Globescan – Dec 1, 2017

Here is the latest news from various countries across the globe! Read on and stay updated!

Stay updated with the latest happenings around the world! Click on the hotspots to read more about the recent news in various countries.

Quiz Whizz – 10

It’s time to put your thinking caps back on! Try out this general knowledge crossword…

Test your general knowledge with this exciting crossword!

Theremin Image: By Hutschi – Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, | Chronos Image: By Rufus46 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,| Santoor Image: By gurmatsangeetorg – Santoor, CC BY 2.0,

Against All Odds

One of these words doesn’t belong with the others. Which one is it? Try this ‘healthy’ odd-one-out!

One doesn’t belong with the others. Can you identify which of these health-related terms is an odd one out from the rest?

Click on the one that doesn’t belong.

Breads around the World – 1

If you go to the display window of a bakery, you will see different types of bread. Here are a few from around the world…

Walk into any bakery or patisserie and you will find a variety of breads. It is after all, one of the oldest artificial foods. Having been of importance since the dawn of agriculture, it is popular around the world. Let’s see if you can guess some of these breads made in various countries…

Famous Moustaches

It’s almost the end of ‘Movember’ and appropriately, let’s take a look at some famous ‘moustaches’ from the animal kingdom…

‘Movember’ is a combination of ‘Mo’ for moustache and ‘November’ and coined to raise awareness on men’s health. This time, we shall look at a few famous moustaches from other species! Can you guess the animals whom the whiskers belong to?

Miniatur Wunderland – 1

Ever wanted to create train sets? Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg is one of the world’s largest model railway and the most visited permanent exhibit in Northern Germany…

Have you been interested in building train sets and backdrops? One of the most wonderful train and railway exhibits – the Miniatur Wunderland has been steadily growing. Work on the first ‘theme world’ started on December 15th, 2000 and finished on August 16th, 2001. The most recent theme world – Italy was opened on September 28th, 2016. Further theme worlds have been planned until 2028. Take a look…

That looks amazing! We’ll explore a bit more in the next article!

What’s in a Name?

Learn how to pronounce the wonderfully unique names of these cities and towns around the world!

Bustling capital cities, quaint little towns, remote snowcapped regions… all the places in this list have one thing in common – they have wonderfully unique names. Scroll through these slides and learn how to pronounce these unusual names!

On The Battlefield

Victory or defeat? Several decisive battles have shaped the history of the world as we know it. Find out if you can pick the winning side correctly!

Over many centuries and generations, many countries have had to face battles and wars. Here are some famous battles from history; do you know who was on the winning side? Try this quiz to find out…

Click on the correct answers!

1. The Battle of Waterloo (1815) was between the French Empire, led by Napolean Bonaparte, and two of the armies from the Seventh Coalition – the United Kingdom and Prussia. Who won this battle?

2. The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the many battles during the American Civil War. It was fought between the Confederate States Army (known as the Confederate States) and the Union Army (known as the United States) in 1863. Who lost this battle?

3. The Battle of Plassey took place between the British East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies in 1757. Who was the victor in this battle?

4. The First Battle of Panipat occured between the invading forces of Babur and the Lodi Kingdom in 1526. Who lost the battle marking the beginning of the Mughal Empire?

5. World War II was one of the deadliest conflicts in human history that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The war was between the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) and the Allied Powers (Britain, France, USA and other countries). Of the two powers, who won?

Meet Coco and the Crew!

Introducing Coco, Disney’s latest animated film. Read on to find out more about this quirky movie and check out the cool downloadables!