Law and Order

Here’s a game for you. Look closely at the court scenes and spot the 6 differences.

In a society, Law is important as it serves as a norm of conduct for citizens. It keeps society running. Without law, there would be chaos and it would be survival of the fittest and each person for his or herself. The law is important because it is a guideline to what is accepted in society. Without it there would be conflicts between social groups and communities. It is pivotal that we follow them.

To make sure we remain truthful to the law and not go against it we have courts. And wrongdoers and violators are tried and tested in courts.

Take a close look at some of the scenes in this frame and spot the seven differences.

Beats of the world

Play the memory game and take a trip around the world and get to know about the different national instruments from various countries.

Did you know that most countries have a national musical instrument. In India, the Veena is considered the national instrument. How familiar are you with the national instruments from across the globe? Play the memory game below to find out.

Speak easy

From Hindi to Tamil to Odia, let’s take a look at different languages of our country.

India is a land of many languages and dialects, with more than 19,500 of them. While we know about the famous classical languages such as Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam etc, there are many more which are not so well known. Let’s learn about few of them today:


Official language of two states, Odia is a classical language, whose inscription dates back to the 10th century AD.


Spoken by almost 83.1 million people and projected to be more than 1,300 years old, this language is spoken in more than one dialect and is spoken in Maharastra.


A Dravidian language that is spoken by 1.7 million people. The oldest available inscriptions in Tulu are from the period between 14th to 15th century AD.


Originally known as ‘Lisho’ it was born from the Sino-Tibetan family. Today, nearly 690,000 people speak Mizo.


With almost 75 million native speakers, it is the most widely spoken Dravidian language.


With native speakers in India as well as Bangladesh, Khasi has around 1.6 million native speakers and multiple dialects.

Let’s travel around the country and try to speak in different tongues. Drag and drop the languages in their respective states.

Know that quote?

Have you ever read a book and had a dialogue or phrase from it that has stuck in your head? try this quiz to see if you know which book these famous quotes are from.

After you have read a book, how much of it do you remember? Here are some quotes from well known fairy tales and classics. Do you know which stories these quotes are from? Click on the correct answer:

Four on the trot

With their dominant wins over South Africa and Bangladesh, India now hold a new record. They are the first side to register four straight innings victories.

When India won its first-ever day-night Test, which was played against Bangladesh, it also created another record. The margin of victory meant that India became the first team ever to win four successive Tests by an innings!

Photos: The Hindu, PTI

How well do you know the Bronte sisters?

Charlotte, Emily and Anne, take this quiz to find out how well you know the famous Bronte sisters

The Bronte sisters – Charlotte, Anne and Emily were among the most important literary voices of the 19th Century. Whether it is Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre, you are bound to have read their books in school. Find out how well you know these literary geniuses by taking this quiz.

The land of pyramids

If ‘Egyptian civilization’ reminds you only about pyramids, then watch this video to learn about the history of this civilization.

The land of pyramids
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Season’s sequence

Santa’s hat, ornaments, a warm cup of hot chocolate…winter is officially here! Warm up your grey cells with this patterned puzzle.

It’s December. That means winter is here and Christmas is just around the corner! Get set for the season with a puzzle that get you in the mood for the festivities…

Take a good look at this picture grid:

Now complete the four grids below with the right sequence:

Crunchy confusion

Fresh, yummy chips are waiting to be made. But the recipe is all mixed up. Can you put it in the right sequence?

No one can resist the taste of a crunchy, homemade potato chip. Imagine a whole bag of it!

Here’s a handwritten recipe to help you make your own bag of potato chips at home.

First, here is the list of ingredients:

Now for the method…oh no! The paper is torn up! Thankfully, the instructions are intact. Can you read the instructions (click on the text to read the whole instruction), and try and arrange the recipe in the right order?

Illustrations: Freepik

Ready to help

There are many doctors in the hospital. Do you know who treats what, find out in this memory game!

Oncologists, Nephrologists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Endocrinologists. They are all doctors who specialise in treating a part of our body. Here’s a memory game that you can try your hand at too see if you know them well.