing the mark by 1 cm on each occasion.

Armand Duplantis first broke Frenchman Renaud Lavillenie’s mark of 6.16 m, who had broken Ukrainian Sergey Bubka’s record that had stood for over 20 years.


Pearl of the south

A powerful ancient South Indian kingdom, the Pandya empire was known for its prosperity, trade, and patronage of architecture and literature. Read more interesting facts about it…

The great Pandya empire, along with the Chera and Chola were the three ancient kingdoms that ruled South India. Together they were called “the three crowned rulers of the Tamil country”.

While its the exact period of origin is unknown (it is mentioned by Greek authors in the 4th century), the Pandya kingdom flourished until the 16th century, mainly centred in present-day Tamil Nadu and parts of Kerala and Sri Lanka. There were periods of obscurity and revival in between.

Pandya kings, who were called either Jatavarman or Maravarman, maintained friendly trade and diplomatic ties with Greek, Roman, Chinese, and Egyptian empires. Travellers Marco Polo, Megasthenes and Yu Huan make mention of the Pandya empire’s riches. In fact, Marco Polo notes that it is one of the richest he had ever seen.

Given below are five facts about the Pandya empire, but they are incomplete. Can you guess the answer for each?

Food that makes culture

UNESCO has a list for intangible things such as food and skills that play a big role in a culture. Find out about a few of the ones related to food.

Everyone has heard of UNESCO World Heritage Sites but, did you know that the United Nations also recognises ‘intangible culture’ as something to celebrate and safeguard as well? Intangible means it cannot be touched or have a physical presence. Food and culture are interwoven. The processes involved in preparing, serving and sharing certain foods and drinks might appear simple, but they often carry important social and cultural significance.

Here are some foods and food related skills that have made it to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage because of the skills involved in making them.

Quiz Whizz – 35: International Women’s Day

This International Women’s Day let us celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Take this quiz to learn more about some winners.

March 8 is International Women’s Day. Here are a few quiz questions about some high achievers.

Historically scientific

Have you ever wondered where did the Internet come from? Or that bulb? Watch this video to learn about the history of such inventions.

Historically scientific
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What’s the genre?

Art forms, especially books and movies, can be divided into categories known as genres. What is your favourite: adventure, history, science-fiction? Match these books to their main genre.

We all have our favourite types of books and movies, such as mysteries, horror, adventure, comedy and so on. These are known as genres. It is a style or category of art, music, or literature. Genres give you blueprints for different types of stories.

Remember, however, that a book or movie doesn’t always have to stick to one genre, it can have more than one elements of a genre, for example a movie could fall in the category of action, adventure and fantasy.

Match these books to the genre they are could be most known for.

Stress buster!

Exam season is here and so is the stress. But don’t worry, we have got some tips that can help you relax.

Take a deep breath in…and now release.

Exam season can be rough, but we have some tips for you.

It’s an expression!

Sometimes people use some phrases that you find difficult to ‘wrap your head around it’. Don’t worry, ‘pull yourself together’ and solve this word search to learn more idioms.

An idiom is a phrase or an expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. These are an important part of everyday English and can even make your spoken and written English better.

With the help of the clues and the images in the right side, find the missing word in the grid and complete the idioms.

Celebrating Women

This year, the theme for International Women’s Day is #EachforEqual. It theorises that an equal world is an enabled world. And, together we can help create a gender equal world.

International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.