Send a secret message

How good are you at figuring out secret codes? Try a hand at this pigpen cipher to decode what these common sayings are. Can you crack the code?

Have you ever wanted to send a secret message to your friend? There are different codes and ciphers you could use to do this. Here is a type of code you could use. This is called a ‘Pigpen Cipher’. It exchanges letters for symbols which are parts of a grid.

Try to decipher the codes below. Fill in the blanks using the clues given.

Want to be the next Holmes?

Are you the type of person who would go to any extent to find the truth. Then check out the field of Forensic science.

Are you interested in being in the thick of things where all the excitement is? Then the job of a forensic scientist could be of interest to you.

A forensic scientist is one who helps help lawyers, juries and judges with physical evidence that has been collected and analysed.

This slider will give you an idea of what it entails to be a forensic scientist.

Fasten your seat belts

Zip, zap, zoom! All you need is some knowledge about cars and roads, and you can ace this crossword.

When we slam on the _ _ _ _ _ _, the car stops.

The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gear helps you back up your car.

As you can see, there are certain words missing from these sentences. The common thing between these two is that both of them are connected to roads and vehicles. Let’s try some more of these. Solve this crossword using vehicles and roads terminology.