Number sense

Do you know that one way of representing numbers is to use objects? Watch this video to learn how.

Number sense
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Ambassadors of the ocean

Did you know that March is Dolphin Awareness Month? Learn more about these marine mammals that are also friends of the human race.

Dolphins are the smartest marine animals and are known to interact with humans. However, their friendly nature has cost them dearly. Every year, thousands of dolphins are killed for their meat and blubber, which are sold on the black market. Another factor that is causing dolphin numbers to decline is marine pollution.

March is Dolphin Awareness Month, meant to celebrate and help create awareness of the need to save these big bubbly creatures of the sea. Let’s start with learning more about the different types of dolphins. Can you spot their names in the below grid?

Names to remember

The protagonist of a story stays with us long after we have finished the book. Most of them are unforgettable.

When you read a book, most often you are so taken with the characters in them that you become part of the story. You join them in their adventures and escapades. When the book is over, you cannot forget them. That’s because they have become your friends.

Here are a few such characters. Using the pictorial clue and the jumbled letters, can you unscramble the letters to find out who it is?

It’s different

The two images may look alike but they’re not. Can you make out how they’re different?

How sharp-eyed are you? Take this test. Look carefully at the two images and see if you can spot 12 differences between them.

Quiz Whizz – March 8, 2024

Quiz time! Can you get all these six questions right? Find out now.

Let’s finish the week with this set of questions. How many do you know the answer to?

Note the magic

Put on your thinking caps and get started. This is a fun puzzle and is sure to keep your mind engaged for some time.

Some of you may be familiar with music notes and some may not. But, to play this game, you do not need to know your crochets and your quavers. You just have to be smart.

Picdoku is a type of sudoku where the grid contains images. This puzzle is all about musical notes. Place them in the grid in such a way that each note appears only once in every row, column and 3*3 box.

League of legends

Sports fan? Guess who these legendary Indian sportspersons are by looking at their blurred photos.

Five sporting legends. Innumerable records. This task has the blurred images of some of the greatest Indian sportspersons to play their sport. Can you guess who they are?

Move the slider from the right to reveal the answer.

Photos: Getty Images, K. Murali Kumar, Ritu Raj Konwar, Ravindran R

What’s happening down under?

How much do you know about the Earth’s layers? Here’s a fun game to learn more.

We all know much about the Earth. But, how much do we know about its layers? Beginning at the centre, the Earth is made up of four layers: the inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust.

The crust: Thin, brittle, and cold, it is composed of light elements, especially oxygen, aluminium, and silica. However, its thickness varies. For instance, under the oceans, it may be as little as five kilometres while beneath the continents, it may be 30 to 70 kilometres thick.

Mantle: Around 3,000 kilometres thick, the mantle is Earth’s thickest layer. It starts about 30 kilometres beneath the surface and is composed mostly of iron, magnesium and silicon. It is dense, semi-solid, and hot.

The outer core: Made from iron and nickel in liquid form, it sits about 5,180 to 2,880 kilometres below the surface. Heated largely by the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, this liquid churns in turbulent currents, which generates electrical currents that create the Earth’s magnetic field.

The inner core: This is solid metal and has a radius of 1,220 kilometres. It is very dense and is made mostly of iron and nickel. It is also extremely hot at 5,400°C; almost as hot as the sun’s surface.

Fun fact: Barring the crust, no one has ever explored these layers in person. In fact, the deepest humans have ever drilled is just over 12 kilometres.

Here’s a fun game to see how much you’ve understood. Drag and drop the labels to see if you are able to correctly identify the different layers of the earth.

Mamma mia!

I’m the world’s favourite Italian plumber and March 10 is my day. Do you know why?

It’s a-me, Mario! March 10 is Mario Day. Guess why? Because MAR10 looks like MARIO. You’ve been playing my game, right? So let me tell you about myself.

Photos: AFP Photo, Nintendo via The New York Times

Women at the fore

How did International Women’s Day come to be and why do we celebrate it? Find out now.

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a celebrated every year on March 8. It is seen as a pivot around which the women’s rights movement revolved. It focuses on issues such as violence and abuse against women, gender equality, and more. But how did it all begin? Read on to find out.