Birds, animals, plants … all things from Nature. Check out your knowledge of the world around you with this crossword.
This is a crossword about the various things found in the natural world: animals, insects, birds, plants and more. Use the picture and text clues to see if you can find the answers.
Great stories don’t just happen; they are built carefully. Watch this video to find out what elements go into making a story.

What are communicable and non-communicable diseases? Learn more from this set of six questions.
Flu, fever, diabetes, cancer…. all of them are diseases but not all of them are the same. Some spread from one person to the other while others don’t. Learn more about them from this fun game.
Theatre and cinema are synonymous with entertainment. How many words can you make out of this word flower?
There are some words that are intrinsically linked with the theatre. Some of them are curtain, show time, green room, costumes, cinema, dialogue, song, dance, and backstage. In this word flower activity, the word used is ‘CINEMA”, with M as the central character. How many words (four letter and longer) can you make out of this word? Make sure there is an M in every word.
It’s Quiz Time, folks! Put on your thinking caps and guess the answers to these questions.
An end-of-the week quiz to keep your grey cells working. How many of these questions do you know the answer to?
Why is February known as Black History Month in the U.S.? Find out by watching this video.

Featuring four pioneering women in Science who paved the way for their sisters to follow in their footsteps…
February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We feature four pioneers who paved the way for their sisters to follow in their footsteps. Read on.
Here is a crossword that brings you closer to your daily newspaper. Try your hand at it and see if you can solve the grid.
How much do you know about what goes into bringing out the daily newspaper? Solve this crossword to find out.
Eight teams are competing for the Champions Trophy 2025. Keep an eye on the schedule of matches and dates.
Make your parents feel special this Valentine’s Day by giving them a special card to show them how much you love them.