D’Art of Science – 1

Want to make your own flying spinners? You can try with paper cups, plastic bottles and even drink cans! Take a look…

Welcome to the series on D’Art of Science. Art is an individual’s expression, in the medium that one has mastered. The idea is to help you understand science that well that you can present it in your own way. Watch this video to learn to make a flying spinner!

We love science and showcase the fun side of it, but then we also back it up with the serious stuff. For more interesting experiments, you can visit www.dartofscience.com

Life Skills through Sports – 2

An important quality of a leader is responsibility. In school, there are various leadership roles that you get to play. Let’s learn to be responsible!

Design for Change 2

All of us are unique and have different strengths. What is your Super-Power? Understand the Super-Powers of Feel, Imagine, Do and Share!

People in Space

Ever wanted to go into space? Let’s go back in history and look at a few people who went into space from the 1960s to the 1980s!

If you want to be an astronaut or a cosmonaut, this timeline will provide some inspiration through a few people who went into space from the 1960s to the 1980s!

Speak Easy – 2

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities, help develop your confidence and communication. So what are the activities that you should be participating in?

Mighty Mom’s Day Forever

Celebration of ‘Mother’s Day’ and the story the American woman who spent her life to ensure that ‘Mother’s Day’ was honoured as a national holiday.

Learn Science through Sports – Jr. 1

Lenses are an important aspect of daily life along with mirrors. Let’s look at how lenses are used, along with their important quality of magnification.

Herbs and Spices – Health Quiz

Learn about some interesting herbs and spices through this quiz. You might already know a few of them, but their origin is quite interesting too!

The Fields Medal for Young Mathematicians

The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to mathematicians under 40, at the International Congress of the International Mathematical Union, a meeting that takes place every four years.

Toys from Trash – Intro

Toys from Trash helps children explore their natural creative instincts, intuitively using ordinary throwaway stuff – plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, newspapers and more.