Celestial sights

This month is perfect for a variety of sightings, especially planets. So, take out your telescope, read through this checklist and keep your eyes trained on the sky for some amazing sights.

February may be a relatively short month but there is plenty to see in the night sky. The skies were the clearest on February 4, new moon day. The moon was located on the same side of the Earth as the sun and hence was not visible, because there was no moonlight to interfere.

Take a look here to see what else is in store in the February skies.

Lie or lay?

Do you know how to use lie and lay? If yes, how well are you able to apply it? Take this quiz to find out.

As the meanings for the verbs lay and lie are similar, peole often tend to confuse them. You use the verb lay when you want to place something, for ex. lay the cloth on the table. You use the verb lie when you want to rest or recline, for ex., the child wanted to lie beside his mother. Check out the various tenses for these verbs:

* lay (present), laid (past), and laid (past participle)

* lie (present), lay (past), and lain (past participle)

Water! Water!

Tina and I were having a whale of a time down in the garden, when Nalini barged in, shouting at us. We were taken by surprise. Read on to find out what happens…

Square off!

Shapes are everywhere. So are angles, lines, and curves. Take this geometry challenge to test how much you know about this intriguing subject.

Shapes, angles, lines, curves are everywhere! Even these letters are a combination of curves and line segments. The study of these shapes and their lengths, areas, and volumes is what comprises the subject of geometry. All professions including sports, construction, designing, sewing, and many more use geometry concepts.

How good is your knowledge of geometry? See for yourself with this quiz.

A note for a note

Do you have an eye for detail and a ear for music? Try playing this memory game and see how quickly you can match the cards.

There are several notes and symbols that musicians use while singing or playing an instrument. These notes help them read music.

Here’s a fun memory game for you. Match the notes.

Let’s make it better

Safer Internet Day is celebrated in February every year. Here are a few cyber hygiene tips for you to have a safe Internet experience.

When water meets land

February 2 is celebrated as International Wetlands Day. Take time to know this unique habitat which is also known as the Earth’s kidney.

A wetland is a place where the land is covered by water, either fresh or salt. Low-lying areas like marshes and ponds, edges around the lakes or oceans, and the delta at the mouth of a river are wetlands.They are known to support fauna— including mammals, birds and fish. They also support the cultivation of rice, a staple in the diet of half the world’s population. Wetlands serve as an ecosystem that help us in many ways — water filtration, storm protection, flood control and recreation. Without them, cities would have to spend more money to treat water for their citizens, floods would be recurrent and thereby more devastating, animals would be displaced.

Power play

Earth’s climate is changing, and temperatures are rising, resulting in the warming of oceans. Snow and ice are melting and sea levels are rising faster than recorded during any previous century. Increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and other greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere due to human activity are cited as a reason for this change. Increase in carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere causing a rise in air, water and soil temperatures. This affects wetlands, lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, oceans and ground waters. Wetlands play an important role in reducing the impact of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and cyclones. They act as a natural sponge, absorbing and storing excess rainfall and reducing flooding. During the dry season, they release the water stored, delaying the onset of droughts and reducing water shortages. The frequency of natural hazards has more than doubled; the majority is climate and weather related.

International Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is celebrated on February 2. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. It commemorates the need to maintain wetlands and to plan for their sustainable use. This year’s theme is “Wetlands and Climate Change”. It has been chosen to initiate action against the drainage of wetlands.

Here are some things you can do, to protect your ecosystem.

Have you read the story?

Be a sport!

If you love the outdoors and enjoy sports, then adventure sports is right up your alley! Learn about a few extreme sports pursued in India.

If outdoor sports excite you, then check out how much you know about sports in India. We have handpicked five blood-pumping adventure sports for you. Guess the answers and know more.

Young Chef 34 – Chickpea Falafel Recipe

Try your hand at making the crispiest and yummiest Falafel nuggets for you and your family

A yummy snack after school is the best thing to come home to. Why not try your hand at these yummy vadas this evening? Make sure you have adult supervision at all times.
Here’s what you need:

Drag the slider to see what to do. Make sure to use kitchen equipment in the presence of an adult.

In fine fettle

Physical activity reduces your chances of becoming obese. Here’s something for you and your friends to do at any time of the day.

What is the best way to remain fit? Here’s something for you and your friends to do at any time of the day. Races are the top favourite among kids anywhere. You could have the usual running race or get innovative and try your hand at an obstacle race, or egg and spoon race, three-legged race, a one-legged race or even a crab walk race. If racing is not for you then try jumping rope. This will give your legs and arms a good workout. Here are some suggestions for some fun games and you could get a workout too.

Unravel the images while reading about the activities.

Sack race

Organise a few sacks and get your friends to jump in. Now race to the finish line. This is a good cardio workout.


Do some weeding, pruning, planting…If you don’t have a garden, get some pots, mud, and saplings and get to work.


By far the simplest and the most fun-filled activity to do to get that daily cardio workout. Put on some music, gather some friends and dance.

Hula Hooping

Don’t you just love hula hoops? If you haven’t tried it as yet, try it now. You will not be able to stop.