A gold, 2 silvers, 2 bronzes

Sindhu created history by becoming the first Indian to win a badminton World Championship gold. And her medal tally in the event is now five! Read on to find out more…

On August 25, 2019, P V Sindhu defeated Nozomi Okuhara in the final of the badminton World Championships held at Basel, Switzerland, becoming the first Indian ever to win at the worlds.

While it was Sindhu’s first gold at the World Championships, it was her fifth medal overall at the worlds – making her the joint highest medal winner along with Zhang Ning in women’s singles in World Championships history.

Here’s more about Sindhu’s incredible feat…


Law and order

How much do you know about the legal system? Find out by solving this crossword.

Jurisdiction, cops, trial… how many of these words related to law, order, and justice do you know? Solve this crossword to find out.

Rhythm ‘n Blues

Do you know who the top singers are today? If you do then this is a song. Get familiar with some, in this word search.

Who would you name as the top music artiste of today? While you might say it is Ed Sheeran, your best friend might say it is Dua Lipa, and yet another may say it is Beyoncé. So, there is no definite verdict on this, and the jury is still out there.

Why is this so? Because each person’s taste in music is different and so choices tend to me varied.

The leaders in the music world are talented and remain on the top of charts because of their chart-topping songs, their image and of course their stage presence.

With this in mind can you find your favourite stars in this word grid?

Flag it

Time to crack some codes! Can you figure out the message hidden in these codes shown in ‘Flag semaphores’?

One form of communication that is used is ‘Flag semaphore’ which is a way of sending a message or information from a distance using visual signals such as hand-held flags, rods, paddles and so on.

Messages are sent by holding the arms or two flags or poles in certain positions according to an alphabetic code. This is a form of communication to convey a message to those at a distance. The navy and airports are some of the places where this is used.

Do you think you have what it takes to decipher codes in semaphores? Try this quiz and find out.


Teachers’ special

Teachers’ Day was celebrated on September 5, you can still take in the occasion by trying out this quiz to learn about the different teachers who have had great influences around the world.

September 5 was teachers’ day, how did you celebrate it? Even though it is over, that doesn’t mean it still can’t be appreciated. Take this quiz about some of the teachers who have guided many across the world and over the years.

Eat right!

Learn about the food pyramid and why it matters to our diet with this spot the difference game.

The food pyramid is one way of remembering which are the healthier and better foods for you. How it works is that the food represented at the bottom of the pyramid, where it is wider, are the kinds of food you should be having the most of – this is a part of the healthy zone. Which means you should be having plenty of vegetables, fruits, wheat and cereals based food. As you go higher up the pyramid, it gets narrower and the food right at the tip top where it is the smallest is food you should have the least of or avoid having too often, this is the danger zone. The danger zone food include junk foods, chocolates and sugary snacks or desserts. the food in between the top and the base are the foods you should have in moderation, don’t over indulge in them but have a controlled portion, even though cheese can be super irresistible.

Here’s a game for you, can you spot all seven differences between these two food pyramids? Take a good look!

Discover the origins

While technological discoveries are pretty recent, there are some inventions that date back to 2600 BC, and maybe earlier than that too. Find out more about them.

Did you know that it was actually Egyptian civilisation who discovered Mathematics? They even invented the concepts of libraries. Similarly, every civilisation contributed some invention or discovery, which we all use today on a day-to-day basis. Let’s look at two civilisations today:

The Mesopotamia civilisation saw a lot of valuable inventions and discoveries. From teaching the humans how to farm to inventing maps, this civilisation is known for some remarkable inventions and discoveries.

The Mayan civilisation made important discoveries in the areas of science and cosmology which enabled them to create a complex calendar system.

Let’s look at some of the inventions made by these two civilisations:

Wheel: The first wheel wasn’t used for transportation. The wheel was first invented as a potter’s wheel and was believed to have existed around 3500 BC.

Sailboat: These were square in shape and the sail was made of cloth. The direction of the sailboat couldn’t be changed. If the wind didn’t blow in the direction they wanted to go, they had to wait for the wind to change in their favour.

Time: The concept of time was invented by dividing time units into 60 parts, which eventually led to 60-second minutes and 60-minute hours. The number 60 was chosen because it was easily divisible by six.

Chocolate: Many uses of the cacao bean were discovered between 250 and 900 AD. People, at that time, mixed the cacao bean with pepper and cornmeal to make a fiery chocolate drink.

Elastic: Elastics was made from latex. It was mixed with other plant substances to make elastic items with various properties, including bouncy balls. They even used it to meke bouncy elastic balls to play their popular ball games.

Now that you know how and when were these invented, how about play a little game to see where were these inventions made.

Sound alike

They may sound the same but they are not the same. Confused? Read on to know more about homophones.

Homophones are words that are pronounced like another word but are different in meaning, origin, or spelling, such as their/there/they’re and to/too/two. Recognising homophones are essential and you must context clues to determine the correct meaning of sound-alike words (to, too; for, four).

Though homophones are confusing, the lessons exploring their meanings can be especially fun and interesting.

Try this exercise to see if you are a spell bee champion!

Look up-close

Have a go at this memory game which will update your knowledge of some of India’s endangered animals.

India is home to many species of birds and animals that live in the wild. But with rapid habitat depletion caused by humans and climate change, quite a few of our wildlife species have been listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as endangered. While some are “critically endangered”, others are on the “verge of extinction” or “near threatened”. Hence the government and various conservation agencies in our country are trying their best to protect these species in their natural habitats.

Today there are around 400 wildlife sanctuaries and 80 national parks where these species survive under protection and are encouraged to multiply. Play this game and identify six endangered animals and match them with the parks or sanctuaries where you can find them.

Globescan – September 07, 2019

From the Amazon fire to student protests, it’s been a busy week. Let’s take a look at what has been making news around the world…

The Amazon forest is still burning and many countries are coming together to help. The shortlist of the 2019 Booker Prize for Fiction has been released; it includes Salman Rushdie and Margaret Atwood among others. What else made news around the world this week? Click on the hotspots below to find out…

Photos: AFP