Making music

From emulating natural sounds to making melody musical instruments have come a long way. Featured in this memory game are popular instruments and used by pop stars. Match them all!

We enjoy listening to someone singing. But, that joy is doubled when the song is accompanied by an instrument. This is because the instrument enhances the music, lending it tempo and rhythm. Any instrument that is created or adapted to make musical sounds can be termed a musical instrument.

The history of musical instruments probably goes back to the beginning of time. In the early days, these sounds emitted from instruments could have been to signify some important passage of time or to make an announcement. Gradually through time, cultures developed composition and melody for entertainment.

Here are some pop stars who not only sing but also play an instrument. Let’s see if you can match the singer to the instrument.

Laugh for a cause

Who says protests are serious affairs? Some demonstrators use humour to drive home the point, let’s take a loot at some of them.

The Fridays for Future global climate strikes proved that nothing draws attention to an issue like a group of people — hundreds, thousands, and millions — taking to the streets demanding action.

Protests have the power to change governments, policies, legislation, opinions and change the world. In recent times, burning issues like climate change, economic slowdown, funding cuts, women’s issues, and political actions have fuelled people’s anger. Protests involve people voicing their thoughts through chants, placards, marches, costumes, enactments and drama. Humour is an equally powerful tool that breaks the tension and drives home the point. Experts believe the use of humour in protests helps lower stress and reduce fear. And as a strategy, it attracts more media coverage, leading to more support.

Good eye

Test your eyes with this spot the differences game. Can you find them all?

Test your eyes with this spot the differences game. Can you find them all?

Two in one

Only two men in the history of basketball have won both the NBA title and the World Cup in the same year. Learn more about both of them and how they managed this feat.

In September, Spain defeated Argentina 95-75 in the final of the FIBA Basketball World Cup that was held in China to win the title for only the second time.

Sergio Rodriguez, Serge Ibaka, Nikola Mirotic and Pau Gasol are all stalwarts when it comes to playing basketball for Spain, but none of them were part of the Spanish squad in China. But no team in the 32-team competition coped better with their high-profile absentees than Spain, as they moved from strength to strength.

In the end, there was not only a collective victory for Spain, but also an individual highlight for one of them. For Marc Gasol achieved something that only one other person before him has ever done. Before we look at that record, it is important to understand the competitions where it took place: World Cup and NBA (click to expand):

Throughout the history of the FIBA Basketball World Cup and the NBA, there have been only two players who have won both the titles in the same year: Lamar Odom and Marc Gasol. (click to expand)

Based on what you have read, answer the following questions:

Photo: AP

Historic Women

Women have always had to go through various struggles throughout history, here are some of them who have made an impact for women all around the world.

With October 11 being the International Day of the Girl Child, here is a word search of some of the women who have changed history and made an impact on lives around the world.

Use the help of the clues and the images to identify these women and find their names in the grid below.

Top it up!

Toppings are either hero or side-kick, but can’t be ignored. And each one is unique just like our personalities. Find out which one you are…

Sweet, tangy, spicy, bland…there is a topping for every kind of flavour your tastebuds crave for. Add a dash of it, sprinkle some, or drizzle a spoonful, toppings are sure to enhance the flavour of your food.

Take this fun quiz to find out what topping you are.

Seasoned travellers

October 12 is World Migratory Bird Day. Let’s welcome our winged guests by learning more about them…

When the winter migratory season begins – be it in summer or winter, water bodies and sanctuaries across India get ready to welcome the winged guests — both from within and outside the country.

What is migration?

While birds such as the common crow and sparrows are comfortable in their urban homes throughout the year, some species live in places that get too cold during the winter, and food supply becomes sparse. So, they undertake an annual large-scale journey from the breeding area (where they stay during the warmer seasons such as spring and summer) to a wintering area — where they will spend the winter months, and return after the season ends. These movements are called migration. Some species travel across states, countries or continents, while a few others, especially in India, migrate up and down the slopes of the Himalayas.

How do they do it?

Their route is set and generation after generation, follow the path.

Experts have figured that birds use different techniques:

Visual cues: Mountain ranges, and rivers.

Aural cues: Birds can hear low-frequency sounds, a skill that allows them to pick up sounds of waves or winds from the mountains and deserts from great distances away.

Earth’s magnetic field: Their eyes work as a magnetic compass, thanks to a type of protein located in them, and directs them while detecting the angle and intensity of the magnetic field.

Before starting on the journey, the birds build up their fat and sugar storage in the body — with some species even doubling their body weight — to sustain them for a long period. The period of travel can vary from a few days to several months.

The Artic tern travels the most during its migration, flying approximately 70,000 km per year to and from the Artic and Antarctic!

Take a look at few of our feathered friends who travel thousands of kilometers from different parts of the world to make their seasonal home in India.

Young Ones

Do you know what is a young one of a Kangaroo called? Or a young one of a Lion? Try this memory game to learn more about young ones and their names.

Baby animals are cute and fun. But do you know what are the baby animals called? Try this memory game and find the mothers of the young ones.

Quiz Whizz – 31

Keep your mind sharp with this fun interactive quiz. Find out how many questions you can get right related to International Day of the Girl Child. Ready?

October 11 was International Day of the Girl Child. Here’s a quiz to highlight some feminine qualities across reality, fiction and nature.

See how well you can do.

Globescan – October 12, 2019

A lot has been happening around the world especially with the big topic of climate change which is impacting many lives. See how it has made the news and what else has happened this past week.

Get your fix of news from around the world with this interactive map. Click on the hotspots to find out what’s happening.