Here are some interesting visual questions from the field of sports! Take a crack at them!
There’s always something about numbers when it comes to sports and games. Even indoor games such as chess and pool have something to pick your brain! Take a shot at these visual questions, the answers to each are numbers!
Some interesting numbers there! Hope you enjoyed it! See you soon!
How quickly do you think you can spot the differences between these images? Try out this interactive puzzle!
There are many cultures from around the world that are associated with festivities where people wear elaborate and intricate costumes. Here are some costumes from countries around the world. Look at the two images carefully and spot the differences! Look closely…
1. Thai

2. Bolivian

3. Native American Indian

Here is the latest news from various countries across the globe! Read on and stay updated!
Stay updated with the latest happenings around the world! Click on the hotspots to read more about the recent news in various countries.
It’s time to decipher some more coded messages. Grab a pencil and paper and read on to get started!
Are you ready for a new way to write coded messages? The following codes have words written in them. Decipher them by noting down every letter in even positions (that is the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th letter and so on).
It’s time to decipher some more coded messages. Grab a pencil and paper and read on to get started!
Are you ready for a new way to write coded messages? The following codes have names of authors written in them. Decipher them by first noting down every letter in the even position (that is, the 2nd, 4th, 6th letter and so on), and then the letters in the odd position (that is, the 1st, 3rd, 5th letter and so on).
Let’s first look at some digital instruments and music apps and later how sound created digitally actually sounds!
As technology develops, we see ourselves moving slowly from a mechanical and analog world into a technology-based and digital one. Let’s take a look at how this transition has affected the world of music through this video…
These days, there are quite a few digital instruments that we see substituting analog ones. A few of the popular ones are shown below. Some of these need to be used with a computer/tablet application (app) to work effectively.
That’s a lot of instruments! We shall look at some of these applications (apps) over this series. See you soon!
Ever wondered why a football or a cricket ball moves through the air or ‘swings’ the way it does?
August saw two important days – the World Lion Day (10 Aug) and the World Elephant Day (12 Aug) dedicated to the two significant creatures…
The declining numbers of both Lions and Elephants have been a cause for concern in the recent past. The World Lion Day on 10 Aug and the World Elephant Day on 12 Aug were important days to raise awareness and recognise the importance of these animals to their ecosystems!
Let’s see if you can crack this short quiz related to these two wonderful animals!
Did you know that the crow once had beautiful rainbow-coloured feathers? Watch this video story for more.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a humanitarian institution. Let’s take a look…
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) under international humanitarian law was set up to protect the life and dignity of the victims of international and internal armed conflicts. Read on…