Women in Space

Did you know at least 64 women astronauts have travelled to space since 1960s. Here is a quiz on some outstanding space travellers? Can you identify them?

NASA’s Apollo 11 mission landed the first humans on the moon on July 20, 1969. Almost five decades later, the American space agency has announced that it will land the first woman on the lunar surface with its Artemis Mission in 2024. Women have been proving their mettle in space science since the 1960s. Here is a quiz on some prominent names. Find out how many questions you get right. Ready?

Seven times the fun!

The number seven is fascinating. And there are seven facts to prove it. Intrigued? Watch this video to find out…


Breathe in, breathe out…not difficult, right? But, in some parts of the world this isn’t an easy task. And, it’s because of air
pollution. Do you know which are the most polluted cities in the world? Find out…

In Gurugram, India, it is a common sight to see students in uniform with face masks. No, the face mask is not a part of the uniform, but is as important. It is worn in the hope of warding off breathing problems. Why? Because Gurugram has been declared as the world’s most polluted city, and the residents can well vouch for it. The city is
developing so fast that the construction industry is in a tizzy. More people also means more vehicles on the

In India, Gurugram is not the only city that falls in the “most polluted” category. Ghaziabad, Faridabad,
Bhiwadi, Noida, Patna and Lucknow are the other Indian cities that made it to the top 10 in the list. Pakistan is not far behind with Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore and Faisalabad making the list. Faisalabad was labelled the third most polluted city in the world. In the top 100 list of most polluted cities, most of them are from India and China.Bangladesh, Bahrain, Mongolia and Kuwait are some of the other countries that are in the top 100.

Here’s an exercise for you, the following cities are the top 10 most polluted cities in the world. Do you know which country they belong to?

Fun windows key shortcuts

Explore some fun keyboard shortcuts using the windows key, you never know when they might come in handy.

A keyboard shortcut, as the name suggests, is a shortcut for the execution of certain commands in the Operating System, web browser or any software. Instead of multiple clicks of the mouse button, a combination or sequence of two or more keys will take you immediately to the desired destination.

There are several keyboard shortcuts that help us execute tasks in half the time. Here, we introduce you to some keyboard shortcuts using the Windows key.

Use the slider to see what function the shortcut performs.

Creating a flutter

Expand your knowledge of birds through a memory game. By the way, all their names begin with the letter ‘H’.

Birds bring colour, song and beauty into our drab world. You can find them everywhere – in jungles, deserts, oceans, mountains, and even urban spaces! Though it’s not possible to see them all in their natural habitats, there are many ways through which we can learn more about birds.

Here’s a game that aims help you identify different birds and get to know fascinating facts about them. Have fun as you match the images and the names.

Hakuna Matata

25 years have gone by since you first saw Simba on screen. These pictures may look the same but are not, Spot the 6 differences.

It has been 25 years since we were introduced to this wonderful phrase. It means no worries for the rest of your days, it’s a problem-free philosophy — well, according to a famous meerkat and warthog duo that is.

June 15 marked 25 years since the classic, heart-wrenching and iconic Disney animated film The Lion King was released. Many of us grew up laughing, crying and singing along to the unforgettable film scores. It is one of those movies that is loved by children and grown-ups as well.

To celebrate the occasion, play this game and try and spot 6 differences between the two images.

Statescan – June 21, 2019

It’s been a happening week in India. India won the ICC World Cup match against Pakistan, but the heat wave is bringing a dry spell in various cities. What are some of the other news that India woke up to? Click here to find out.

A lot has been happening in India, while India has been performing rather well in the World Cup to a heat-wave and it’s effects on the people.

To find out more, click on the hotspots on the interactive map and read on to know what is happening in our country.

Playground choices

Playing outdoors is a brilliant way to enhance learning abilities, increase stamina and fitness, boost creativity and acquire social skills.

From watching television to playing games on your parents’ mobile phone there is enough to keep you sitting indoors. But do step outside, because not doing so can harm your development and health too.

When you go outside and play, first off it draws you closer to nature. Then you get to meet other kids and so develop your social skills giving an impetus to your creativity and imagination.

Playing outdoors must be a vital part of your growing years. Run, jump, fall, play, make a mess…that’s the fun of being a child.

Take a look at these pictures and guess the names of these equipment. Clue: They can be found in the playground.

Which Sound of Music Song are you?

Do Re Mi, 16 going on 17, The Hills are Alive….Ever wondered which song from this movie suits your personality? Let’s find out!

Let´s see if I can make it easy

A lot of us remember our musical notes because of this song from Sound Of Music. But some of you might feel that you connect more with other songs from the movie.

Have you ever wondered what song from Sound Of Music represents your personality the best? Take this quiz to find out

World Desertification Day

What is World Desertification Day? Is it a day to celebrate deserts, or is it something far different? Read on to discover more…

Say desert, and what comes to mind? Camels, yes. But also images of long stretches of sandy lands, with no water in sight, and parched days ahead, are sure to strike you. Now imagine, if the cities you lived in, turned into parched, dry and humid places.

Yes, this can happen, and it is called desertification. It is the degradation of land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas. Here’s a look at what brings about desertification, and how we can combat it.

Read through the slides to know more about it. Bonus: There’s a short quiz at the end of it