Small and beautiful

With a long and impressive history behind it, Suriname is rich in its culture and traditions.

Suriname is the smallest country in South America but home to diverse cultures. Suriname falls in the northeastern Atlantic Coast. It is bordered by French Guiana to the east, Brazil in the south and Guyana in the west.


Suriname’s cuisine is inspired by varied cultures – India, Africa, Indonesia, Portuguese as well as Netherlands. Interestingly, since Suriname was a Dutch colony till 1970, the Dutch got Indonesian labourers to the country. Hence Moksi-alesi made of salted meat, shrimp/fish, vegetables and rice is a dish similar to Indonesian fried rice, nasi goreng.

Tropical climatic conditions bring in coconut and plantains. Bojo cake is a popular coconut dessert whipped up with coconut and cassava.

Proximity to the coast attracts seafood. There is a stockfish called ‘bakkeljauw’ that is dried unsalted fish used in Suriname cooking along with vegetables.

Pom, a Portuguese Jewish influence is a baked dish of chicken, vegetables and pomtajer (new cocoyam) root. But chicken and rice stands as the national dish of Suriname.


Dutch is the official language of Suriname. They also left behind their traces in the form of designing the modernist buildings between the years 1950 to 1970.

The Maroons are African descendants who were brought by the Dutch to work as labourers. They contributed in the field of art and are well known for their woodcarvings and paintings.

With the influx of Indians, folk music in Suriname at first was played with instruments like harmonium, tabla, dholak, dhantal and sitar. In addition, kaseko is a music style, which is a blend of European, American and African cultures. Cynthia Mcleod is a famous name in literature for her works on Suriname’s real historical evidences.Like other South American countries football is a popular sport along with basketball and volleyball.

On pointe

Have you ever seen a ballet performance? It is a dance form that takes a lot of practice and dedication. Read on to find out more and play a fun memory game.

Ballet is a type of dance. But how do you pronounce it? It’s not said like ‘bal-let’ Instead it’s said like ‘bal-lay’. It is a French word, but it originated during the Italian renaissance in the 15th century, however it became really popular in France.

Ballet can be very strict and formal. There are many techniques used by the dancers during the performance. It is also very difficult to master these techniques and takes lots of practice. If it is done well it can be very beautiful to watch. Ballet through its dance, mime and music tells a story, perhaps stories with heroes and villains. Costumes play a very important role as well in ballet, as they help in telling the story to the audience.

Here’s a fun memory game which shows some of the different ballet technique’s and movements. How quickly can you match them all?

‘Tis about survival – 2

The jungle is a maze and though animals live there, they need to be on high alert all the time as there are predators lurking everywhere. How would they save themselves?

Heart of teaching

Celebrating the tutor in films is but a tribute to this great profession. This Teachers’ Day, let’s make it special for our mentors who mould us. Take a look at few from reel life.

Celebrating the tutor in films is but a tribute to this great profession. This Teachers’ Day, let’s make it special for our mentors who mould us.

The role of an influential teacher can never be underplayed. The young protagonists in these movies are made because of this one special teacher who puts himself or herself out for them.

Let’s take a look at some heroes of the silver screen.

Click on ‘turn’ to read more about each movie. Click on the arrow to move to the next one.

Changing lives

Teachers are everywhere but it takes a brilliant one to change your life, as can be seen in these real life stories. Find out about the guiding hands behind these achievers.

Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world, says Malala Yousafzai, who as a 15-year-old, almost never completed her schooling. The emphasis on education and more so the teacher can never be underestimated. Let’s take a look at some people who say it was a teacher who made the difference.
A coin to collect
Ramakant Achrekar placed a one-rupee coin on the stumps. The bowler who got the batsman dismissed would “win” the coin. If the batsman survived the session, then he would “win” the coin. In all, the little boy won 13 coins. This was none other than Sachin Tendulkar. His most prized possession? The 13 one-rupee coins.Tendulkar talks of a time when his coach told him to play for the B team at school. Instead of batting, he sat in the gallery and cheered his schoolmates. That evening, Achrekar asked him how many runs he had scored. Tendulkar told him he had been cheering his team on and never did get down to batting. The reprimand he earned would last him a life time. In the end he was told, “don’t just clap for others, play for yourself and concentrate on your batting”. This incident he says changed his life forever.

Spoken aloud
You may write me down in historyWith your bitter, twisted lies, You may tread me in the very dirtBut still, like dust, I’ll rise,” wrote Maya Angelou, powerful poet and civil rights activist. Cut back to her younger days and you will see a life of torment and darkness…one, so severe that it stole her voice. The physical and emotional abuse she suffered at the hands of a family member caused her to become mute.Bertha Flowers, a teacher and family friend brought Angelou out of the depths of her agony by introducing her to the works of Dickens, Frances Harper, Anne Spencer, Shakespeare, Poe and others of their ilk. These writers influenced her personal and professional philosophies.

Google “Bill Gates” and you come up with a Wikipedia page that begins “William Henry Gates III KBE is an American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, humanitarian, and principal founder of Microsoft Corporation.”But, what few people know is that he was an introvert and would have remained that way had it not been for his librarian when he was in Seattle’s View Ridge Elementary, in fourth-grade. Blanche Caffiere it was, who changed his world forever. In his blog he writes: When I first met Mrs. Caffiere, she was the elegant and engaging school librarian at Seattle’s View Ridge Elementary, and I was a timid fourth grader. I was desperately trying to go unnoticed, because I had some big deficits, like atrocious handwriting … and I was trying to hide the fact that I liked to read—something that was cool for girls but not for boys … Mrs. Caffiere took me under her wing and helped make it okay for me to be a messy, nerdy boy who was reading lots of books.”

Let’s talk
Today, Emily Blunt is a Golden Globe nominee and successful stage actress. But from seven to 14 she had a terrible stutter…one so terrible that she could not hold a proper conversation. In an interview she said, “I was a smart kid and had a lot to say, but I just couldn’t say it. I never thought I’d be able to sit and talk to someone like I’m talking to you right now.” The thanks for this would go to her junior high teacher who helped her overcome her fear of speaking by encouraging her to try out for the school play. At first, Blunt refused. But, the teacher persisted. She coaxed her into taking acting lessons and experimenting with different accents and character voices to express herself. Now, she is not only a successful actor, but also a member of the board of directors for the American Institute for Stuttering.

Leading stars
Sometimes, you find your teachers closer home. When Indra (Nooyi)and Chandrika (Tandon) were growing up, their mother would assign them a task each at the dinner table. They had to write a speech about what they would do if they were a president or a chief minister or a prime minister. Every day would be a different world leader. When dinner was done, they had to give a speech and she would decide who to vote for. Maybe it was a fun end-of-day activity, or may be it was serious. But, it turned out to be formative, for it taught the girls to dream big, and gave them the confidence to become whoever they wanted. Chandrika became a partner at McKinsey, then a bank turnaround consultant and then a Grammy nominated musician. Nooyi rose to the top of the American multinational giant PepsiCo.

None, no one

Do you know how to use none and no one? If yes, how well are you able to apply it? Take this quiz to find out.

Using the words none and no-one can be tricky. Do you know exactly when to use them?

A-MAZE-ing Way

Quick! A roman warrior needs your help! How good are you with your roman numerals? Find out in this game…

The roman warrior wants to grab the treasure hidden inside the castle. In order to get to the castle, he has to take the path over the Roman numerals. Help him find the right path.

Calm and majestic

The Yoga Jungle seems to be buzzing even more as the animals gear up for some fun. And what’s more, the animals learn two asanas instead of one! Find out which ones.

Yoga is a wonderful way of destressing and countering the pressures of school, friends, sports, and life in general. You feel strong, flexible and full of confidence. The best part is that yoga is non-competitive, which means that you do it just for yourself! You connect more deeply with yourself. You become aware of your body, of all the muscles that are stretching, bending, contracting… making you stronger, and filling you with self-esteem. Yoga brings to the surface that marvellous inner light that all of you have, so spread that yoga mat, and try some poses that our friends from Yoga Jungle are waiting to teach you!

The story so far: Bunny Rabbit and her friends — Geeya the Giraffe, Dimpy the Duck, Vriksha the Tree, Ellie the Elephant, and of course, the monkeys — have been enjoying the sunny days in Yoga Jungle. We saw them running around, playing hide ‘n’ seek, getting exhausted and finally relaxing (in Shashankasana. Rejuvenated, they soon jumped up and started teasing each other. At the end of the day, Vriksha the Tree taught them about balance (the Vrikshasana). What are they up to today?


“Race you to the top of the hill!” shouted Bunny Rabbit, and dashed off towards the majestic mountain.

The other animals enthusiastically joined the race, even good old Turtle Tom, with his slow ponderous march. Everyone had overtaken Turtle Tom even before the race started, except Ellie the Elephant. She was just a baby, remember?

“Come on, Ellie!” Bunny Rabbit could have easily won the race, but she kept stopping from time to time to let her friend catch up. Ellie was huffing and puffing. Dimpy the Duck overtook him with her funny duck-walk. Then Fergo the Frog hopped past. Canto the Caterpillar too crept along with his wavy movement. But Ellie didn’t mind as long as her friend Bunny was with her.

Far in the distance, Heigh Ho the horse had already galloped to the summit. Soon, all the others reached the top. The view was breathtaking. All the animals became quiet as they gazed at the beautiful streams flowing through the greenery of the forest. They admired the mountain too, for his majesty and calmness. No sound was heard except for the cool breeze that blew gently over the mountain.Suddenly they heard a rumbling from deep within the mountain.

“Let me answer that!” said Simba the Lion. He assumed the posture best suited for roaring and let out a thunderous ROAR!

Be happy

An even louder rumble came from the mountain, so loud that the Earth itself seemed to shake!“Is it an earthquake?” Geeya panicked.

“No,” rumbled the mountain. “I am Parvata Raja, and you are sitting on me!”

“Oh sorry!” said Bunny Rabbit, jumping up in remorse. “We didn’t know where else to…”

“Ha ha ha, it’s okay!” rumbled Parvata Raja. “I don’t mind in the least. But Mr. Lion King, you really need to calm down!”

Simba grinned and said, “A roar must be answered with a roar!”

Parvata Raja said, “Here is a way to attain calmness and majesty at once!”

All the animals followed the mountain and sat in the majestic pose.

Note: This fun yoga series only aims to create awareness, and not teach yoga. One must learn yoga ONLY from a qualified teacher. Yoga must always be done on an empty stomach.

Statescan – August 31, 2018

Arrests, the need to protect monuments, earthquakes, relief operations and more… What has made news this week?

There has been a lot happening around the country. In a startling move, the Pune police on Tuesday raided the homes of several activists and arrested Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, civil liberties activist Gautam Navlakha, trade union activist Sudha Bharadwaj and Telugu poet Varavara Rao for alleged links to the Communist Party of India-Maoist. In environment news, the Supreme Court has said that the need to protect the Taj Mahal is the need of the hour. And that means taking care of everything around the mausoleum commissioned by the Mughal emperor.

Click on the hotspots to see what else is happening in other parts of the country.

Fantastic Fables – Contest

Gobblefunk, swishwifflingly, scrumdiddlyumptious, jumbly… recognise these words? Here’s your chance to tell the world your favourite Roald Dahl story!