Table trick

If you hate mugging up the multiplication tables, then try learning this alternative way of solving the tables from 6 to 9 where all you need is hands.

9 X 1= 9
9 X 2 = 18
9 X 3 =…ummm

A lot of us go blank when reciting tables. Learning multiplication tables may not be easy, but unlike some concepts, this is something you will use in real life.

While tables up to 5 are easy to learn, the nightmare begins from 6. But fear not, for we have found a way of helping you get the right answer without having to mug up the tables.

Let’s learn an alternative way of solving the tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9. We will take an example in which we will calculate 7×8.

Get your hands ready and follow the example.

Brilliant! Now that we have learnt the new way, let’s try our hand at some quick sums? Use the trick given above and solve these sums.

Celebrate friendship

July 30 is the International Day of Friendship. Now is a good time as any to learn a few interesting facts about friendship. Click here to find out…

We love them, irritate them, quarrel with them and do fun things with them – that’s what makes them our friends! Grateful for the friends you have in your life? Celebrate them! July 30 is International Day of Friendship (In India, we celebrate Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August.)


Here’s is a little bit about how the day came to be:

Dr. Ramon Artemio Bracho, a military doctor in the Ministry of National Defence and the Central Military Hospital, proposed a dinner for his friends from all across the globe. During the meeting held on June 20, 1958, held in Puerto Pinasco, a town on the River Paraguay, the idea for The World Friendship Crusade was born.

The United Nations proclaimed this day as International Day of Friendship with the idea to promote friendship between peoples, countries, and cultures.

In 2011, it was decided that it would be observed on July 30.

Good for you!

Did you know that Winnie the Pooh was named Ambassador of Friendship at the United Nations in 1998?

(Credit: ©2012 Shelly/

Friends are not just fun to be with, but come with loads of health benefits too. Here are some compelling facts about friendship, but not all are true. Can you tell the fact from fiction?

Make plans

A perfect day for us to get together, have fun and remind ourselves that people are intrinsically the same, regardless of which country they come from. Borders need not divide us but instead can bring us together.

Click on the hotspots to check out our suggestions on how to celebrate this wonderful day.

Paradise found

When Columbus first spied it, he knew he had come into a New World. Mountains, rivers, beaches and a rich history this island has everything to offer.

Dominican Republic has much in common with the countries of Latin America (with which it is often grouped). Some writers have referred to the country as a microcosm of that region. Dominicans have experienced the political and civil disorder, ethnic tensions and export-oriented booms and busts at regular intervals. But, none of this has disrupted their spirit and enthusiasm.

This country is mountainous in the central and west, while extensive lowlands dominate the south east.

Compared to the tropical conditions in the west, the lowlands of the south east are exceptionally dry, with little usable plant growth. There are four significant mountain ranges.

Click on these hot spots to better understand the country.

Let’s take a quick peek at the history of the Dominican people, have a taste of their food and also play a couple of games with them.

Opposites attract

Opposites can be perplexing. But, can get you thinking…

Opposites attract: Every answer is the opposite of what the clue suggests!



  • 1-4 :Soft and easy (4)
  • 16-22 :Completely different (7)
  • 23-27 :Dark and heavy (5)
  • 40-42 :Either the past or the future (3)
  • 45-49 :Lying on the inner side (5)
  • 53-55 :The beginning (3)
  • 60-64 :Always (5)
  • 80-84 :Unfaithful (5)
  • 86-88 :Small (3)
  • 100-102 :Lose (3)
  • 104-110 :Noise (7)


  • 1-56 :Solid, filled with stuffing (6)
  • 3-47 :
  • 9-64 :To increase the speed (6)
  • 11-55 :Very simple and plain (5)
  • 16-60 :Jovial and easygoing (5)
  • 40-84 :Old and outdated (5)
  • 40-84 :Old and outdated (5)
  • 69-113 :Surrounded by people (5)
  • 77-121 :To have a different opinion 5)
  • 78-100 :Many (3)
  • 82-104 :Negative (3)
  • 86-119 :Straight (4)
  • 105-116 :Out (2)

What happens when you say “No” but actually mean “Yes”? Or, when you say “It’s hot out here” when you really meant “It’s cold out here”? It means you are using antonyms. Now, get thinking and try to solve this crossword, where every clue means the opposite of what is said.

Up right!

What does it mean to have a good posture? Find out with this interactive activity to see if you have a good or bad posture.

Have you ever heard your parents or teacher telling you to ‘sit up straight’? Well, that’s most probably because you were slouching which isn’t good for your back and also looks bad. This is what is they mean when they say get posture right.

Posture is the position in which you hold your body and limbs when standing, sitting or lying down. To have good posture means that you need to be aware of always holding yourself in a way that puts the least strain on your back, whatever you are doing.

Having good posture means that:

– your bones and joints are in line so that muscles can be used properly

– your normal spine ligaments holding the spine together are not being stressed

– you don’t get tired as quickly

– you don’t get pain in your back or other muscles

Why is having a good posture important?

– it helps breathing becomes easier and deeper.

– it improves circulation and digestion.

– it helps your muscles and joints.

– it gives you a healthy spine.

– it also makes you look good and makes you look confident.

Regular exercise like running, walking, cycling and playing different sports will help to keep your back strong.

Here’s a game for you try out. Drag and drop these images into what you think is good and bad posture.

Tales as old as time

Who doesn’t love a good fairy tale? From Aladdin to Snow White, here’s a quick look at some classics. Do you know where these timeless tales came from?

All of us have read at least one fairy tale, and watched a movie based on a fairy tale. They’re timeless and top the popularity charts.

Fairy tales are folklore told in the form of a short story. These stories feature dwarfs, dragons, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, goblins, mermaids, talking animals, trolls, unicorns, or witches, and usually magic or enchantments. They are formed from various cultures across the world and from stories that have been passed from generation to generation.

Here are a few examples of classic fairy tales. How well do you know them?

Night fairies

Though not as appreciated as their cousins, moths are just as fascinating, if not more so. For example, did you know they don’t have mouths? Wait! What?

Moths have been fluttering on our planet for 160 million years, yet we know so little about them. They existed much before the dinosaurs came into being, and butterflies are believed to have evolved from moths. There are so many species of moths that many of them are yet to be discovered and studied.

Let us study some of the species today.

Most of us think moths are dull, unlike their cousins, the colourful butterflies. But the truth is quite the contrary. Luna moths (like the one below) are pale pistachio green with silvery crescent-moon-like markings on their wings, ending in long twirling tails, much like a bridal train. They are rarely seen due to their brief (7–10 day) adult lives and nocturnal flying time.

Atlas moths have a wingspan of a whopping 28-30 cm and could be mistaken for birds. They are the largest moths in the world, and can be found in India. The female Atlas moths are noticeably larger and heavier than males, while males have broader antenna. Can you guess if the moth in the given picture below is male or female? Solve the shuffle to see.

Giant leopard moth is a flashy species, also called the eyed tiger moth. Its large wingspan of nearly 8 centimetres gives it plenty of room to flash the patterns on its wings. The wings of this moth are bright white with a pattern of neat black blotches, some solid and some hollow.

Emperor moths are found throughout the Palearctic region and in the British Isles. The males usually fly around during the day looking for females, which usually only fly at night. Odd, but the timing seems to work for the species. The female is larger (wingspan about 80 mm) but less brightly coloured than the male.

Fun browser shortcuts

Here are some fun browser shortcuts to make your browsing experience faster!

Be it for information or purchasing a product, most of us turn to the web. Net-surfing has become an important activity that we perform in our day-to-day lives. So, enhance your browsing experience with these browser shortcuts which work on most web browsers.

Ctrl+N – This opens the browser in a new window

Ctrl+Shift+N – This opens the browser in a new private/ incognito window. Browsing in the incognito mode will prevent the browser from maintaining a browsing history.

Ctrl+T – This opens a new tab in the same window, while Ctrl+W will close the existing tab.

Ctrl+H – This opens your browsing history in a new tab.

Ctrl+J – This combo opens your download history.

Ctrl+F5 – This is a forced refresh that will re-download the entire website and delete any existing cache.

Alt+Left arrow – This takes you to the previous webpage and Alt+Right arrow takes you one step forward in your browsing history.

Alt+Home – This combination takes you to the browser homepage.

Ctrl+1-8 – Counting from the left, this will open the tab relevant to the number you key in along with the Ctrl key.

Ctrl+Tab – This lets you shift to the next tab, while Ctrl+Shift+T will take you to the previous tab.

Ctrl+(plus) – This enables you to zoom into the page while Ctrl+minus will zoom out. Ctrl+0 will bring the viewing window back to the default size.

Ctrl+Enter – Just keying in the website name and hitting this combo will append www before the website name and .com after the website name. For example, typing ‘youtube’ and hitting Ctrl+Enter will give you ‘’ and take you to the site.

Based on the article, here is a fun memory game for you. Match the shortcuts with their functions.

Cool summer treat

A simple recipe that’s perfect to cool off with on a scorching day in summer.

Are you longing for something cool to refresh yourself on a hot summer’s day?  Well, instead of waiting for your mum to rustle up a short eat or a thirst-quencher, why not make it on your own? Follow these steps and make a delicious fruit popsicle. For a change, you can make it for your family too! Why not get started?