Up in the sky

Constellations are groups of visible stars in the sky that form a pattern when viewed from Earth. Play this memory game and match these popular zodiac constellations.

A constellation is a group of visible stars that form a pattern when viewed from Earth. The pattern they form may take the shape of an animal, a mythological creature, a man, a woman, or an inanimate object such as a microscope, a compass, or a crown.

The sky was divided up into 88 different constellations in 1922. This included 48 ancient constellations listed by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy as well as 40 new constellations.

The 88 constellations divide the entire night sky as seen from all around the Earth. Not all of the constellations are visible from any one point on Earth however.

Some of the most famous constellations are the Orion, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and of course the 12 Zodiacs.

The zodiac is a belt of space around Earth. It occupies the path that the sun appears to take around Earth in the course of a year (although it is actually Earth that is moving around the sun).

The zodiacs are Aries (the ram), Taurus (the bull), Gemini (the twins), Cancer (the crab), Leo (the lion), Virgo (the virgin), Libra (the scales), Scorpius also known as Scorpio (the scorpion), Capricornus also known as Capricorn (the ), Aquarius (the water-bearer), Pisces (the fish) and Sagittarius (the archer).

Play the memory game below to match the zodiac constellations with their representations.

In fine fettle

According to author Anne Wilson Schaef, “Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” Here’s a crossword on different ailments.

There are five dimensions to health – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. If all these are in good, working condition it can be said that you are healthy.
This crossword is about the some common ailments we might suffer.

Which country/town are you in, if…

In Baltimore, U.S. you cannot take a lion to the theatre and in Russia you cannot drive a dirty car. Here are some more strange laws that countries employ, can you guess the town or country?

If you are a traveler you will be aware that there some crazy rules in certain countries. While some of them may seem weird, there are others that may make sense. Can you guess which place these laws belong to?

The capital of…

How well-versed are you with the capitals of countries from around the world? See how well you know they them by trying this word search on the countries of Africa.

Did you know that Africa is the continent with the most number of countries? It is the second largest continent in size, and is made up of 54 countries, unlike Asia which has 48. It is also the hottest continent and home of the world’s largest desert, the Sahara, occupying the 25% of the total area of Africa.

Here is a word search to help you get to know a bit more about the countries in Africa. Listed below are capital cities of 15 of the 54 countries of Africa. Find the country to which they belong to in the grid.

Globescan-Nov 09, 2019

From wildfires, climate emergency to landmark anniversaries….this has been an eventful week. Find out what has been making news around the world.

It’s been a busy week around the world – 11,000 scientists across the globe have declared “Climate Emergency”; Germany observed the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall; a wildfire that erupted near Los Angeles has forced up to 8,000 people to flee their homes; and the children’s programme Sesame Street turns 50!

What else has been happening? Click the hotspots to find out.

Crossings to remember

While crossing a bridge have you ever wondered what if it was a swinging bridge? Read about such fascinating bridges.

Bridges are important landmarks. Some are known for being the longest, while others are famous for being beautiful and unusual. The Tower bridge, the Howrah bridge, the Sydney Harbour bridge are some of that we know of. However, there are more that not only have interesting designs and felicitate crossings that you will never forget.

The Devil’s Bridge in Kromlau, Germany was commissioned in 1860 by the knight of the town. This bridge is famous for its smart design as the reflection of a circle that forms on the river.

The Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan is also known as ‘the roller coaster bridge’. The nickname comes from the sudden drop in the bridge. This is one of the steepest bridges in the world.

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge on River Tyne in the UK is a pedestrian and cyclist tilt bridge between Gateshead’s Quays arts quarter on the south bank, and the Quayside of Newcastle upon Tyne on the north bank. Due to its shape, it is nicknamed ‘Blinking Eye Bridge’ and the ‘Winking Eye Bridge’.

Magdeburg Water Bridge in Germany is the longest navigable aqueduct in the world. Previously, ships had to take a 7.4-mile detour and boat lift into the river to connect to two canals. However in 2003, the new concrete water bridge near Berlin changed all that and gave ships a water-filled crossing.

The Rolling Bridge is a type of curling movable bridge completed in 2004 at Paddington Basin, London. The bridge rolls up to allow boats to pass. Because of its shape and operation, the movement of this bridge is described as ‘curling’.

The Wall that divided

Building of the Antifascist Bulwark that is the infamous Berlin Wall, was in fact an attempt to further divide the country and slow down the migration process. Watch the video to learn more about it and its fall…

The Wall that divided
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Hidden in Plain Sight

It may seem a bit tricky at first, but the answer is hidden in the clue! Put on your thinking caps and find out how quickly you can solve this crossword.

This is a special crossword where the answers are literally hidden in the clues! It could be a part of a word, or a combination of the ending of one word and the beginning of the next! For example, the answer to the clue ‘Stuff light can rise up in the air’ is FLIGHT and the answer to ‘Small drama is kitsch’ is SKIT! Get cracking!

Trick or treat?

Bubble bubble toil and trouble….. here are some movies to enjoy the scary spirit of a fun holiday. See if you can answer these questions.

Halloween is about dressing up in scary costumes and collecting candy from your friends and neighbours. But, once you’re done with candy collecting, here are a few movies you can watch, to keep up the Halloween spirit.

How much do you know about some famous scary movies? Take this quiz to find out…

Spell Right

Learn new words by match the spellings in this memory game. Warning, it’s not as easy as it seems…

Sometimes while writing an essay or a letter for school, you might doubts about spellings. The only way to get rid of this doubt is to practice more. Here is a small game to practice spellings and learn new words.

In this activity, every word has two tiles. One tile will have the vowels, and the other will have consonants. Match the vowels with the consonant to learn the meaning.