When the world shook…

World War 2 lasted for almost six years, and of all the lessons learnt the most important was from the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

When the world shook…
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World War 2 lasted for almost six years, and of all the lessons learnt the most important was from the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Tiger tails

It is said that where tigers thrive, it is a sign that the ecosystem is healthy. With International Tiger Day (July 29) just behind us let us learn more about them to see how we can protect them.

International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration and it was on July 29.

It was started in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit. The goal of the day is to promote a global system to protect the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues.

Match the cards below to learn some interesting facts about these marvelous creatures.

Word link

Are you a wordsmith? Test yourself with this word game. All you have to do is re-arrange them to make new words. Try it out now…

How quick are you with words? Rearrange these letters to make two words. The task may be simple but the options could be endless. While many different words could fit in the blank, try to guess the exact word we have in mind. Are you up for the challenge?

Globescan – August 2, 2019

Catch up on all that is happening in the world around you.

A 16-year-old wins a video game competition, Ethiopia breaks world record in planting trees, and more. Click on the hotspots to find what else has been happening around the world.

Stay in shape

You don’t always have to get up at 5 am to get your daily quota of exercise. Here are some easy and quick exercises that you can do while in class, or walking up and down the stairs. Curious? Let’s find out more.

School starts a little too early, and on top of that, your sports teacher tells you to wake up earlier to exercise? Not happening! But don’t give up. We bring you a set of exercises that you can do while sitting at your desk in school.

Move your neck to the right, and then to the left. Repeat it five times. That’s it, one exercise done! It really is that simple to stay fit. Now look at these easy exercises.

Wrist twist
There is so much to write that your hands hurt? We need to pay attention to our wrists as they play a pivotal role in your mobility and grip. So, to make sure that your wrists are strong, stretch out your arms and twist your wrists as shown below.

Wrist bend
Keep your arms stretched out. Now, with your palms facing outward slowly bring your hand down to face the ground. Repeat with your left hand. Do this at least five times. However, make sure you don’t keep tapping the friend sitting in front of you.

Wooden leg raise
When in school, you play, jump and hop around with your friends. However, sitting at your desk for two consecutive periods can be boring and may cause your legs to cramp. All you have to do is sit straight in your chair, keep your feet on the ground and then slowly straighten your right leg from the knee. Hold the leg there for a count of five. Now, repeat with the other leg. This will help relax your leg muscles.

Climb up
Is your classroom on the first floor, sports room on the ground floor, and climbing stairs making your legs hurt? Well, here’s a way to make climbing more fun. Place your right foot on the stair, followed by the left. Next, put your right foot back on the ground and then the left, as shown in the video. You can start slow and keep increasing the speed as you practice more. Maintain balance and do not slip. Stay clear of slippery areas and shoes, when doing this exercise.

Arm strength
Does your hand ache? Though the pain is insignificant it can be annoying, right? Here’s a remedy: hold your right shoulder with your left arm. Gently push your left elbow to stretch across your right shoulder, as shown in the video below. Hold it there for a count of five. Now repeat on the other side. You can do the same exercise by stretching out your left arm towards the right, with your palms facing outward. Now lock it with you right elbow.

Spectacular skylines

Stunning horizons, distinctive buildings, geographical features… these are some of the features that help you identify the city as well as inspire in you a sense of awe. Take a look…

A skyline is the horizon that is created by the city’s buildings. It is in a sense the face of the city. It is for this reason that you will find news, sports or television shows also show the skyline of the city to set the location.

There’s nothing so breathtaking as your first sight of a city as the plane begins its descent. The exceptional skyline not only captivates but also creates in you a wanderlust.

As Singapore is densely populated and space is at a premium, almost everyone lives in high-rise buildings. The Marina Bay, the most famous as well as the most expensive building in the world, dominates the skyline.

Abu Dhabi’s skyline is said to be among the most impressive ones in the world.

While Seattle in the U.S., boasts it’s iconic Space Needle.

Brisbane, Australia is home to the country’s top 20 tallest buildings. Standing at a height of 274 m, Brisbane Skytower is the first to reach the city’s aviation-enforced ceiling.

Hong Kong probably has one of the most dramatic skylines. The multitude of skyscrapers can literally take your breath away.

Colour away

Colouring is one of the best ways to enjoy your free-time. This weekend, ditch the mobile phones because we have got a monkey waiting for you who wants you to colour his life. So get started…

Quizz Whizz – 30

Keep your brain cells running with this exciting quiz. Put on your thinking caps and get started with this brain scratcher…

Let’s start quizzing. Six questions – some simple, some a trifle confusing, but all about general knowledge. Go ahead, try it out.

Bat basics

You may be a Batman fan, but how much do you know about the creature that’s inspired the hero? Find out!

It’s dusk and you’re walking along the street. Suddenly, you see a swarm of caped creatures flying above you. Don’t panic! Bats may not look very pretty, but they are useful in a number of ways. They are great indicators of the presence of trees — lots of bats indicate many healthy trees around. Bats also keep the insect population controlled. Some bats are important in the pollination cycle, others serve a purpose in research.

So let’s find out more about these winged mammals.

Photos: 1) and 3) K.R. Deepak 2) R. Biksham Ruther 4) AFP Photo/Nature Publishing Group/Brock Fenton 5) S. Subramanium

Djoker has the last laugh

The 2019 Wimbledon final turned out to be a marathon match. In fact, it is the longest in Wimbledon’s rich history.

The 2019 Wimbledon Men’s singles final between Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer was the longest final in the tournament’s history at four hours and 57 minutes.

Djokovic did emerge victorious in the end, but the fact that it turned out to be an instant classic was clearly due to the brilliant tennis on display from both players.

Based on what you have read, answer the following questions: