Pause and refresh
Frustrated with homework? Feel drained out? Taking a brain break can help you feel refreshed.
Frustrated with homework? Feel drained out? Taking a brain break can help you feel refreshed.
How much do you know about the world around you? Find out with this quiz.
Time to get your grey cells going with this set of six questions.
Can you find out all the ingredients that go into making this refreshing cold soup?
Have you heard of Gazpacho? It is a no-cook, cold soup made of raw vegetables blended together. Consumed widely in Spain and Portugal, it’s light, cool and refreshing, making it perfect for hot and sweltering summers.
Learn more about James Watt, whose work on the Newcomen steam engine gave a boost to the Industrial Revolution.
James Watt was born on January 19, 1736, at Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. His father was the treasurer and magistrate of Greenock and ran a successful ship and house-building business. Watt’s best years of learning were at his father’s workshops where he had his own tools, bench and forge. Read on to learn more about him and how he contributed to the Industrial Revolution.
Play around with these letters to find as many words as you can! Get started now.
Wordflower for you! There’s a main word and then there are many words that can be built using it. The trick is to keep the central letter in all of them. While there are many possibilities, we have limited them to seven, six and five letter words. Go on!
The post of President of India was established in 1950 when India was declared a republic and the Indian Constitution was adopted.
The President of India is the head of state of the Republic of India and the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces. The President is referred to as the First Citizen of India. Although vested with these powers by the Constitution of India, the position is largely a ceremonial one and executive powers are de facto exercised by the Prime Minister.
Since the post was established, there have been 15 presidents. Apart from them, three acting presidents have also been in office for short periods of time. Varahagiri Venkata Giri became the acting president in 1969 after Zakir Husain died in office. Giri was elected President a few months later. He remains the only person to have held office both as a President and acting president. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, is the only person to have held office for two terms.
Here is a list of the Presidents of India. Can you arrange them in the correct order from the first President to the current one?
Did you know that you can connect the Avengers to scientific careers? Read on to find out how.
Scientists are truly superheroes trying to save our world. Doesn’t that make them like the Avengers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Here are some careers that can make you an Avenger in the world of Science. Which of the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes would you like to be?
Illustrations: K.G. Rangarajan
How good is your knowledge of sports? Find out by matching the ball with the right sport.
Ours is a diverse nation with multiple interests, and our love for sports is no different. We play several sports, each more thrilling than the other, more so when we consider those that involve using the ball. How many do you know of? Here is a fun game that lets you test your knowledge of the various balls. Match the ball to the right sport.
Some musicians are so connected to their instruments that they are almost inseparable. This crossword is about such maestros.
There’s more to music than singing. Instruments play a big role in the overall musical experience of the listener. And there are some musicians who are so good with their specific instruments that it practically becomes a part of their personality. This crossword is about such masters. Fill the grid with the names of the instruments these musicians are known for.
Why are oceans important to the Earth’s survival? What kind of life do they support? Watch this video to find out.