Change of Address

Enter this quick flashback and guess the old names of these Indian cities! What is Mysore called now?

This crossword is all about the old names of Indian cities!

Photos: V Ganesan, M Karunakaran, RV Moorthy | The Hindu Archives

Home and Away

Houses are built differently in different regions. Take a look at homes people around the world live in…

A Scandinavian cabin or a lake house in Myanmar? A farmhouse in summer or a chalet in winter? Watch the video to see how houses differ in terms of region and season…

Under The Spotlight

Learn more about one of the key elements in theatre: lighting! It’s more than just turning the lights on and off…

Lighting is a very important part of theatre. Low lighting can make the scene very dramatic whereas bright lighting can seem happier or more casual. Take the quiz below to learn more about different lighting for theatre.

Click on the answer you think is correct.

Globescan – November 17, 2017

Here’s your fix of news from the week gone by! Make sure your stay updated and aware.

Click on the hotspots to read the latest news from around the world!

On The Shelf – 5

Get spooked or go on an epic underwater journey! Add on to your library with these fascinating books!

Add to your personal library with these exciting books! Go through the shelf and click on the hotspots to read more about each book.

Rebus for You!

We’re back with more rebus puzzles! Give it a go and try to solve these clues.

A rebus is an interesting way of depicting a word or phrase. Let’s see if you can solve these rebus puzzles!

Try guessing the words or phrases from the clues in the picture.

Great going!

Various shades of Vincent

Did you know that they recently found a grasshopper stuck in one of Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings? Learn more!

One of the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art would have to be Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890). The Dutch painter, in just over a decade, created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings (most of them in the last two years of his life).

His art include landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterised by bold colours and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. Roll over the images to know more…

Some of his works such as ‘Painter on the Road to Tarascon’,  August 1888 were destroyed by fire in the Second World War. Understandably, Van Gogh’s works are among the world’s most expensive paintings and even now, there is constant study of his works. Recently, an art conservator came across a grasshopper submerged in paint while looking at Van Gogh’s Olive Trees with a microscope!

Sources : Wikimedia Commons

Universal Children’s Day

November 20 is Universal Children’s Day. Find out what the theme for this year is and how you can make a difference…

Social And Voluntary Organisations And Initiatives – 5

Animal welfare has been at the forefront of issues these days. Let’s look at some of the organisations that have been around for a while…

Organisations that deal with animal welfare and rights are interesting to volunteer or work for. It’s also important to differentiate between animal welfare and animal rights.

Animal welfare is concerned with the health, safety and psychological wellness of animals. It may be an animal rescue group which helps individual animals in distress or may be many animals of a kind suffering from some epidemic. This is different from an animal rights group. Although some groups may belong to both categories, an animal rights group goes beyond the welfare of individual animals to advocate for the rights of animals to be treated in a certain way, such as not to be abused, or used for medical research, sport, food, or clothing. Here are a few interesting questions for you…

Source: Wikipedia | Wikimedia Commons