Let’s divide and conquer

Do you find division difficult? Here are some simple tips that can help you ace your sums.

Five tips to help solve division problems

Understand the Problem: Read the sum carefully and make sure you understand what you need to find. Identify the dividend (the number being divided) and the divisor (the number you are dividing by).

Use Multiplication: If you’re struggling with division, try using multiplication instead. For example, if you need to divide 36 by 6, think about what number multiplied by 6 equals 36.

Estimate: Sometimes, you can estimate the quotient to make the problem easier. Round the numbers to the nearest multiples and then divide. For example, if you need to divide 75 by 3, you can estimate that 75 is close to 72, which is divisible by 3. So, the quotient is around 24.

Break it Down: Break the problem down into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, if you need to divide 48 by 4, you can think of it as dividing 40 by 4 (which equals 10) and then dividing 8 by 4 (which equals 2). So, the overall quotient is 10 + 2 = 12.

Practice Your Multiplication Tables: Knowing your multiplication tables well can make division much easier. If you’re struggling with a division problem, try using multiplication to check your answer or to find the quotient more quickly.

Remember, practice makes perfect! The more you practise solving division problems, the easier it will become. Now, give these problems a go.

Ear and there

How do we hear sounds from the world around us? Through our ears, of course.

Ear and there
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Got a sweet tooth?

Where did these sweets originate from? Fill the grid with the names of the countries using the dessert as a clue.

We happily wolf down eclairs, payasam, kaju katli, cheesecakes, pies and more. But do you know where these sweets come from? Here is an activity to tell you all about that. Can you identify the country of origin of these popular desserts? Go on, try your hand at it.

Eminent personalities

For the first time, five people received the Bharat Ratna award this year. Do you know who they are?

The Bharat Ratna is India’s highest civilian honour. It is conferred on eminent personalities as a token of appreciation to their remarkable contributions in their field of work.

Instituted on January 2, 1954, the award is conferred in recognition of “exceptional service/performance of the highest order”, without distinction of race, occupation, position or gender. Initially, the award was limited to achievements in the arts, literature, science, and public services. But, in December 2011, the Government of India expanded the criteria to include “any field of human endeavour”.

This year, for the first time, five people were awarded the Bharat Ratna. The most number of awardees in one year until now was in 1999, when there were four. Do you know this year’s winners?

Faster than sound

The first supersonic airliner to enter service, the Concorde flew passengers across the Atlantic at twice the speed of sound.

Concorde was a supersonic airliner, the construction of which began in November 1962. The first flight took off from Toulouse on March 2, 1969. Its tailless aircraft design with a narrow fuselage allowed four passengers to be seated abreast and had the capacity to seat up to 128 people. Four Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus 593 turbojets with variable engine intake ramps allowed it to maintain a supercruise up to Mach 2.04 (2,170 km/h) at an altitude of 60,000 ft.

Designed and built by Aérospatiale of France and the British Aircraft Corporation, the Concorde was the first major cooperative venture between the two countries. A treaty was signed on November 29, 1962, to share costs and risks in producing the airliner. While British Aerospace and the French firm Aérospatiale constructed the airframe, Britain’s Rolls Royce and France’s Société Nationale d’Étude et de Construction de Moteurs d’Aviation (SNECMA) developed the jet engines.

On September 26, 1973, the Concorde made its first transatlantic crossing. On January 21, 1976, the world’s first scheduled supersonic passenger service was inaugurated: British Airways flew the aircraft from London to Bahrain and Air France flew from Paris to Rio de Janeiro. In 1976, two additional services — to Washington D.C. and to New York — were introduced. Other routes were added temporarily or seasonally, and chartered flights were flown to destinations across the globe.


Though the Concorde crossed the Atlantic in less than four hours, operating costs were high, which led to a hike in fares. This meant not many people could afford it. The resultant financial loss meant that routes had to cut down. Finally only New York remained as a regular destination.

The Concorde saga came to an end in 2003, when both Air France and British Airways stopped operations in May and October respectively. Earlier, in 2000, an Air France flight from Paris to New York had crashed shortly after take off, killing all 109 people on board. In the 27 years of operations, this was the only fatal accident that a Concorde suffered. After ceasing operations, Air France donated a Concorde aircraft to the National Air and Space Museum, honouring an agreement it had signed in 1998.

Photos: Wikimedia Commons

Starlit serenade

This month’s night sky offers a captivating display of celestial wonders for stargazers and astronomers.

The biting cold paves the way for a newer Spring. In March 2024, there will be lots of exciting things to see in the night sky for stargazers. You can see beautiful lights like the Zodiacal Light and enjoy events like the Messier Marathon. With the spring equinox, you’ll have equal day and night, and you can spot many galaxies, constellations, and planets in the sky. It’s going to be an amazing month for looking at the stars!

Time to get fit

Learn about fitness as you solve this crossword. Can you complete the whole grid?

Keeping fit is not only essential, its also mandatory. Make sure you practise some sport, or go for a walk. Exercising will not only keep you physically fit, it will also keep you mentally active. Solve this crossword to know more about fitness.

All American hero

Since 1941, I have been fighting the evil forces along with other superheroes. Want to know more? Read on…

Part of the Marvel Universe, I have been around since 1941. That makes me 80+ and I’m still going strong. I’m Captain America, and this is my story.

Marine mystery

When a lifeless sea turtle washes ashore, a murder mystery emerges. There are suspects everywhere.

Beneath the sun-kissed skies of a tropical Costa Rican beach lies the lifeless body of a majestic green sea turtle. A closer examination reveals wounds around the neck and a mysterious puncture mark at the rear. The crime scene is set, raising haunting questions about the circumstances leading to her demise.

The suspects

As investigators dive into the depths, they encounter a gallery of suspects that populate the ocean’s realm. Sharks, known apex predators, lurk in the shadows. Their sharp teeth and sleek bodies stand for the danger that surrounds the victim. Killer whales, intelligent and formidable, add another layer of complexity. Venomous jellyfish and sea snakes, with their delicate yet lethal tentacles, hover as potential culprits. Even the seemingly benign and beautiful coral is a suspect. Did a big fish (a sailfish or marlin) confuse the turtle for prey? Were the holes in the head caused by a crocodile? Or was it a human diver attempting to spear the turtle?

Not far away, the sandy shores have tracks imprinted in the soft terrain. Could these tracks belong to big cats, stealthily patrolling the coastline, waiting for the opportune moment to strike? This clue holds the key to unravelling the mystery.

The truth emerges

The investigation reveals a tale of stealthy hunters and cautious nesters. Cats, creatures of the night, prowl the coastal landscape during the same night-time hours that green turtles choose to nest. During the egg-laying phase, turtles are deeply focused and oblivious to their surroundings. And a jaguar seized the opportunity; a fierce bite to hold the turtle’s head left deep holes in her skull.

This sudden and dramatic interaction between predator and prey highlights the vulnerability of the green sea turtle during its nesting stage and the perpetual cycle of renewal that defines the wild, and underscores the delicate balance and resilience of nature.

Two months later, the once-silent beach comes alive with the emergence of hatchlings. These tiny turtles symbolise the triumph of new beginnings, showcasing the enduring spirit of life against the backdrop of adversity.

Turtle talk

Green turtles are known for their incredible navigational abilities that allow them to travel thousands of miles between their feeding and nesting grounds.

Did you know that each green turtle has a distinct and unique shell pattern? Researchers use these patterns to identify and track individual turtles in the wild.

Green turtles are impressively long lived, with individuals capable of living for more than 80 years.

Time for a puzzle! It’s just like a Sudoku, but instead of numbers you have some creatures that live in the ocean depths. Can you fill the grid in such a way that each creature appears only once in every row, every column and every 2*3 grid?