Robust, fit, mindful and more

How well do you know the terminologies related to health and wellness? Try your hand at this word search to find out.

Terms related to health and wellness are hidden in this grid; use the clues to locate them.

Catastrophic zone

Learn more about the disaster-prone zone which has seen the highest number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the world.

The Pacific Ring of Fire is a dangerous zone cursed with the kiss of death. Get to know more about this disaster-prone stretch and take a test by answering these questions.

Hit the dance floor

Who is the greatest dancer in the world? Nature knows the answer to that one.

Dancing is a fun way to express yourself. For humans and animals. From body popping and synchronised tangoing to waltzing and conga dancing, some animals use Earth as one great dance floor! While we dance to celebrate, here’s a list of animals who also dance to find love, defend their region or protect their food.

Move the slider to take a peek



Lunar eclipse

It’s the first of four eclipses that we will witness this year. Look up at the night sky on January 10, 2020 to see this grand spectacle. Watch this video to see what happens in this celestial dance.

Lunar eclipse
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Wordy puzzle

If Sudoku puzzles are your kind of thing, here’s a different twist to them. Can you crack it?

If you love puzzles then this one is for you. This is a different kind of Sudoku with a grid with alphabets! In this 4×4 grid you will have to arrange the letters to form a word.

How to play

The objective of the game is to fill the missing letters into the grid. For this 4×4 -grids, use the alphabets E, A, L, F.

In each column, row and block you can use each digit only once. Drag and drop the letters (E, A, L, F) given beside the grid in their right places.

Sudoku Rules

1. Each row will upon completion contain all of the letters of E, A, L, F.

2. Each column will upon completion contain all of the letters of E, A, L, F.

3. Once completed, one of the rows/columns will spell out a word. Type it in the black space below to make a guess.

Keep fit!

Learn some simple but interesting physical activities and enjoy getting fit.

Being active everyday will help in promoting healthy growth and development. However, attaining healthy fitness patterns may seem difficult.

But, what if you found that an activity like climbing monkey bars in the playground was a strengthening exercise? It doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Here are a few such fun physical activities that you can try. Find out how how familiar you are with them and get to know their benefits.

Monarchs and potentates

The kings and queens of India are not merely people of the past. They ruled their kingdoms and their people making them icons to be remembered.

How good is your grasp of Indian history? Here’s your chance to check it out.

Human senses

Try this memory game to learn how our senses affect our physical and mental health.

About a quarter of our brain’s mass is responsible for processing information from the five senses. Our brain plays a huge role in keeping our body healthy and fit, and therefore it is not surprising that the five senses are closely tied to well-being.

Match the tiles and see the benefits of keeping your five senses healthy.

Rh(ym)e in t(ym)e

Rhyming is always a fun activity. But we have a twist in that rhyme game. Try this fill in the blanks and guess the words.


It is easy to rhyme words. However, we have a got a slightly different game for you.

Globescan – January 11, 2020

Bushfires and exhibitions, cat videos and fewer number of working days. Find out what’s been happening around the world this week.

It’s been a busy week around the world. While the US gets ready to sign the first phase of a pending trade deal with China probably on January 15, western leaders say it is “highly likely” that Iran shot down the civilian Ukrainian jetliner that crashed near Tehran last week. And, in Hassanabad, Pakistan, villagers live in constant fear as the vast Shisper glacier, a river of jagged black ice moves towards them at as much as four metres a day.

Read on to know more.